Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2012-04-11

Post 885: Pink Tutu Prague - A Ballet Bonanza!

Hello lovelies! Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-clad ballerina blogger, and this week I'm waltzing my way through the cobbled streets of Prague!

This stunning city, nestled on the Vltava River, is just the perfect setting for my latest adventures. With its historic architecture, enchanting bridges and buzzing atmosphere, Prague has definitely captured my heart - and I've already managed to get myself lost a few times! (But don't worry, I always seem to find my way back to a gorgeous cake shop! This time it was filled with chocolate, cherry, and buttercream - all shades of pink, of course! )

Prague, you see, has always been a city of enchantment, even more so to a ballet dancer like me! The history is practically dancing in the air! Just think - the graceful swans of the "Swan Lake", the heart-wrenching passion of "Romeo and Juliet", the ethereal lightness of "Giselle", all born from a history rich in theatrical beauty.

And to be honest, you wouldn’t need to look far to find this history at the Prague National Theatre. From its magnificent Art Nouveau interiors to the grandeur of the building itself, this theatre screams ballet history - the sort of history I just can't get enough of!

Talking of getting enough of things, I was utterly spoilt by the sheer amount of tutus on offer at the "Ballet Boutique" which is conveniently nestled around the corner from my favourite Prague cafe. Now, you can imagine the amount of joy (and frankly, sheer glee) that an explosion of silk, lace and sequins does to a ballet-loving soul. I swear, I nearly went into a full arabesque in the shop! But instead, I managed to behave myself, and instead, simply ended up with three (very, very gorgeous!) pink tutus that are already begging for a stage appearance. I even persuaded my dear, dear (but not-so-ballet-obsessed) Mum, to go pink with a stunning silk number - and frankly, it looks positively fabulous! (Maybe it’s finally catching on!)

Speaking of performances, this Wednesday (because you already know my ballet loving soul posts weekly, on Wednesdays!), I'm taking Mum to see the Prague Ballet perform at the beautiful Hybernia Theatre!

Hybernia is a real stunner – the architecture alone will take your breath away! Imagine ornate ceilings, luxurious velvet seats, and walls adorned with delicate mosaics – just the kind of ambiance that makes ballet feel truly special! The last time I was here, I was so entranced by a performance of “Sleeping Beauty,” it’s one of my most vivid travel memories! The ballerina dancing Aurora had such a graceful presence. I was just completely lost in her elegant movements and she was wearing such a stunning tutu (a beautiful lilac design!) And now my dream is coming true again to watch them in a whole new, spellbinding production, which I think this week is called “La Fille Mal Gardée"

To celebrate my arrival in the City of Hundred Spires (yes, it's a real thing!) I also wanted to do something a bit more adventurous – so I rode on a pony! Yes, you read that right! This gorgeous creature, named Bella (a true pink tutu name! ) is part of the magical world of Prague’s Charles Bridge, and she patiently carried me past the majestic castle and the quirky street musicians. And even though I wouldn't recommend this particular "travel mode" to everyone, the magical feeling of Prague made it extra special. It just felt, somehow, utterly romantic, as I imagined myself in a ballet, set on the Bridge of Legend (or even a tutu-wearing princess riding her majestic, pink unicorn!)

You'll never guess where I found the "ballet inspiration" to even think about a pony riding performance - on the very impressive Instagram page for the beautiful, and frankly, extremely talented ballerina Mia Michaela! Her posts have really been inspiring my tutu outfits for Prague. So if you want to check out the fashion trends of my ballerina life, follow @PinkTutuEmma on Instagram!

And let's not forget the food, the shopping! My purse strings have certainly had a bit of a work out in Prague's beautiful designer stores! I’ve managed to find some exquisite ballet slippers, a whole range of pinks from soft powder to vibrant rose, perfect for both on stage and off! The perfect tutu shopping trip is so relaxing.

After my amazing shopping trip, I had the best pasta - even the pasta was pink! Yes, pink spaghetti - it felt utterly appropriate here in the city of tutus and chocolate! It reminded me of when I was training in Derbyshire and we'd go for Italian in Matlock. I know you might be asking “how do I dress up for a trip to a Derbyshire Italian?” I actually have to say - in pink, of course! But maybe the “derbyshire Italian look” isn't as quite as eye-catching as a full Prague tutu.

There's something about Prague that just makes me want to twirl in my pink tutu! Perhaps it’s the vibrant spirit of the city, its historic elegance or maybe it’s just the delicious coffee - whatever it is, I’m soaking it all up! It’s honestly an inspirational, delightful, and very much pink-tastic trip!

Now I’m off to find some more gorgeous Prague sights to post on and also find the time to take some dance classes – Prague ballet classes look super fun! I’ll catch you next week with a new post! And in the meantime - why don’t you grab a pink tutu, dance, and spread the love of tutus and all things fabulous!


Emma xx

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2012-04-11