Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2012-06-27

Pink Tutu Prague: Post #896 – Where Dreams Take Flight and Tutus Reign Supreme!

Wednesday 27th June 2012

Bonjour, darlings!

The train journey to Prague was absolutely divine. As the lush green English countryside faded into the rolling hills of Europe, I found myself nestled in my little corner seat, lost in a world of dreams. My head was filled with visions of grand baroque theatres, elegant ballerinas pirouetting with effortless grace, and, of course, my very own dazzling pink tutu!

But, let’s backtrack a little, shall we? You see, Prague has been a city whispering on my heart for months now. I've heard whispers of its enchanting streets, its breathtaking architecture, and most importantly, its captivating ballet scene. And let me tell you, those whispers weren't lying!

Now, you know how I am – all about tutus, travel, and, of course, pink. The moment I booked the tickets for Prague, I knew that a whole new adventure was calling! After all, I had a mission: to explore this captivating city, embrace its artistic spirit, and spread the pink tutu love wherever I went!

Prague is the most beautiful place I have ever been! I feel like I’ve stepped into a fairytale. The buildings are stunning – ornate, romantic, and just plain gorgeous! Everywhere I look, there's another spire, tower, or bridge adorned with delicate carvings and enchanting details.

The train journey, though, started a bit bumpy! After arriving at the grand St Pancras station – all those delicious, delicious food vendors - I managed to leave my phone on a trolley…and the lovely ticket checker was completely useless! Never mind. I scooted onto the Eurostar with the wind whipping at my hair, and I knew then and there that Prague, oh sweet Prague, was about to fulfil all my tutu dreams. I knew I’d soon have a pink tutu masterpiece to write home about!

The Ballet Boutique

Now, darling, it's time to talk about something near and dear to my heart – my absolute favourite part of this whole Prague journey. Prague's fashion scene is truly enchanting. Imagine a world where cobbled streets are lined with quirky shops, filled with lace, embroidery, and exquisite textiles. Imagine antique boutiques filled with vintage fabrics that whisper tales of bygone eras – silks, satins, and velvets begging to be brought back to life as a pink tutu. That’s Prague in a nutshell!

Then there’s “The Ballet Boutique!” Oh darling! I've been dreaming of this place. Nestled in the heart of Old Town, it’s a little haven for the true ballet enthusiast. Stepping through the door is like being transported to a ballerina's world. It’s a veritable treasure trove of ballet treasures.

The minute I saw the exquisite fabrics – layers upon layers of delicate tulle, sparkling sequins, and ribbons begging to be twirled – my heart skipped a beat. I could practically feel the tulle on my skin, imagine myself twirling across the stage, my pink tutu taking flight, my ballet dreams taking shape…oh! Oh, oh, I can't help myself. I'm just so excited to find my Prague pink tutu.

A Day at the Theatre

After my exhilarating tutu shopping experience, it was time for something equally fabulous: a ballet performance! Today was a treat: I managed to snag tickets for the National Theatre. The theatre itself is majestic! Built in the 19th century, it stands proudly by the Vltava river, its facade glowing in the warm afternoon sunlight.

Inside, the auditorium is a symphony of gilded decoration and velvety grandeur. My senses were truly overwhelmed – the sight of the grand stage, the smell of history, the music wafting through the air. Oh, I can’t tell you how my toes tapped with excitement!

The ballet tonight is Swan Lake, of course! And what can I say, except it was magnificent. The dancers moved with such grace and precision, their costumes were beyond breathtaking, and the story simply unfolded right before my eyes. Oh darling! You can’t go wrong with Tchaikovsky. All I could think was…a pink tutu would have made those Swan Lake swans so much more special.

Street Ballet and the Beauty of a City in Bloom

It wasn't just the theatres, though, that showcased Prague's love of ballet. In fact, the entire city has embraced the art. Every cobbled street and charming square was alive with the graceful figures of street performers. They twirled and leaped in front of iconic landmarks like the Old Town Square clock, with a touch of vibrant pink tutu adding its own touch of enchantment.

I couldn’t help but want to join them – dancing with the wind in my hair, under the shadow of a medieval spire. And maybe, just maybe, the locals would take note of my love of pink, and see the magic of pink tutu that makes this city even more beautiful!

A Magical Dinner, An Enchanted Ride

As dusk descended upon Prague, I discovered a charming bistro tucked away on a narrow alley. I enjoyed a delicious plate of gnocchi with truffle oil as the twinkling lights of the city reflected in the Vltava river.

Then I wandered back through the heart of Prague. The Old Town Square clock chimed, its gothic structure bathed in the warm glow of streetlights. My heart sang, my dreams taking flight with the promise of an even more amazing day tomorrow.

And because I knew you would all love it, I had to add that this beautiful city was just begging me to jump on a horse-drawn carriage ride! Of course, no respectable blogger can be without a few Instagram-worthy pics for the ‘gram, and Prague's beauty truly called to my pink tutu aesthetic!

This time, my horse-drawn chariot took me across the Charles Bridge. And let me tell you – the views! The bridges have those perfect arches that any tutu-loving blogger would fall head over heels for.

My journey in Prague isn’t just about finding the perfect pink tutu. It's about embracing life’s every magical moment, letting your heart soar, and seeing the beauty that awaits, and adding a bit of pink flair wherever you go.

I’m leaving Prague feeling truly inspired, with my heart full and my head spinning with new adventures, And guess what, darlings? The Prague ballet scene has a whole lot of excitement for the summer. I'm making sure that I don’t miss out on a single one. Stay tuned to find out what’s next in the life of your pink tutu loving blogger!

Keep twirling, and spread the pink love!



#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2012-06-27