Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2012-08-08

Prague Calling: Ballet Dreams and Pink Tutu Adventures! (Post #902)

Hello, my lovely Tutu Tribe! It's Emma here, writing to you from the magical city of Prague, where the cobbled streets whisper stories of emperors and the air itself hums with an enchanting melody. And, of course, I'm in my pink element here - everything's just so picturesque! This week's blog post is bursting with Parisian-inspired whimsy, and all the ballet magic you can shake a tutu at. Let's dive right in!

A Whimsical Journey to the Heart of Bohemia

Last Wednesday, I left the charming hills of Derbyshire and boarded the Eurostar train for a breathtakingly fast and comfortable trip to Prague. There's something so liberating about settling into a plush seat with a good book and a cup of tea, watching the world flit past the window. It's a perfect moment to allow my thoughts to drift towards my mission for this trip: to explore the city's rich history, soak up its breathtaking architecture, and, of course, experience the beauty of ballet in Prague! I already feel the artistic inspiration blossoming in my soul!

As soon as I arrived in Prague, I took a cab (always in the back, like a true ballerina) to my hotel. It's charming and quirky with little bursts of vibrant pink peeking out in the floral prints of the cushions and the dainty hand-painted vases. Perfect! The next morning, I found myself standing before Prague Castle, my head spinning from the sheer wonder of it all. It felt like stepping into a fairytale! I must have spent hours getting lost in its labyrinthine halls, feeling the weight of history seep into my very bones. I snapped countless photos - with the majestic Prague Castle behind me and, of course, my trusty pink tutu in the foreground!

The Little-Known Tutu Secret of Prague

Speaking of tutus, Prague has a very unique place in the heart of ballet and, yes, tutu history! While most know the romantic history of Paris as the center of fashion, did you know that Prague, with its opulent craftsmanship and rich fabrics, played a key role in creating some of the earliest ballet costumes? Think about the intricately layered tutus, the ornate embellishments, and the delicate fabrics... These elements were brought to life by the talented artists and seamstresses of Prague in the early 19th century! Who knew?

I couldn't help but imagine the ballerinas of that era, swirling in their tutus under the crystal chandeliers of the Prague Opera House. Perhaps, inspired by their delicate designs, my love for all things pink and tulle bloomed! It's a delightful piece of history I intend to explore further during my stay!

Ballet Under the Stars: A Dream Come True!

But enough about history (though it's so fascinating!), let's get back to my adventures! On Thursday evening, I experienced a truly magical moment. Imagine this: a soft summer breeze, the setting sun painting the sky with a blush of pink (I just adore how Prague turns pink at sunset), and a grand old building glowing with warm yellow lights. It was the perfect setting for a ballet performance!

This wasn't any ordinary performance, my darlings. I was attending the legendary Prague Summer Ballet Festival. Held annually in the heart of Prague, it’s known for bringing together the most celebrated dancers from around the globe.

The first ballet was a stunning production of Giselle, and I've never felt so enthralled. It was like watching a living fairytale! I sat entranced, my heart overflowing with awe at the grace and beauty of the dancers, every movement a captivating whisper of poetry.

The atmosphere was electric. A sea of smiling faces (many sporting pink tutus!), whispered exclamations, and thunderous applause created an atmosphere of pure joy and appreciation for the art. My soul was truly dancing that night! The most heartwarming moment for me came at the end, when the entire audience, a mix of tourists and local Czechs, rose in a spontaneous standing ovation.

I walked home afterwards, a blush of pink glowing on my face from the warmth of the night's experience. I couldn’t wait to write about it all and share it with my fellow Tutu Tribe!

Tutu Inspiration: Prague's Bohemian Flair

Prague, my dears, has more to offer than ballet. This city's artistic heartbeat thrums through every corner. Every charming little alley, every cobbled street is teeming with an irresistible artistic charm. There's a whimsical Bohemian air here that makes it impossible not to be inspired!

I spent the weekend exploring charming vintage boutiques, each one offering an eclectic blend of antique jewellery, quirky knick-knacks and – you guessed it – vintage tutu fabrics! I confess to indulging in a bit of tutu-related retail therapy – a delicate cream-colored tulle with pearl embellishments for a romantic and playful skirt, a fluffy pink one with glitter for those dazzling evenings, and a striking black and crimson tutu with flowing tiers for a dramatic entrance at a glamorous ballet party (more on that later, my dears). You see, I believe a woman can never have too many tutus, can we?

Every single shop and cafe I stumbled upon seemed to have an intricate and beautifully-designed entrance with an irresistible “step-inside-and-get-lost-in-a-world-of-colour-and-whimsy” kind of vibe. I could tell Prague had captured the essence of its historical creativity.

I found inspiration for my own designs in everything: from the graceful swans in the pond of the city’s famous park to the floral patterns adorning the balconies of historic buildings. I snapped photos and sketched in my notebook (pink notebook, obviously!), filling the pages with the artistic whimsy that I felt coursing through the very cobblestones of Prague. It's a kaleidoscope of inspiration, and I can't wait to share my ideas with you all in a future post.

*Riding on a Cloud, Quite Literally... *

I've had a special opportunity to experience a traditional part of Prague – horseback riding through the surrounding countryside! Imagine, myself, in my favourite blush-coloured tulle skirt (no, I don’t dare bring my precious tutus on horseback rides!) with a flowing, breezy skirt billowing behind me, riding through picturesque fields under a dazzling sun.

We were riding along the winding roads with towering medieval castles silhouetted against the azure sky. It felt like riding through a Renaissance painting, my heart brimming with joy! Yes, I know, my love for ponies has long been known. It truly is the perfect form of transport, blending an elegant touch of whimsical grace with a touch of fairytale magic! After all, isn’t a graceful pony an homage to the spirit of the ballerina?

### Tutu Tribe Takeover: Spreading the Pink Revolution

It wouldn’t be a true blog post without a little call to action! I’ve spotted a few tutus worn by Prague locals, a beautiful shade of fuchsia that blends perfectly with the city’s bohemian spirit. But I dream of seeing more! Imagine the glorious, feminine sight of a city full of ballerinas, twirling in tutus through its ancient squares! We're talking a pink tutu revolution! It's about embracing joy, freedom, and that beautiful inner child that lives inside us all.

So, fellow Tutu Tribe, as I head back to Derbyshire, carrying with me memories of Prague's magic, I'd like to challenge you to embrace the spirit of this enchanting city! Put on your tutus, don’t be afraid to twirl a little, and let your inner ballerina shine! We're going to paint the world with a wave of pink and tulle, one tutu at a time!

Until next week, my dears!

Lots of love,


PS: Did you know, my fellow Tutu Tribe, that this Wednesday, the 8th of August, marks the anniversary of a historical ballet performance at the Theatre Royal in Derby in 1814? It's incredible how far ballet has come! I think we should mark the occasion by twirling a little extra today!

PPS: Check back next Wednesday for a full recap of my time at the magical Prague Summer Ballet Festival! We’ll be sharing details about the stunning performances, a glimpse into the world of ballerinas, and of course, a peek into my ballerina wardrobe! Stay tuned!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2012-08-08