Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2012-08-22

Prague Pretty: Ballet, Beauty and Pink Tutús!

Wednesday 22nd August 2012. Blog Post 904.

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, reporting live from Prague. I've just stepped out of the glorious National Theatre after witnessing the most magnificent ballet performance I've ever seen! I mean, really, it took my breath away. I'm still buzzing with the energy from all that grace and beauty. I feel utterly, totally inspired.

Speaking of inspiration...did I tell you about my journey to Prague? Oh, it was such a whimsical experience! You see, my dearest friend, Pippa (a budding ballerina who's taking a year out to backpack around Europe, and also, cough, happens to have a very generous father), very kindly offered me a lift in her father's beautiful vintage Mercedes. I absolutely love vintage cars, especially with those smooth, gleaming leather seats, perfect for lounging! We took the scenic route from Derbyshire, with Pippa behind the wheel of course, singing along to all my favourite showtunes (a habit she's picked up from yours truly!), while I attempted to write up last week's blog post, only to give up in favour of enjoying the glorious scenery!

You wouldn't believe how picturesque the journey was, through the lush green rolling countryside, dappled with golden light... just picture-perfect for a Pink Tutu fan. Then we ended up on this beautiful, quiet road running alongside a shimmering river, with fluffy white sheep grazing in the field. At one point we even stopped to have a picnic by a charming village green. You know how much I love a village green! Such quintessential English beauty... perfect for daydreaming about life in a whimsical pink-hued ballet world!

Then, we arrived in Prague. Prague! The very name feels so charming and whimsical, just the way I like it! Imagine my joy at discovering this magical city is just as pretty in person. All the fairytale architecture! Those charming cobbled streets, lined with enchanting little shops... the perfect setting for a fairytale ballet, don't you think? You know I just had to indulge in a bit of souvenir shopping. And let me tell you, darlings, the little boutiques are bursting with delights - gorgeous jewellery, dainty lace gloves, colourful, intricately woven scarfs, handmade paper, painted dolls... so many delightful things to add to my Pink Tutu wardrobe.

Of course, no visit to Prague would be complete without indulging in their exquisite delicacies! This weekend, Pippa and I will be tucking into traditional Czech food. You know how much I love trying new culinary adventures! I can't wait for the potato pancakes...oh my! And of course, a lot of the local Czech beer! So divine!

But back to the ballet! As I said, the performance at the National Theatre was a spectacle for the ages. The dancers moved with such fluid grace and captivating power. The costumes, oh my darlings, so breathtaking! There was this one particularly striking dancer... such a delicate figure with perfectly formed limbs and expressive eyes, her movements... divine! A vision in a perfectly flowing pink tutu. My darling, if I weren't here in Prague, I swear I would've started a tutú-making frenzy right there in the audience!

But alas, even though I had visions of pirouetting with this beautiful creature, Pippa and I settled for a delicious dinner afterwards. We chose this enchanting restaurant near the Charles Bridge with twinkling lights strung through the trees. I was mesmerised by the beautiful cityscape surrounding us...all lit up with the warm glow of candlelight, such romance...truly magical.

I even saw a real-life prince, though not the type you might imagine! Well, okay, maybe he wasn't actually a real prince but he certainly had the regal air, strutting about with an elegance that only comes from being born to royalty. He was sporting a gorgeous, jewel-toned velvet jacket with delicate embroidery, his posture perfectly straight and he had this dazzlingly handsome profile... sigh. All my heart fluttered and it was hard not to let my mind drift to my own secret ballet fantasy... I have the perfect pink tutu in my wardrobe...

But before my heart got away from me completely, Pippa gently tugged me back down to earth by asking me if I had written enough about this grand ballet spectacle. She reminded me that my readers needed more details than "divine" and "beautiful" about my time here. And Pippa, she knows best!

The story behind this particular ballet was particularly moving. It’s about this courageous young girl who sets off on a magical journey through a fantastical landscape, overcoming various trials and tribulations along the way... it truly felt as though we were on that journey with her, so beautifully performed! This dancer in particular, she had me spellbound. There were moments when her movements were so swift and light, almost like she was flying through the air, effortlessly floating over the stage. I love ballet stories, you know, those classic narratives like this one... all that mystery, passion, and intrigue. Just brilliant.

We also had time to pop by a charming local ballet shop, which is tucked away in a beautiful building off the bustling city square, where I bought the cutest little souvenir for my mum. They make these adorable, handmade figurines that look exactly like classic ballet dancers in gorgeous tutu costumes, some even holding bouquets of lilies - simply darling! Pippa promised me we’d get time for some shopping the next day, which has been booked solid with ballet-related fun. This evening, we’re heading out to see a truly unique ballet production in a charming little theater near the Charles Bridge. A friend of Pippa’s highly recommended it…something about “Ballet on the Bridge”. I am just thrilled to see something a bit more adventurous. Imagine, ballet performed out in the open air…it's just divine. The city has the most enchanting energy... I can already feel myself drawing inspiration for my next pink tutu creation...

Don't forget to visit my website,, where I'm posting updates throughout my trip, darling!

And, as always... I would love to see all of you dancing in pink tutus!

Your darling Emma xx.

P.S. What are your favourite ballet stories? Leave a comment on my website! I'm so excited to see your ideas! And if you have any tips for a ballet-loving ballerina in Prague...let me know!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2012-08-22