
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2012-09-26

Pink Tutu Prague - Ballet Adventures! #909

Hello, my lovely Tutu-ettes! Welcome back to Pink Tutu Prague! It's Wednesday, which means a new Pink Tutu post for you! This week I'm diving headfirst into a whirl of pink tulle and Czech delights, and let me tell you, this week's been an absolute dream!

Before we even talk about Prague, darling, I need to tell you all about the absolutely gorgeous new pink tulle skirt I snagged back in London before I hopped on the Eurostar for my Czech adventure. You know I have a weakness for the most beautiful things, and this tulle skirt is positively exquisite! It's a pale, petal pink, the kind of pink that just melts your heart and screams ā€œballerina in bloomā€ ā€“ which, frankly, is how I aim to live my life! The skirt swirls with such gorgeous volume, and the pleats are positively exquisite. Itā€™s the perfect twirling outfit for a night at the ballet!

Speaking of the ballet, Prague has absolutely spoiled me this week! As always, my trusty old friend the railway carriage whizzed me right into the heart of Prague in record time, leaving my pink tulle train swirling magnificently behind me as we raced across the countryside. Oh, the things we do for a ballet!

I simply couldn't wait to step into the magical realm of Pragueā€™s theatre district, a treasure trove of exquisite old theatres. After a few days of shopping ā€“ did you know they have the most adorable pink ballet flats on every corner in Prague? - I had finally landed in my seat for the highlight of the week: The National Theatreā€™s production of "Giselle".

"Giselle", oh darling, what can I say? I absolutely adored it. It was the perfect blend of drama, dance, and romance, all in a grand setting that could only be Pragueā€™s exquisite National Theatre. The ballerina portraying Giselle had such ethereal grace, and her leaps seemed to carry her right into the realm of fantasy! Oh, and the costumes! Stunning, absolutely stunning! So beautifully crafted and delicate, like gossamer threads and starlight spun into tulle. The music, the lights, the drama! A true symphony for the senses, my dears!

And letā€™s be honest, no ballet outing is complete without a post-show supper! Prague, being the haven for delectable delights that it is, presented me with a positively divine array of delectable food ā€“ crispy, golden pastries filled with luscious, sweet cherry jam, and of course, the most exquisite Czech beers, each one with its own unique flavour!

The following morning, still utterly captivated by the artistry of "Giselle", I couldn't resist a little ballet-inspired sightseeing in Pragueā€™s enchanting old town. I wandered along the cobbled streets, taking in the enchanting sights and sounds, all while trying to channel my inner Giselle. I imagine a grand ball, right in the centre of this cobbled square, with everyone whirling in a grand waltz! I found a charming little bookstore with the most stunning selection of old ballet books ā€“ from Victorian tutus to historical dance routines ā€“ absolutely delightful! The shop owner told me some amazing tales about ballet history in Prague, with its fascinating blend of Baroque architecture and rich artistic heritage! I can't wait to explore more of Prague's fascinating ballet history in the coming weeks.

In the afternoon, after my leisurely stroll through the charming lanes of Prague, I made my way to a quaint little cafƩ where I found a little corner nook all for myself. It was my perfect Parisian-style pit stop for a sweet slice of cherry cake, accompanied by the most divine, rich, hot chocolate. I'd even brought my book about 19th-century tutus. I spent the afternoon, lost in the world of ballet's most magnificent invention - the tulle tutu. Do you know that 19th-century tutus could be five tiers high? Imagine the volume, my dears! Absolutely breathtaking!

Oh, and talking of tutus, darling! It would not be a Pink Tutu adventure without a little bit of ballet class. Of course! The Prague dance studios were more than welcoming with their beautiful light, bright studio spaces and I, naturally, wore my gorgeous new tulle skirt to ballet class! It added a touch of extra "oomph" to my pliƩs! The students there, they were absolutely delightful. You can just feel the passion they all have for the art of ballet! Oh, and there were a few other girls in pink tutus, naturally, we all had a little twirling competition! Such lovely ladies. And who can resist a little tut-off between kindred souls?

This week, my Tutu-ettes, has been about embracing the heart and soul of ballet in Prague. From watching a world-class performance of "Giselle" in a historical setting, to enjoying a cup of hot chocolate with a side of ballet history, to dancing my heart out in a beautiful, bright ballet studio, Prague has left a sweet melody on my heart. I truly feel Iā€™ve discovered something quite special here! The city just radiates magic. Stay tuned next week for more pink adventures from the beautiful city of Prague! And of course, donā€™t forget to visit the Pink Tutu website at www.pink-tutu.com every Wednesday, my lovely Tutu-ettes, to join me on the journey for everyone to don a Pink Tutu!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2012-09-26