Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2013-01-09

Pink Tutu Prague: Post 924

Wednesday 9th January, 2013

Darling readers,

How utterly delightful to be back in Prague! I haven't been for ages, at least six months! Prague is one of my very favourite European cities; it's so charming, and you simply can't be here without slipping into your finest frock for afternoon tea.

Last time I was here, I was enchanted by the stunning architecture. We were visiting a stunning building – I simply must go back - but it has completely vanished from my memory! Oh well! Such are the joys of a ballet-mad, fashion-obsessed, travel-loving life! Don't you worry; I shall post a picture to my Instagram shortly and you can marvel at it yourself! A beautiful architectural marvel from the very heart of Prague – how dreamy!

Oh, the fun of shopping here! Every day has started with an exciting treasure hunt - discovering the newest fashion in the charming little shops. I adore a vintage find!

We arrived at Prague's main train station and found ourselves swept up in a flurry of taxi drivers and tourists all wanting to find their hotel. The streets of Prague buzzed with people who seemed quite delighted with the crisp, cold air – a joy for me as my tutu feels absolutely perfect with this temperature.

It’s a good job I packed well for Prague as the weather has been unpredictable, sometimes sunny and bright, and then unexpectedly the icy rain could fall like an ice bucket on your head. This would definitely call for a new wool cardigan and an equally delightful bright-pink umbrella to make it feel like the perfect afternoon! I’m going to find one today in the shop on the corner - a little vintage hat will make the perfect final touch. And, of course, I shall share it all with you in tomorrow’s blog post – it simply would not be possible to pack a suitcase for Prague without an exciting new outfit.

The beauty of the train journey in Europe is you get to truly immerse yourself in the local charm, enjoy the landscapes and really appreciate the beauty of life. It was only six hours from Derbyshire on the train, and a glorious five minutes on a pony-drawn carriage, from the station to our lovely little cottage! So idyllic and peaceful!

I shall have to post some photos tomorrow of our journey – there will be several, of course, one from the carriage and some beautifully posed photos from our gorgeous, perfectly pink, fluffy ponies. Their names are Rosebud and Buttercup - simply too darling for words, darling.

Today we are off to the theatre, naturally, it's what I do best, of course. I have booked tickets to see a ballet performance at the National Theatre and I’m going to get all dolled up. A delicious dinner with my favourite Opera star is the plan afterwards - I simply adore Prague nights, it really is quite splendid and there’s such an incredible vibe here at this time of the year.

Now, I really must get dressed, a pink tutu with some sparkly sequins of course. You know I don’t need much persuading to dress up in my finest dancing attire for a magical night out - especially with such a special performance lined up for tonight.

Until tomorrow, my darlings… xx


#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2013-01-09