
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2013-01-16

Prague, Oh Prague! Post 925: Ballet, Shopping andโ€ฆTutu-tastic Treats!

Hello my dearest tutu-lovers! Emma here, back from a whirlwind trip to the magical city of Prague. As always, my pink tutu twirled with glee as I embarked on this adventure, a trip funded by a string of stellar ballet performances back in Derbyshire. Yes, you heard right! Every Wednesday you'll find me sharing a slice of my life, from tutus to travel, and itโ€™s all thanks to the beauty of ballet!

So, this week we're diving into Prague, where the cobbled streets seemed to whisper ballet secrets, the architecture was a masterpiece of artistry, and even the cafe coffee tasted like a sugary pirouette. The air buzzed with history and charm, but my main aim, of course, was to see the most beautiful ballet performances this side of the Elbe!

Tutu Travels

Reaching Prague by train was a joy. It felt like a ballet journey itself, with gentle swayings, the hypnotic rhythm of the tracks, and the soft murmurs of fellow travellers. And speaking of journeys, a secret for you, tutu-lovers: Did you know my recent adventures have taken me beyond the usual train travel? In fact, a special pony, named Pinkerton, carried me through a breathtaking stretch of countryside just a week before, allowing me to breathe in the beauty of nature while feeling every ripple and step as one with the earth.

Prague welcomed me with open arms, and as soon as my bags were dumped in my quaint little hotel room, a perfect place with chandeliers like swirling ballerinas, I was off exploring. I know some would say a first day should be dedicated to sights and landmarks, but for me, darling, it was all about ballet. I simply had to see the world famous Pink Flamingo Theatre!

Oh, the elegance! It was nestled in a quaint side street, and its exterior had the softest shade of pink, echoing the very spirit of my pink tutu! Inside, the ambiance was simply magical โ€“ it felt like the kind of theatre where tutu dreams are born! I got lost in the vibrant history of the venue, the sheer glamour of it all! And of course, I spent a small fortune in the gift shop, emerging with a darling little tutu-themed notebook and a fluffy pink pencil to chronicle my Prague ballet experience.

Ballet Delights

As for the performance, A Midsummer Night's Dream in the Prague State Opera House - a masterpiece! The sets, the costumes, the graceful steps... I could have watched those dancers soar for hours on end!

The performance felt like a fairytale woven from silk and light. And for me, the grand finale was nothing short of magical. The final bows, the shimmering lights, and the hushed applause of the crowd โ€“ it was like watching a hundred dreams take flight, each tutu a magical touch.

Prague has such a rich ballet history and a deep appreciation for the art, it truly was a treat to be surrounded by the culture of ballet. I felt my heart brimming with tutu-infused joy!

Shopping & Style

Now, darling, a ballet pilgrimage wouldn't be complete without a bit of retail therapy. Prague is a shopaholic's dream come true! So many exquisite boutiques and vintage stores - every corner held a new treasure just waiting to be discovered. My love for pink knows no bounds, so I picked up the most charming pastel pink coat, a hat to match my tulle, and, of course, a few more ballet-themed souvenirs.

But what I was most excited about was stumbling upon a beautiful little workshop where they craft bespoke tutus. It was truly a ballet paradise! I learned about the intricate process of making tutus, from the design to the hand-stitching. And wouldn't you know it, I even walked away with a new custom-made tutu! It was a dream come true โ€“ an absolute beauty with the most delicate lace and fluffy layers. I just couldn't resist!

The pink tutu never feels complete without an array of beautiful fashion accessories, darling. Of course, Prague's street stalls are a treasure trove for this - and this trip was no different! From pearl-encrusted hair clips that twirled perfectly with my ballerina buns, to dainty pastel necklaces with little ballet shoe charms, my bag was bursting with treasures that made me feel as light and airy as a ballerina in flight!

Prague Treats

Let's talk food, darlings, because a day in Prague is simply incomplete without indulging in delicious delights. The charming little cafe nestled in the old town square with its lacey pink umbrellas and a quaint balcony offered me the perfect spot to take in the local scene. I enjoyed a delightful, delicate apple strudel and sipped my warm coffee. But Prague's culinary delights don't end there! I spent hours meandering through the bustling food markets, the vibrant smells and colours making me almost faint.

I was particularly smitten with a little stall selling melt-in-your-mouth pastries โ€“ perfect for a quick energy boost for my shopping escapades! The pastries, darling, reminded me of the sweet, delicate dance steps โ€“ light, airy, and a touch of sweet delight!

Pink Tutu Charm

Every street corner, every cobbled alleyway seemed to have a touch of pink in Prague! The colours were vibrant, the atmosphere warm and inviting. It felt as if the very essence of pink tutu charm was woven into the fabric of this beautiful city.

This visit was not just about dancing and shopping though. I took time to breathe in the charm, walk by the Prague Castle, and even get lost in the enchanting alleys leading to hidden gardens. I even sat by the Vltava River and simply soaked in the ambiance, enjoying the calm rhythm of the flowing water and listening to the faint whispers of street musicians.

Prague truly captured my heart โ€“ a city of history, art, and above all, magic! I couldn't have imagined a better place to indulge in all things ballet, and, of course, pink.

My darling tutu-lovers, Prague has shown me that there's a touch of magic in every city. And I can't wait to see what adventures are in store for the pink tutu in the weeks to come!

So, until next week, when we take a whimsical stroll through Vienna's waltzing streets, I hope you embrace the ballet magic within your own lives and remember: life is a dance, so twirl your heart out!

Always with love and twirls,


( www.pink-tutu.com )

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2013-01-16