Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2013-05-08

Pink Tutu Prague: Post #941 - A Whirlwind of Wonder in the City of a Hundred Spires!

Bonjour, darlings! It's Wednesday, and that means it's time for a fresh update from yours truly, Emma, the Pink Tutu Ballerina! This week I'm bursting at the seams with excitement because I'm finally here in Prague! Oh my, this city is truly enchanting. The architecture is utterly breath-taking – all those stunning towers and spires reaching for the heavens… it's enough to make any ballet dancer's head spin!

But let's backtrack a bit.

My journey here was an absolute dream. You see, I am utterly besotted with travelling by train. The rhythmic clattering, the changing scenery whizzing past, and the quiet moments to delve into a book (or, let’s be honest, to admire my own reflection in the window, giggling to myself at the ridiculous size of my pink tulle!) There's something utterly romantic and nostalgic about it all.

Oh, and did I mention that this particular trip included a pony? Yes, my dears, a pony. It wasn't quite the long, slow ride to Camelot, but the cobblestone paths around my aunt's village in Derbyshire, England, are quite magical enough. Plus, you can't beat the happy smiles a pony ride elicits from the locals!

Anyway, after my exhilarating train journey, I arrived in Prague – and wow, this place is utterly delightful. The moment I stepped off the train, I felt like I’d walked straight into a fairytale! Imagine a city awash in pastel hues, with charming cafes overflowing with locals sipping strong coffee and gossiping in soft Czech, and the scent of roasted nuts and chimney cakes hanging heavy in the air… I instantly knew I was home!

Of course, the first thing I did was seek out the most spectacular, majestic pink tutu Prague had to offer! I wouldn’t have you thinking I’d just traipse around in my trusty travelling tutu, even though it’s remarkably durable, comfy, and – most importantly - pink! This city deserves something truly special, a statement tutu that reflects its charm and artistry. I mean, my dear, one can't be wearing a "little black dress" when in Prague!

Fortunately, I managed to stumble upon a truly fantastic boutique tucked away on a side street just off the main square. This store, it is a vision of elegance and whimsy - all tulle, feathers, and rhinestones! After trying on at least a dozen tutus, I found the one: a breathtaking, ombre pink creation that shimmered like a thousand dancing fireflies. This is a tutu made for twirling under the moonlight, with the magical city lights of Prague twinkling below! It's perfection.

With my fabulous new tutu secured, I immediately embarked on my quest for a quintessential Czech experience: A Ballet show, of course! Prague's National Theatre is renowned for its stunning performances and grand, historical interiors. And wouldn’t you know it, there was a beautiful ballet on offer - Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake! I literally squealed with joy at this.

But, you see, I'm a curious sort. And while a ballet lover, my enthusiasm for the art form is only surpassed by my interest in the stories behind it. So, before indulging in the magic of Swan Lake, I went on a tour of the theatre's backstage. They have a fascinating exhibition on ballet history, and even an extensive collection of tutu designs. Some of those costumes were utterly extravagant – can you imagine performing in a full-length, velvet tutu with yards and yards of shimmering silver trim? My dear, my heart was fluttering just looking at them!

Later, I sat in the plush, velvet-covered theatre seats and marvelled at the elegant dancers taking centre stage. The story was truly magical, and the music... oh, the music! I’ll admit, there were moments where my inner ballerina was desperate to join in, so I discreetly wiggled my toes along to the rhythm (after all, even ballerinas need their moment!)

Now, dear readers, there’s so much more I have to tell you about Prague. This city is truly a haven for fashion, with boutique shops crammed full of the most divine dresses and accessories - it's heaven for any true fashionista. I managed to snaffle a few treasures: a chic velvet top with shimmering pink embroidery that perfectly complements my new tutu, a vintage, delicate cameo brooch to add that touch of romantic flair, and the most adorable tiny pink hat, perfect for strolling through the cobbled streets and stopping for a steaming mug of Czech coffee.

Prague is an absolute treat for the senses. I've been exploring the city, losing myself in the winding alleyways, stumbling upon secret gardens filled with fragrant flowers, and soaking in the city's magical ambiance from a tiny boat on the Vltava River, the pink hues of sunset casting a dreamy glow on the historic architecture.

But alas, even this magnificent city trip is reaching its end. It's hard to say goodbye, especially after falling so in love with its romantic charm and historical beauty. But fear not, I’m leaving Prague with my heart full of memories, my suitcase overflowing with treasures, and a brand new pink tutu story to share!

And, of course, dear readers, I'm already scheming for my next Pink Tutu adventure… maybe I'll venture to Vienna next? Or perhaps explore the ballet scenes of Paris? Whatever destination I choose, you can bet it’ll be full of ballet, tutus, shopping, and plenty of pink!

Until next time,


P.S. Don't forget to check out for all things pink and twirly!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2013-05-08