Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2014-02-19

Prague, darling, Prague! (Post #982)

Oh, hello there, darlings! It's your favourite tutu-tastic travel blogger, Emma, and I'm back with another dazzling update from the heart of Europe - Prague! As you know, my passion is spreading the pink tutu love, and where better to do it than in a city overflowing with history, charm, and, of course, gorgeous architecture that looks straight out of a fairy tale. This week, my heart is overflowing with the magic of ballet, cobblestone streets, and, of course, the joy of discovering new tutus to add to my collection.

Now, before I divulge all the exciting details of my trip, let's rewind a little. I made my way to Prague in the most fabulous way imaginable - by train, naturally! I must say, nothing beats the romance of chugging through picturesque landscapes, with a good book, a cup of tea, and, of course, my pink tutu peeking out from my suitcase! I can't imagine a more delightful way to start my Prague adventure.

Speaking of adventures, I arrived in this charming city just in time for a very special event! On the 19th of February, I had the absolute pleasure of attending the ## PinkTutuPrague Ballet performance. Now, you all know how much I love ballet - the grace, the elegance, the stories woven in dance! It was simply divine!

I arrived at the theatre feeling like a fairytale princess myself, twirling my pink tutu in delight. The auditorium was simply breathtaking, with its ornate carvings and a sense of history that whispered tales of countless ballets danced before. I swear I could feel the whispers of Tchaikovsky's music through the very air. And oh, the ballet itself was nothing short of spectacular! The dancers were phenomenal - their leaps were gravity-defying, their movements like liquid gold. The story unfolded before me with a power that made my heart soar.

After the performance, I felt the urge to step into the fairytale myself, so I found myself wandering through the magical streets of Prague, my tutu swaying with me as I went. Cobblestone alleys lead to secret gardens, towering cathedrals pierce the sky, and the Charles Bridge feels like it’s suspended in time. Each turn unveiled another wonder – from charming shops displaying delicate lace and handmade trinkets to whimsical cafés where you can lose yourself in the aroma of roasted coffee beans and warm pastries.

Shopping spree with a side of history:

Naturally, any visit to Prague wouldn't be complete without a shopping spree! Oh, the joy of discovering new treasures! The city is bursting with quirky boutiques and hidden corners filled with vintage fashion finds. My personal mission was, of course, to find the perfect tutu to commemorate my trip. After hours of searching (and maybe a little twirling in the dressing rooms!), I finally discovered the most breathtaking creation. It was a vintage tutu with layers upon layers of delicate pink tulle, all beautifully crafted by a local artist! It was like a dream come true.

And my quest for tutus wasn't limited to fashion! You see, I have a bit of an obsession with the history of dance. So, I ventured into a hidden museum filled with artifacts and memorabilia from the Golden Age of ballet. I gasped at the incredible costumes from the 19th century and learned fascinating stories about the life and work of legendary ballerinas like Anna Pavlova.

I spent hours just marvelling at the exquisite craftsmanship of the tutus. They weren't just clothes; they were art, imbued with the magic of the dancers who wore them. I could just picture these beautiful women pirouette across the stages of Vienna, Paris, and, now, Prague! It's moments like this that really ignite my love for the art form.

A little bit of fairy dust and a pinch of pink:

But you know, Prague is so much more than just tutus and ballet, darlings! It's also about those delightful little moments that make life truly magical. It's sipping hot chocolate by a charming river, feeling the chill of a February evening on your cheek. It's losing yourself in a fairytale garden filled with colorful flowers, their delicate fragrance filling the air.

The best part of this city is that you can discover the hidden gems that others miss! It might be a quaint antique shop overflowing with treasures, a tucked away courtyard overflowing with life, or a local bakery that smells divine. It’s these moments, that you cherish most.

The city pulsates with life, even in the crisp winter air. The laughter of locals fills the streets, the aromas of local specialties tempt your senses, and the warmth of a local coffee shop offers respite from the winter chill. Every corner is a charming surprise – whether it’s a hidden courtyard bathed in golden light, a whimsical statue gazing at you with knowing eyes, or the graceful curve of a medieval bridge echoing tales from a distant era.

The beauty of Prague, dear friends, is that it whispers magic into every heart. This city is truly a fairytale waiting to unfold! The cobblestone streets invite you to wander and discover. The historic architecture makes you feel like you've stepped back in time, and the laughter of the locals makes you feel welcome.

Of course, I had to document this magical journey through my lens, my trusty pink tutu as my muse. So, you can find all the fabulous photos on my website. I’ve taken plenty of pictures of the ballet, the street scenes, and the amazing clothes! You’ll just have to check them out yourself.

But the adventure is not yet over, darlings! Next week, I'm planning on venturing to a picturesque town just outside of Prague. They call it the “Little Venice,” with its charming canals and colourful houses - sounds like another fabulous photo opportunity to me! And, of course, you can be sure that I'll be sporting my new, fabulous tutu as I explore.

And remember, darlings, keep twirling, keep spreading that pink tutu love, and let the magic of travel transform you!

Until next Wednesday,



#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2014-02-19