Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2014-12-24

Prague, Darling! A Tutu-licious Christmas in the City of a Hundred Spires 💖🎄✨

Hello my lovelies! 🩰 It’s Emma here, back with another fabulous blog post from the most beautiful city in the world (I say this after only two days, but just wait… you’ll see what I mean)!

This week’s post is extra special because, well, it’s Christmas Eve! And what better place to be than Prague? The city is totally twinkling and the Christmas markets are absolutely bursting with gingerbread, hot wine, and beautiful decorations! Honestly, I think my eyes might be permanently glued to the sights… I could quite happily spend all day just wandering around!

But hold your horses, dearies! This post isn’t just about gazing at sparkly lights… this one’s all about ballet!

Yep, you heard that right. It's Christmas Eve and you know what that means: ballet, of course! This Christmas, I'm thrilled to be seeing The Nutcracker in the magnificent National Theatre. I've always dreamed of visiting this place - the history here is unbelievable! Can you imagine performing on the same stage as some of the most renowned ballet stars in history?

Oh, and did I mention I'm wearing a new tutu?! This one is a deep pink with a shimmering layer of silver sequins. You just know it’s going to be perfect for the occasion. It's going to be like something out of a fairytale… if fairytales were set in a city like Prague, that is!

Tutu Travels: My Pinky Adventures on the Rails

I always say that train journeys are the best way to really see the beauty of a place, especially when it comes to getting you in the mood for an adventure!

This week, I travelled from Derby, my little corner of England, to Prague by train! It's always so exciting - watching the countryside roll by with its charming houses and winding rivers is just too much for my little ballerina heart to handle!

Of course, I made sure my look was on point. Nothing quite screams "ballet journey" like a pink tutu, a chic little black cardigan, and some knee-high leather boots. My darling travel companion, a stunning pink leather travel bag named "Margot" (inspired by Margot Fonteyn of course!), is a true testament to my fabulous sense of style! She's holding all my ballet necessities, my notebook and pen for my tutu observations, and, of course, a few sparkly trinkets just for fun. 😉

I love watching all the people in the train stations, every person with a different story… every story to be discovered. And the scent of freshly baked bread, mixed with the exciting atmosphere… oh my goodness! My inner ballerina is always so energized, ready to create stories with every twirl!

The Ballet Bliss Continues: The Nutcracker at the National Theatre

So, The Nutcracker... I don't know where to begin! Let me just say: The National Theatre itself was absolutely breathtaking. I'm talking exquisite golden carvings, soaring arches, and enough chandeliers to make the stars envious! It’s exactly what a theatre should feel like - a space where imagination comes to life!

As for the ballet itself... my darling dears, it was absolutely magical! The dancers were graceful as swans, as powerful as eagles, and with so much charisma! And the costumes? Oh my goodness, I’ve never seen anything so fabulous! My favourite moment, apart from that stunning snowflake pas de deux (with its dazzling, twinkling costumes), had to be Clara's transformation scene. Her pink tutu twirling amongst the glittering Christmas ornaments made my heart do a triple pirouette!

Speaking of costumes… I just have to tell you about the beautiful ballerina costumes! It’s like everyone got their fashion inspiration straight from my pink dreams. Some were so elaborate! We had glistening gold bodices, swirling white skirts, and even a touch of black magic for Drosselmeyer's character! Of course, the dancers all looked incredible and there wasn't a single pink tutu in sight (a tragedy, I know!), but the beauty of a ballet is how the dancers, costumes, music, and scenery blend to tell such amazing stories! It just makes me want to twirl in delight!

A Spot of Prague's Christmas Cheer

Of course, after the ballet, it was time to soak up some of the festive Prague atmosphere! And soak it up we did! There were Christmas lights everywhere, which only added to the fairytale charm. Imagine this… gingerbread houses piled high with cinnamon hearts and candied plums, street stalls selling beautiful wooden ornaments, and live carollers filling the air with music. I had a glass of hot wine (or two! - okay, three - the Christmas cheer really got me!) with the sweetest little wooden snowman mug, which I, of course, purchased instantly. He now sits proudly on my mantelpiece back in Derby!

The most enchanting part, for me, was probably the music… the sound of children laughing as they spun around in the ice rink (with my pink tutu envy flaring, of course!), the carol singers filling the air with magic, and the sound of sleigh bells… it's a Christmas dream come true, that’s for sure!

The Prague Adventures Continue...

It's not every day that a girl gets to experience Christmas in a city as breathtakingly beautiful as Prague! Honestly, I feel like I've walked straight into a fairy tale... the city is alive with Christmas magic!

I’ll keep you updated with my adventures in Prague all throughout this festive season, darling. This is only the beginning, my little darlings, but trust me… my travels through this beautiful city are just getting started! Stay tuned to every Wednesday to join me in Prague, one pink tutu step at a time! 💕

Remember my sweethearts: Don’t just dream about being in your favourite place in the world… go and live it! This pink tutu fairy is definitely going to be twirling around every street, visiting every market, and seeing every magical sight this enchanting city has to offer… Stay fabulous and until next Wednesday… remember, you’re all fabulous in your own way. Never let anyone tell you otherwise! 💕

Lots of love,

Emma x

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2014-12-24