Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2015-06-03

Prague Calling: Pink Tutus and Sparkling Castles (Post #1043)

Bonjour, mes chéries! It’s Wednesday again, which means it's time for a fresh installment of your favourite pink-tutu-infused travel diary! This week, we’re venturing to the heart of Europe – the magnificent city of Prague!

As I type this, the gentle tinkling of street performers fills the air outside my window, blending with the melodic chatter of locals and the clatter of trams passing through cobblestone streets. The sun is casting a warm golden glow across the rooftops of this enchanting city. My pink tutu – yes, the one with the delicate lace embellishments – is twirling happily alongside me as I soak in the magic of Prague.

This journey to Prague started, as all my best adventures do, with a ballet performance. This time, it was a beautiful rendition of "Giselle" in Derby, my home county. I'd been feeling particularly inspired lately, drawn to the ethereal movements of the dancers and the fairytale setting of the production. So, I decided to treat myself to a solo trip – a bit of "me time" amidst the whirl of life's pirouettes!

Now, you might be wondering how a Derbyshire girl, fuelled by pink tutus and ballet dreams, ends up in Prague. Well, my dears, the answer is simple – trains! You see, I have a rather deep affection for these steel steeds – they take me to my favourite destinations, allowing me to travel in style, and they offer the most magnificent views. Plus, who can resist a cuppa while cruising through picturesque countryside? (It’s a secret talent of mine - turning a simple train journey into a pink-tutu-themed tea party.)

After a rather comfortable journey, punctuated by stops for delicious pastries and a spot of train window sketching, I arrived in Prague's vibrant central station. My heart leapt – this city was a fairytale waiting to be explored. And explore I did. My first order of business was to find a little boutique with the most delightful pink tutu on offer (for an upcoming ballet-inspired photoshoot, of course!). The streets were teeming with shops boasting fascinating treasures: glass beads, hand-painted ceramics, Bohemian crystal – everything a fashion-loving ballerina could desire!

But the real star of the show – besides myself in my perfectly-pink ensemble, of course – was the architecture. The magnificent Prague Castle, a fortress of fairy tale proportions, cast a spell over me. Walking through its courtyard was like stepping back in time. Imagine: turrets, spires, and breathtaking views – a setting straight out of my favourite fairytale books! I spent a happy hour simply gawking and taking mental snapshots – this is how I collect souvenirs – capturing the spirit of each city through my own eyes.

And talking of fairy tales, how could I visit Prague without indulging in a bit of fairytale magic? My little tutu and I found ourselves at the Charles Bridge, a whimsical bridge teeming with artistry and charm. It was alive with the spirit of music and colour. Musicians, buskers, and street artists were transforming the cobblestones into stages, with enchanting melodies echoing off the old stone archways. I could practically hear a ballet sequence unfolding in my mind – graceful pirouettes performed on the bridge's ancient stones, culminating in a grand finale with a view of Prague's captivating skyline.

As dusk descended, a gentle blanket of rose-tinted twilight painted the city, lending an almost ethereal beauty to the skyline. Prague transformed into a magical playground for the senses. My journey took me to a little café nestled in a quaint corner. Sipping a steaming cup of aromatic herbal tea (I have to maintain my delicate ballerina form, you know!), I found myself surrounded by history, romance, and the tantalising scent of freshly baked pastry.

Speaking of pastry, no trip to Prague is complete without indulging in their delectable pastries and delectable sweet treats! Every corner offered up a feast for the senses: freshly-baked cinnamon rolls with gooey cream cheese frosting, delicate hazelnut pralines, and creamy cakes topped with vibrant berry swirls. All, naturally, were best enjoyed while admiring the intricate art of cake design and the joy of creating something beautiful.

I’ll be honest, I haven’t stopped reminiscing about my delightful tea-filled afternoons spent wandering through enchanting cobbled streets and sketching whimsical scenes, inspired by the beauty and artistry surrounding me. Each day, a new corner, a new shop, a new melody to take in. I’ve even started practicing my ballet steps on cobblestones and practicing a few little twirls as the locals stare, encouraged by the twinkle of Prague's twinkling fairy lights and the beautiful tunes drifting through the city.

The magic of Prague – its history, its culture, its artistic spirit – it all infused itself into every facet of this city. But what truly made this trip so memorable was my unwavering dedication to the pink tutu, a commitment to adding a little bit of twirling joy and elegance wherever I went. I embraced Prague's unique charm, and in turn, it embraced me with open arms, as well as with enchanting tunes, artistic delights, and the sweet promise of countless magical moments.

Now, don’t worry, my little tutus! I will definitely be sharing more of my Prague escapades – from the fashion to the art, from the culinary delights to the enchanting sights. Until next Wednesday, when we will explore Prague's magical heart further – just don't forget to bring your dancing shoes and a touch of pink tutu sparkle!



#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2015-06-03