Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2016-10-26

Pink Tutu Prague: Post #1116 – Whirlwind Wednesday in the City of a Hundred Spires!

Hello, my darlings! It's Emma, your favourite tutu-clad travel blogger, and this week, I'm whisking you away to Prague! Oh, Prague, with its fairytale architecture, its charming cobblestone streets and its delectable goulash (a bit too much garlic for my taste, darling, but I'm trying!).

This past Wednesday was positively bursting with the most magical experiences! Let me tell you all about it, from the tips of my sparkly ballet slippers to the tip of the iconic, and beautifully ornate, Astronomical Clock Tower.

Ballet by the Vltava: A Bohemian Ballet Bonanza

First up, it was time for my ballet fix, a necessity wherever I travel! This week's show, a charming little production in the enchanting, cobblestoned, fairy-lit National Theatre, was a true delight. “The Nutcracker,” a classic, timeless tale. You just can’t beat a Christmas ballet, even when it’s October. The dancing was exceptional, the choreography simply exquisite. I even found myself whispering "oohs" and "ahhs" with delight – a habit I developed watching Royal Ballet dancers from the side of the stage back in the day!

Speaking of delightful, imagine my sheer joy when I spotted a delightful vintage ballet boutique across the road from the theatre! I could barely resist scooping up everything – all the beautiful tutus, those intricate vintage slippers, even a pair of adorable ballerina earrings adorned with tiny, sparkling ballerinas. My wallet screamed, but I promised to be good and only indulged in a pretty, pale pink chiffon tutu and a darling pair of delicate lace ballerina flats!

From Dancing Dreams to Dreamy Delights

The next stop? Of course, some fabulous food! This time, I’m talking Prague-style pastries! So, we (my fellow tutu-obsessed bestie, Lily, and I) strolled down charming cobblestone streets, past baroque palaces and quirky statues, till we found ourselves gazing longingly at a cafe boasting a dazzling selection of baked goodies – divine swirls of sugar and dough, bursting with creamy fillings, so perfect they could have walked right off the stage. The scent of cinnamon, butter, and vanilla hung in the air like the intoxicating scent of a dance floor!

The Czech pastry artisans certainly know their sugar! I couldn’t resist trying a warm poppy seed cake, generously sprinkled with powdered sugar and a dash of cinnamon. A taste of paradise! And then, I devoured a piece of delicious almond and apricot gateau, a true testament to the skill of Prague’s baking artistry. This, darling, is what dreams are made of!

Fashionable Finds: A Pink-Filled Spree

No trip to Prague is complete without some serious retail therapy, so off we trotted in the direction of a particularly stunning department store I had heard rumours about. Oh my! Let me tell you, it's a shopping heaven! Every floor, a visual feast for the eyes. You name it, it was there! It truly is a fashion wonderland – one of those places that sends you into a state of sartorial bliss!

I made a bee-line straight to the designer shoe department (couldn’t resist the glittery high-heels and chic ballet flats). Next, I indulged in some fabulous shopping - think pastel silk scarves, statement jewellery, delicate lace tops, and a fabulous pink floral-print dress that could make any ballerina feel like a princess, even a tiny, provincial ballerina from Derbyshire. (I may or may not have worn it for that evening's ballet street performance. You'll have to see the pictures in next week's post to find out!).

The Pink Tutu Project: Spreading Tutu Magic Across Europe

My love of pink tutus, my darlings, is no secret. I wear them wherever I go! This pink tutu odyssey isn't just about the outfits themselves. It's a reminder that joy, beauty, and creativity exist even in the smallest and seemingly most ordinary of things.

To see those surprised, often delighted smiles as people spot my tutu makes me so very happy. I even get “the twirling look” - that inquisitive glance followed by an "Is that what I think it is?” look of delight. I get asked "Is it ballet season?" "Why are you wearing that?" or even, "Don’t you have a tutu in pink? "

My ultimate dream? To see every corner of this amazing world painted a splash of pink - with each and every one of you twirling in the perfect pink tutu, of course! That is, in the style of your own elegant tutu wardrobe. The pink tutu – a simple piece of fabric that signifies a dream, a love, a commitment to art. This pink tutu journey is about expressing ourselves, making a statement, reminding the world of the sheer joy that lies in simply being ourselves.

So, here's to the pink tutu - a simple piece of fabric with a powerful message - to twirl with confidence, embrace creativity, and fill every moment of life with that joyous sparkle!

Till next week, darling, where we’ll be in a totally different city with more twirls, more shopping and more pink, of course!

Don't forget to share your pink tutu experiences in the comments! What's your favourite pink tutu memory? Tell us all!

Catch you next week for another adventure!

With lots of love, and twirls galore,


P.S. Find all of my latest pink-tutu-clad travel adventures on!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2016-10-26