Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2016-11-09

Prague, My Love, - Pink Tutu Travels - Blog Post #1118

Oh my dears! It's Wednesday again, and that means it's time for a little peek into my pink and sparkly world, straight from the cobblestone streets of beautiful Prague! As you know, I simply adore exploring the world, and I'm on a mission to share that joy, a pink tutu at a time. This week, Prague's magic has completely stolen my heart, and I have so much to tell you about it!

It's been an absolute whirlwind, and of course, I've had the most wonderful time at the National Theatre, experiencing the exquisite ballet. Just stepping inside that theatre transported me to another time and place. It was truly a captivating experience, and I couldn't help but be inspired by the grandeur of the venue. And the ballet itself, ah, simply divine!

Before I get carried away with all the details, let me start with a little bit about how I ended up here in the first place.

Tutu Travels: Derbyshire to Prague via Train & Pony

It all began back in my quaint little hometown in Derbyshire, where, of course, I couldn't resist slipping on my latest pink tutu and taking a twirl for inspiration. As always, I feel most at home twirling in my beloved pink tutu! Then, after a leisurely breakfast of strawberries and cream (pink, of course!), I took a train journey across Europe. It was pure bliss, gazing at the rolling hills and quaint villages passing by, the sunshine glittering through the window as I dreamt of all the pink tutu fun that awaits.

Upon arriving in Prague, a delightful little gentleman on a white pony (with a beautiful pink saddle) took me to my hotel. It was such a magical entrance! And of course, he offered me a ride, which I accepted with a flourish! There’s just something about ponies that brings a sense of childhood magic back to me, don't you agree? They add that extra touch of fairytale whimsy that just brightens up any adventure! The carriage journey through Prague’s cobbled streets, was a perfect start to a fabulous day in this charming city!

Prague, My Dearest, A Love Story in Pink

Prague, darling, you truly are a beauty! Your historical streets, your whimsical architecture, and those fairytale bridges… my heart practically leaps for joy! The moment I arrived, I knew I was destined to fall in love with this place. Everywhere you look there's something new and exciting to discover. The colours, the scents, the stories whispering from the cobblestones - it all adds up to an experience unlike any other!

I even had the privilege of attending a traditional Czech folk dance performance, where vibrant costumes twirled like the petals of a flower! The dancers moved with such grace, their rhythmic steps creating a bewitching visual symphony, leaving me utterly captivated. The spirit of Prague’s rich history flowed through each movement!

A Night at the Opera and a Tumbling Tutus Adventure

Prague, as you may know, is not only renowned for its ballet, but for its beautiful opera houses as well. So, of course, I just had to see a performance! The theatre's architecture made my eyes light up with excitement, all glittering chandeliers and delicate balconies. It's no surprise, really, that artists are so inspired by the magical energy of this city.

Now, no trip to Prague would be complete without a visit to the Charles Bridge! I absolutely love this bridge, with its medieval beauty and captivating stories whispered through its stones. The energy was electrifying, and I had the most marvelous time twirling on the bridge in my favourite pink tutu, smiling for the passers-by. My pink tutu and I got a little distracted by all the beauty and stopped by to admire the Prague Castle, where I bought some local jewellery for my mum, and indulged in a sweet little treat - a fresh slice of Czech apple strudel from one of the delightful street vendors!

Ballet Beauty & Prague Shopping Spree

Oh, darling! I must tell you about the incredible shopping I've found! Prague boasts so many charming shops, bursting with colourful treasures, and oh, how my shopping heart was singing! You just have to experience the vibrancy of Prague's markets. There are hidden gems on almost every street, from vintage treasures to designer delights, all bursting with creativity!

I couldn’t resist adding to my tutu collection, discovering some absolutely fabulous fabrics and ribbons, and some gorgeous hand-painted jewellery! (Perfect for that extra dash of sparkle, don't you think?) The ladies in the shops were so incredibly friendly! I picked up some fabulous pieces, so now I’m absolutely spoilt for choice. But how can you ever have too many tutus?!

The evening brought a lovely private ballet performance at the famous Old Town Square - it was like a dream sequence! The light played across the medieval architecture as the ballet dancers twirled with such effortless grace, making the night so unforgettable.

Of course, I made sure my little pink tutu was there too - I never miss an opportunity to add a bit of fairytale sparkle to my travels! And let me tell you, Prague truly was the perfect backdrop!

The End of the Day - The Magical Night of Prague!

After the dazzling ballets and a hearty meal at a cozy, traditional restaurant (accompanied by some truly lovely local wines) I returned to my hotel, utterly charmed and happy.

It feels like a perfect end to a wonderful day in a magical city! The sights, the sounds, the smells, all have intertwined with the magic of my pink tutu to make Prague a true love affair for this ballerina at heart.

I leave you now, darling, with a sweet promise! I'll be back soon with even more pink tutu adventures in the captivating city of Prague.

Until then, darling, remember, every day can be a magical adventure, if you dare to wear a little sparkle!

*Your Pink Tutu Muse, *


#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2016-11-09