Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2017-09-27

Prague's Pink Paradise: Post 1164

Bonjour, mes chéries!

The whistle of the train as we pulled into Prague's station was like a sweet serenade to my ears. A fresh, new adventure, a new city, new pink tulle dreams to be fulfilled. As I stepped onto the platform, the crisp autumn air and the intoxicating smell of roasted chestnuts sent a delightful shiver down my spine. It was going to be magical!

And speaking of magical, who wouldn't feel magical twirling around in a pink tutu? So, yes, you guessed it, my suitcase was a shimmering explosion of tulle in every shade of pink imaginable, from blush to magenta to flamingo. As for myself, I was a vision in a tulle-trimmed pink blazer, perfectly complementing my delicate pink tutu, of course. Let's face it, it's impossible for me to visit a new city without my pink tutu in tow. It's the ultimate travel companion, instantly transforming me into a whimsical, fairytale princess wherever I go!

Now, the plan for Prague was pretty simple: ballet, ballet, ballet, and more ballet. This city is a treasure trove of beautiful theatres, iconic ballet companies, and a captivating history that whispers of the grand waltz and the elegance of past centuries. I just had to be here! My pockets weren't overflowing, but with my love for dancing, I'd managed to earn some travel funds by taking on some performances, and of course, a bit of good old fashioned family support. A pink tutu-wearing ballerina’s gotta do what a pink tutu-wearing ballerina’s gotta do.

The Ballet Buzz of Prague

Let's rewind a little. Why Prague? Well, my love for ballet is a passion I've nurtured since childhood. I remember being utterly mesmerised watching the ballet at the Derby Theatre in my hometown of Derbyshire, where I also fell head over heels with the ballet and was immediately bitten by the dance bug. I knew that Prague would be the perfect destination. After all, what’s better than a ballet city brimming with enchanting dance halls and magnificent opera houses, than a ballet city teeming with the charm of fairytale castles and cobblestone streets?

Today’s plan involved exploring the magical history of the Prague Ballet. The first stop was, of course, The National Theatre. What a sight for sore eyes. I mean, this place was seriously beautiful! Its majestic Neo-Renaissance design just breathed life into its grandeur. This is not only the home of the National Theatre Opera, it also hosts performances by the Prague Ballet, which just gives the whole experience a touch of fairy dust. I had to take photos. And it was, as always, pink tutu-worthy.

Inside, a beautifully detailed Baroque Hall transported me to another era, almost like walking onto the set of a film about 18th century Prague. The opulence and intricate décor were utterly intoxicating. It was no wonder that the Czech opera singer, Ema Destinová, called the theatre 'her temple,' a sentiment that resonated deeply with my heart. It felt as if every inch of the building exuded the very spirit of the waltz, the elegance of grand ballerinas in flowing tutus, and the magical history of this beautiful art form.

Shopping Spree for My Pink Tulle Soul

Before indulging in an afternoon of ballet delights, my inner fashionista craved a little retail therapy. And you can’t really think of Prague without thinking of charming cobblestone streets, elegant boutiques and beautiful little shops, like the ‘House of the Black Madonna' with its gorgeous, and utterly adorable, collection of antique and vintage trinkets. I swear, I think they actually whisper stories to you. This place is like an antique shop wonderland, brimming with curiosities, delicate china, antique maps, and trinkets of all shapes and sizes. Perfect for an adventurous ballerina.

The highlight of my shopping spree, though, was the ‘Paradis Art Galerie’. It was an explosion of creative energy – an art gallery that also stocked quirky souvenirs, quirky fashion, jewellery, paintings, sculpture, ceramics, even photography, everything, and I mean everything. The owner was incredibly passionate and enthusiastic and he took me around personally. The most beautiful pink glass bead earrings caught my eye. How could I possibly leave without them? Not a chance, they were going straight into my ballerina's wardrobe. And you just have to believe me when I say they sparkled brighter than a pink tutu!

Prague's Ballet Under the Stars: Ballet, Beauty, and Prague's Best Kept Secret

As twilight fell over the city, I felt a pang of excitement and, let's be honest, maybe a little hunger. Prague’s architecture, cobblestone streets, stunning views, and even the sounds of music just made me so happy I was giddy! A little dinner and some yummy cake would help ease the hunger pangs while I took a moment to take in all the beauty surrounding me, while enjoying a glass of red wine - it is very much part of the Bohemian heritage here and Prague does red wine exceptionally well!

That evening, however, held something even more special – the ‘Ballet in the Open Air’ performance, right in the centre of Old Town Square. It felt surreal. A stage set up in a breathtaking medieval square under a blanket of twinkling stars. This performance showcased a variety of ballets, some classic and others more modern, the music and storytelling taking centre stage as Prague's Old Town came alive with the grace of dance.

Prague was already special, and this night just topped the experience with its unique brand of magic. I think it really highlighted why I adore Prague, even its street art can have a ballet theme! You know, ballet is art, performance, history, and beauty in its purest form, it transcends age, it transcends borders, and tonight was a reminder of why. It also highlighted how I, as a pink tutu-wearing ballerina, can feel instantly at home amongst a community that celebrates the very art form that fuels my heart. The magic of ballet just keeps drawing me back into the embrace of this art form that’s filled my life with so much joy, and I think the beauty of it all just helps the little pink ballerina in me just blossom.

As the music died down and the audience erupted in a thunderous applause, I felt the most beautiful warmth filling my heart. In this magical city, ballet truly lived and breathed. From the historical theatres to the breathtaking open-air performances, Prague became a haven for this pink tutu-wearing ballerina. As I wandered back through the ancient city, I noticed the glow of lights on Prague’s Charles Bridge, it looked utterly majestic and stunning. Prague had already taken a very special place in my heart and I can't wait to return. The streets of this fairytale city are full of hidden secrets, delicious delights and sparkling with charm that captures the essence of ballet and history, a testament to the legacy of the great art forms and I knew this was just the beginning.

So, what have I learnt today? Well, you never know what magic Prague holds. A pink tutu-wearing ballerina will always find herself feeling magical, be it shopping, a show or simply a walk in the autumn leaves - a city as stunning and magnificent as Prague will forever inspire me. So, here's to Prague, and to more magical adventures, fuelled by pink tulle, ballet and a little bit of sparkle.

Next week? The Royal Opera House, naturally. I hear it’s even more opulent.

Lots of pink love and twirling,


#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2017-09-27