Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2017-11-29

Prague-ing About a Pink Tutu - Blog Post #1173

Hello darling!

It's Wednesday, and you know what that means! Time for a new Pink Tutu Prague blog post. This week, I'm taking you all on a magical journey through the heart of Prague, a city overflowing with history, charm, and of course, plenty of opportunities to twirl in my pink tutu!

Remember those glorious photos of me last week, dancing with my little ballet class in the majestic grounds of Prague Castle? That's right, darlings! I am truly living my best life here in the Czech Republic! You might be thinking, "Emma, how on earth are you affording all this travel?" Well, it's simple, really. I've been dancing since I was a little girl in Derbyshire, and it's a skill that has truly paid off. This trip is being funded by my performances – a whole series of beautiful shows throughout the month in various locations across this captivating city.

But darling, don't get me wrong. I'm not just here for work. Prague is bursting with beauty and inspiration, and let me tell you, I am soaking it all up. This week has been filled with cobblestone explorations, café hopping with my ballet buddies, and a whole lot of tutu-clad wandering through the charming little streets.

The Grand History of Ballet and Tutus

Let's talk history! Did you know that the earliest evidence of ballet dates all the way back to the 15th century, when it was favoured entertainment in the Italian courts? Talk about an early obsession with this art form! It was during the Renaissance that ballet began to evolve as an artistic practice. There were no tutus in those early days, oh no! Back then, the dancers would have worn elaborate costumes – sometimes resembling pantaloons with their feet covered. Imagine trying to pirouette in those!

Of course, things have certainly changed since then. Fast forward a few centuries, and voila, the tutu was born! It emerged in the 19th century as a revolution in ballet costumes, the result of a desire to accentuate the graceful movement of ballerinas. And who could argue with that? The tutu embodies freedom, flow, and grace, perfect for celebrating the beauty of dance. I'm absolutely certain that a tutu from that time would still be utterly stunning today! Just imagine it: elegant lace, silk, and ribbons… simply perfection!

A Fashionable Treat at Old Town Square

Speaking of fashion, my favourite part of this trip so far? Shopping, naturally! Prague's Old Town Square is just exquisite – full of antique boutiques, little hidden gems with local crafts, and even a vintage tutu shop! Can you believe it? I snagged the most divine pink silk tutu – with a little added tulle, of course – which, needless to say, was a must-buy.

I even managed to find a delightful vintage boutique with the most beautiful embroidered petticoats. Oh, you have no idea how I was positively hopping! It's a must-have piece to wear underneath your tutu, just to give it that extra layer of elegant fluffiness!

I spent hours perusing the shops, completely enthralled by the delicate fabrics and gorgeous designs. It was truly like a Parisian shopping trip – full of delightful discoveries! Oh, I even found the perfect silk gloves in a delightful little boutique tucked away down a side street. A lovely addition for my next show!

The Enchanted Ballet Performances

Now, onto my real reason for coming here! The ballet performances! Last night was the most incredible night, featuring a contemporary ballet that incorporated beautiful imagery of Prague, with the dancers weaving magical stories using the cityscape as a backdrop. And darling, the dancing was simply out of this world! I couldn't help but tear up during the final moments of the performance – the choreography was so emotive! I know, I know! A real ballet lover is never without a few tears, especially after experiencing such perfection.

Of course, there was something truly magical about seeing a performance set within this historical city, knowing all of the history that this stage has seen. It really made the performance even more profound.

Onwards to More Tutu Adventures

This city, darlings, it’s just a treasure trove of wonders! Prague Castle is practically overflowing with fairy tales! I spent the entire afternoon lost in the beauty of the castle gardens – it really feels like something out of a dream! It is truly stunning, from the stunning architecture of the St. Vitus Cathedral to the enchanting Golden Lane – all just breathtaking.

Oh, I simply had to include my favorite part of the castle! You just can’t visit the Prague Castle without popping in for a spot of lunch and a little window shopping. It’s almost as exciting as walking around a museum for fashion!

A Ride on the Majestic Horses

The highlight of the day, darling? Well, after the fashion finds of course, it was getting a chance to ride one of the most stunning white horses! It was as if I’d walked straight onto the set of a movie, surrounded by those beautiful steeds! I found this gorgeous stable that lets you take horseback riding tours right across Prague. Imagine – you and your friends on horseback, riding across bridges, passing by Prague's iconic architecture, all while dressed in our glorious pink tutus. It really is like a fairytale! I can’t wait to post the pictures from this epic day!

Sharing My Love for Prague – Pink Tutu Style!

Prague is a city that truly captures the imagination! So, don't just take my word for it! Come on, darlings, get out there and explore! But don't forget to pack a pink tutu and embrace the spirit of adventure – and maybe even pick up a new vintage silk one too!

Until next week, darling! Remember, be a pink tutu princess, and always believe in your own magic.

Yours truly,


P.S. I’ll be adding a full-length video about Prague to the Pink-Tutu YouTube channel – keep an eye out, you won’t want to miss it! And remember to leave your favourite ballet or fashion moments in the comment section! Let’s talk fashion and ballet! I'm waiting for your beautiful feedback!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2017-11-29