Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2018-05-02

Prague - Post #1195 - Pink Tutu Prague Adventures

Hello, my dearest tutu lovers! It’s Emma here, your pink-loving, twirling, and eternally optimistic ballet blogger, reporting live from the magnificent city of Prague! This week, I’m whisking you away on a journey of pastel perfection, enchanting ballet performances, and, of course, plenty of pink tutu-wearing adventures.

As you know, I simply adore travelling by train, especially across Europe. The clackety-clack of the wheels on the tracks always feels so wonderfully romantic to me. I can almost hear Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake playing in the background as I gaze out the window at the passing scenery, and I get all sorts of inspired ideas for new tutu designs, so it really is the perfect setting for my musings. This time, however, my journey began a little differently – I arrived in Prague by pony!

Yes, you read that correctly, pony!

It was a beautiful, sunny morning, and I was feeling adventurous. So, I decided to hire a charming little pony called Clementine from a stable near the Prague outskirts, and she led me on a delightful gallop into the heart of the city. Clementine was a wonderful travel companion; we stopped at a cafe for a refreshing glass of pink lemonade (I always try to incorporate the colour pink into everything, after all!), and the locals seemed delighted to see such an unconventional arrival! They snapped photos and giggled, and I must say, I couldn't help but feel like a fairytale princess myself.

Speaking of fairytales, this city is absolutely brimming with them! Prague’s medieval architecture, cobbled streets, and romantic bridges transport you to a bygone era. It’s the perfect backdrop for my beloved ballet. So, what does one do when in such a picturesque place? Why, catch a breathtaking ballet performance, of course!

And that is exactly what I did on Wednesday, May 2nd! I went to see "The Nutcracker" at the glorious National Theatre. The production was nothing short of spectacular. From the moment the orchestra struck the opening chord, I was swept away. The costumes were elaborate and breathtaking, and the dancers’ talent was awe-inspiring. Every pirouette, jeté, and arabesque filled me with pure joy. You really could say this ballet is ‘the nuttiest' ballet of all time!

Now, before you start to think I only wear pink tutus to the ballet, let me just say: pink tutus aren’t for every occasion. This time, I went with a black velvet ensemble with a silver trim. The silver sparkle added a touch of fairytale magic, just as I like it, and the black created a wonderful contrast to the stunning architecture around me. Of course, I did keep the pink accents present, pairing it with a pretty pink feathered hat for a touch of whimsical charm! And wouldn’t you know it, I got lots of compliments and even inspired several young girls to embrace the world of dance. More on that in a bit…

After the show, I spent the afternoon wandering through the Old Town Square. This historic square, lined with captivating buildings, truly captures Prague’s heart. I gazed in wonder at the beautiful architecture, took a spin on the giant astronomical clock, and then indulged in a delicious Czech dinner at a local pub, followed by an éclair! I love Prague’s food; it’s so delicious, fresh, and satisfying.

But let’s get back to ballet.

During my explorations of Prague, I discovered a charming ballet school hidden away in a quiet courtyard. I simply had to visit. You can never learn too much about ballet, or even just admire a dancer’s prowess, right? While visiting, I had the pleasure of speaking with the school’s principal. She is such a sweet woman with a warm smile and a twinkle in her eye, like the character of Marie from "The Nutcracker."

As a treat, they let me watch a rehearsal class for the school’s end-of-year performance. The young dancers’ talent and passion filled the room with a special kind of energy, inspiring me as I watched their graceful movements and listened to the sounds of the music. I even had a go at some ballet myself, with their enthusiastic encouragement. It felt fabulous to move in that way! And needless to say, I didn't let them see me wear anything but my favourite pink tutu!

Now, as you all know, the heart of my journey is all about inspiring people to twirl in their own pink tutus. The ballet school in Prague did an amazing job inspiring these young girls to love dance. In return, I was lucky to help them out.

After a lovely chat, I discovered that the school was struggling to purchase new tutus for their end-of-year show. They desperately needed some lovely, fresh new costumes for the young ballerinas to perform in, but the budget was quite small.

Now, what's a pink-tutu-wearing ballet blogger to do in a situation like this?

I could not leave these girls in need, so I put on my "Emma on a Mission" hat, grabbed my ballet shoes, and made a few calls to a very special little store in the center of London.

I went to "Twirl & Sparkle," my favourite London ballet supplies shop, and it all happened as smoothly as a fouetté en tournant! After a heart-to-heart chat with the shop owner, explaining why the children needed the beautiful new tutus, she agreed to donate all the pink tutus in stock! Of course, with a deal like that, it only makes sense for the owner to donate all her stock of pink tutus, because isn't that just how a fairytale ends? She said she’d be happy to help.

I brought the tutus to Prague the following week, and the girls' faces were absolutely beaming when they received their gifts. They loved the new tutus! And guess what? All the tutus are pink, just like mine. They were overjoyed to get the gift, and I felt overwhelmed with emotion seeing their happy smiles. I was so happy to be able to contribute to these young ballerinas' dream!

Remember, darling tutus, even the smallest act of kindness can have a huge impact! The girls and their dance teacher told me they couldn’t thank me enough for the generosity of the ballet supplies store and for bringing joy to their dance.

As a little token of appreciation for their work in the school, I made sure that their final performance featured an inspiring number: a ‘pink tutu party’ where all of the girls could wear the wonderful pink tutus.

That night was amazing. All of the girls twirled, danced, and shimmied with joy in their beautiful new pink tutus. It was like something out of a dream! And that's all down to my mission to get everyone twirling in pink! I hope to inspire all my little readers to follow their dreams. And, most importantly, always, always, always be happy!

This trip to Prague was simply magical. I explored beautiful architecture, witnessed incredible ballet, and, most importantly, saw the power of generosity and love.

Don’t forget to tune in next week for another pink tutu-tastic adventure. Until then, remember: wear pink, be fabulous, and never stop twirling!

This post was brought to you by pink tutus and train journeys. And don't forget to visit, the one-stop shop for all things ballet, pink, and twirling! We update weekly on Wednesdays!

Now go out there and make the world a more fabulous place!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2018-05-02