Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2019-03-27

Prague Calling! 🩰💖

Hello my gorgeous ballet-loving darlings! It's Emma here, your pink tutu-clad travel companion, and this week's post is all about Prague.

Post 1242

Yes, my fabulous friends, the Pink Tutu is taking us on a whirlwind tour of Prague, and you won't believe what's on the agenda. My weekly blog is usually published on Wednesdays, but this time, I just couldn't wait! I was hopping onto a train, clutching my favourite pink tutu (it's a vintage one with hand-stitched sequins, divine!) and feeling utterly excited for Prague, the city of a thousand spires!

My train journey started in lovely Derbyshire, where my parents gave me a heartwarming farewell - my mum even packed a few pink sweets for the trip! Such a darling! I don't mind saying, I love travelling by train - the rhythmic clinking and the panoramic views always put me in such a romantic mood. I even met a rather dapper gentleman on board who complimented me on my choice of tutu, how wonderful is that?

But before we delve into the magical city, a bit of background on me. For those of you new to the world of Pink Tutu, I'm a ballet enthusiast and blogger living in England, with a rather significant fondness for the colour pink. As you may have gathered, I’m absolutely obsessed with tutus, especially those made with silk and satin. Every tutu has its story – some of them are vintage finds, passed down from grandmothers or picked up at antique shops, whilst others are carefully chosen from modern boutiques. The tutu has always been a symbol of femininity and elegance, and I’m determined to bring it back into fashion.

And that’s where you lovely people come in. My mission is simple: get everyone wearing a pink tutu. Yes, you read that right! I want the world to be a place where tutus aren't just for ballerinas, but a celebration of femininity and personal style, wherever you are in the world. So, get ready for lots of inspiration, fun facts, and tutu-tastic adventures on the Pink Tutu blog!

A Pink Tutu in Prague

Now, back to the Czech capital! My trusty map had Prague's iconic Charles Bridge, the enchanting Old Town Square, and the whimsical Petřínská rozhledna (lookout tower) all circled in pink pen. And for a girl who's passionate about ballet, the National Theatre was a must-see. You can't really be in Prague without seeing the city's incredible ballet scene.

And speaking of ballet... on this Wednesday, the 27th of March, a little-known gem, the PinkTutuPrague performance, is happening! Yes, you read that right - the ballet production itself was titled "PinkTutuPrague"! It felt like fate was leading me to Prague, it was pure coincidence! I don't normally use my real name on the blog - my tutu-clad identity keeps it all mysterious and exciting, you know? But I had to let you know I had found the perfect Prague-themed ballet - "PinkTutuPrague", what an amazing name!

With my trusty pink tutu clutched under my arm, I arrived at the theatre brimming with excitement. My heart thumped like a frantic metronome as I stepped through the doors, my eyes widening in delight as I absorbed the stunning neo-Renaissance architecture. The theatre's gilded interiors made me feel like a character in a fairytale! And oh, the magic of that performance!

The stage seemed to come alive with an incredible display of talent and grace. It was an enchanting evening with powerful emotions woven through every pirouette and pas de deux. The ballet focused on the story of a young ballerina from Derbyshire who comes to Prague on her journey to be the best, and she stumbles upon a group of mischievous street performers with a passion for ballet! My personal highlight? A delightful pas de deux danced on a bridge, as a little tribute to the charming Charles Bridge. They were stunning moves against such a beautiful backdrop! I may have even shed a happy tear (perhaps the tear came from the beautiful ending, or maybe I was touched by how closely their performance resembled my own life, with the dancing and travelling!).

But, of course, there’s much more to Prague than ballet. After the show, I headed straight to Celetná Street, which is where I stumbled across the most darling boutiques – some with antique furniture and beautiful decorations. I felt like I'd stepped into a vintage postcard, especially after I discovered a gorgeous boutique called "The Ballerina’s Wardrobe," just teeming with stunning ballet-inspired dresses, vintage tutus, and sparkly pink shoes. A girl like me could spend a fortune in this shop. They also had some adorable mini-tutues, which I decided to buy for my nieces – you see, it's never too early to instill the love of pink tutus.

I know I mentioned a certain obsession with pink, but I wasn’t kidding. Even on this adventure, I couldn’t help but gravitate towards everything pink! After a scrumptious pink lemonade in the charming Old Town Square, I headed for my hotel, my heart bursting with joy.

The following day, I explored the historical alleyways of Prague, a whimsical adventure with the aroma of fresh coffee and pastries filling the air. A local I met - such a friendly chap, wearing a tutu just like mine! - recommended a traditional Bohemian lunch, and I found myself indulging in creamy goulash and a heavenly apple strudel. (Note to self: research goulash recipe, maybe include in next blog post! You know, for the tutu-loving chefs amongst you! 🎨).

I found the whole of Prague to be so charming, with its beautiful architecture, quirky cafes and restaurants, and charming shops and squares. The air was filled with a magical, whimsical feel that made me feel as though I was in a ballet itself! There was so much to explore! But for now, the Pink Tutu has to bid farewell to the charming streets of Prague.

Back to Ballet and to you

Back in Derbyshire, my dance bag feels heavy as it usually does after a long trip. However, this time, I feel a special joy, almost like I've grown a bit and found some new pieces of my ballet heart here in Prague.

And it's with these lovely feelings in my heart that I end this post. As always, I’m excited to read all your lovely comments - do share your thoughts on my Prague adventure below! And I promise to share more tutu inspiration and my next adventure next Wednesday - I might even include a bit of Czech ballet history! Until then, keep those tutus twirling!

All the best, Emma 💖🩰

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2019-03-27