Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2019-04-03

Prague in Pink: A Ballerina's Delight (Blog Post #1243)

Hello darlings! Emma here, reporting live from the enchanting city of Prague, where the cobbled streets are positively bursting with history, and the air is thick with the sweet scent of sugared pastries. It's a dream come true, this trip, a real fairytale come to life, and I'm going to spill the tea on all the exquisite details for you lovelies. As always, this week's post is a little different - it's Wednesday after all, and that means another pink tutu adventure to share.

First things first, how utterly delightful to be back in Prague, a city that truly embraces its charming quirks and vintage glamour. Just look at those stunning pastel buildings, a symphony of colours reflected in the glistening Vltava River. I swear, it was practically made for a ballerina in a pink tutu.

Travel Tales: A Whimsical Journey

You know how much I adore trains, don't you? They're so romantic, like carriages straight out of a storybook. I journeyed here from Derbyshire, a mere hop and skip away on the Eurostar, sipping tea and admiring the breathtaking countryside whizzing by. Did I mention that I always have a perfect pink tutu in tow? It makes even the longest train journey a total delight!

My journey was not entirely by train this time. I felt a yearning for adventure and decided to embrace the "off the beaten track" lifestyle - and what better way to do that than with a pony! Now, you may picture me in a perfectly pink riding habit (with, naturally, a pink tutu beneath!) but alas, I simply borrowed a pony for a picturesque stroll through the Bohemian countryside. It was an enchanting experience! Just picture me, surrounded by blooming lavender fields and a backdrop of rolling hills, feeling absolutely blissful in my pink tutu. Pure magic, I tell you!

Prague Delights: Culture, Cakes & Fashion

Arriving in Prague, I knew I had to do a little shopping, my dear. Prague is a haven for vintage treasures, and after a delightful afternoon rummaging through quaint shops, I came out victorious, arms overflowing with treasures for my ballet wardrobe.

Then, the next day, it was off to explore the Prague Ballet! Let's just say the tutu selection here was divine! Every shade imaginable, from the most delicate pastel to the boldest fuschia! I absolutely adore seeing different cultures' takes on dance. Each company has its own unique style, like a kaleidoscope of movement and artistry. I felt my own inner ballerina blooming!

Afterward, there's nothing quite like a cuppa and some of the most scrumptious pastries I've ever tasted in my life! It seems Prague is truly a city where even the most humble cakes become exquisite works of art, and you can trust that I was all about the sugar-dusted delights.

A Night at the Ballet: A Feast for the Eyes

Oh, my loves, what can I even say? Tonight, I was treated to the most glorious ballet performance! I can't believe I'm actually here in Prague, witnessing this masterpiece in the flesh. The "Pink Tutu Prague" ballet has a special place in my heart, showcasing the stories of daring tutus throughout history, the evolution of design, and how fashion and dance blend in such an enchanting way. And yes, my lovelies, it featured plenty of exquisite pink tutus!

It was just utterly breathtaking. The graceful ballerinas, like shimmering sprites on pointe, telling a story of dreams, journeys, and the enduring power of dance. The "Pink Tutu Prague" ballet is something truly special, reminding us that beauty and art transcend all boundaries. It truly made me feel as though I'd been transported back in time, to an era of grace and enchantment.

But let's talk tutus! This performance, dear loves, was not just a dance piece but a celebration of the tutu, that beautiful symbol of dance itself. They were shimmering and exquisite - a sight to behold! You wouldn't believe the vibrant shades of pink. I’m not talking those dusty rose, almost beige versions - this was pink in its finest, most glorious form - hot pink, baby pink, coral pink, even a daring electric pink! You'd think I'd brought every pink tutu from Derbyshire to Prague! I can't even tell you how tempted I was to take to the stage myself, but I'm just not that bold. Yet.

It really was a performance to remember! And to be completely honest, I think my heart actually skipped a beat when the entire stage, including all the ballerinas, suddenly lit up with the brightest shade of pink. Imagine! They wore tutus that were simply sparkling, the way sunlight makes diamonds twinkle. The crowd went wild, I just had to stifle a squeal, but inside I was so excited I was almost hopping up and down like a little girl! And guess what, the stage design was inspired by the Charles Bridge - simply breathtaking, all lit up in soft hues of lavender and blush pink.

Prague’s Enchanting Charm

Oh, Prague, you've completely stolen my heart! From its magnificent architecture to its lively spirit, you're a truly magical city. Everywhere you look, you're met with beauty and history, and I absolutely cannot wait to share more of this incredible adventure with you, my dear lovelies!

I have so much more to tell you about my adventures in Prague: from charming coffee shops (that I almost refused to leave!), to exploring the most adorable pink vintage stores (my credit card might cry for help!), to finding that perfectly whimsical Parisian beret (of course, pink!).

So, darling, stay tuned! I promise more Prague enchantment next week, where I'll be sharing my latest adventures and giving you a peek into the dazzling heart of this charming city. Until then, may your days be filled with beautiful pink tutus, captivating adventures, and a sprinkle of fairytale magic.

Love always,


Please note: This is a single blog post, designed to be one part of Emma's ongoing travel blog. You could imagine adding sections about food, specific shops Emma visits, street art, and other Prague highlights. This piece focused on her ballet experience, as requested in the prompt, but you could tailor the emphasis to other aspects of her travel depending on your preferences.

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2019-04-03