Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2019-05-29

Post Number 1251: Prague, A City of Magic and Pink Tutus

Bonjour, mes amies! It’s Emma here, ready to whisk you away to the magical city of Prague for Post Number 1251 of my weekly blog adventures. This week, I’m waltzing into a whirlwind of enchanting sights, graceful performances, and, of course, a generous helping of pink tutus!

As you all know, Prague holds a special place in my heart, having been to this glorious city several times already. This trip, however, felt different, brimming with anticipation. I knew this journey would be packed with adventures that would spark a new wave of inspiration for my love of dance and all things pink and fabulous.

Journey to Prague:

This time, I traded in the train for a delightful pony ride to the city, an experience that was almost as glamorous as stepping onto a stage. Okay, I’m joking – kind of! I actually travelled by train to Prague. While a train journey may not be as dramatic as a fairy-tale ride, it was, for once, entirely relaxing! I adore travelling by train, especially when it’s for an exciting trip. With its panoramic views of the countryside, I can't help but find inspiration and ideas popping up like a grand ballet sequence in my head. I was surrounded by people who seemed equally excited about the trip, all eagerly discussing their plans for the trip – it felt like we were all on our way to an enormous dress rehearsal!

First Night Delights:

Arriving in the evening, the cobbled streets of Prague greeted me with a romantic, timeless charm, lit up by lampposts that seemed to dance in the soft, dusky glow. I made a beeline to my favourite hotel, a cozy and intimate boutique hotel nestled away from the bustling main square. The first order of business? Getting my pink tutu properly unpacked! Once it was gracefully hung on my luggage rack, it became my good luck charm for the week!

An Evening at The National Theatre:

After freshening up, I ventured out, excited to experience the cultural delights that Prague has to offer. A grand ballet performance at The National Theatre beckoned, promising an unforgettable night of artistry. This iconic theatre has stood the test of time and continues to grace the city with its breathtaking beauty. With its magnificent architecture and an air of timeless elegance, I felt I was being transported to another era, a world of waltzing princesses and handsome princes.

The ballet was truly mesmerizing, a performance full of exquisite choreography and an emotive power that took my breath away. Each dancer seemed to embody the very essence of ballet, their every move fluid and graceful, a breathtaking exhibition of skill and artistry. It was a performance to savour and to dream about long after the final curtain fell.

Fashion Finds and Foodie Delights:

My heart beats faster at the prospect of exploring new boutiques and soaking up the vibrant fashion scene. So naturally, the next morning found me wandering the streets of Prague, eager to find some exquisite fashion finds!

The cobbled streets leading to the city's famous shopping district were like a catwalk, filled with shops that reflected the city's timeless beauty and edgy bohemian style. I was captivated by the intricate detail, the intricate weaves, the colourful creations I discovered. My handbag was soon brimming with delightful finds - a chic beret, a vibrant floral scarf, and a delicate silver pendant, each a reflection of Prague's unique fashion scene. And of course, what’s a shopping expedition without a delicious meal? I relished every bite of a decadent afternoon tea with traditional Czech cakes at a charming café near the Old Town Square.

A Glimpse of Ballet History:

To truly immerse myself in Prague's artistic heritage, I embarked on a fascinating tour of the city's magnificent theatres. I was amazed by the sheer beauty of the buildings and fascinated to discover their rich history. It is no surprise that these venues have played such a vital role in fostering the performing arts scene in the city. Each one tells a tale of the city's dedication to artistic excellence, creating a haven for talent from all over the world.

I can't help but feel that every performance, every rehearsal, every rehearsal, is a legacy of the generations that have come before us. It’s truly magical to be part of something so grand!

Street Performers and Hidden Gems:

One afternoon, I found myself lost in the enchanting streets of the Old Town, the beauty of the city making me forget the direction I was going. In a courtyard bathed in sunshine, I came across a group of talented young street performers - a troupe of dancers with such energy and grace. They were performing a mesmerizing ballet routine right there on the cobbled street. Watching them made me remember what ballet is all about – not just graceful movements, but joy, passion, and the ability to enchant your audience!

Then, down a winding alleyway, I discovered a hidden gem – a charming ballet studio tucked away in a quiet corner. The gentle sound of music and the graceful movements of the dancers inside was so captivating I couldn’t help but linger, taking it all in. I learned the studio is a haven for ballet enthusiasts of all ages, offering classes and workshops for both beginners and those already well versed in the art of dance. I just had to go in. A lovely lady in a tutu that made even my tutu blush welcomed me warmly. I chatted with her about the studio, and she promised to show me the routine next week. The studio oozed a sense of warmth, of shared passion. I promised to return.

The Ballet Academy and The Beauty of Ballet:

To really get a feel for the spirit of ballet in Prague, I paid a visit to The Ballet Academy of Prague. A prestigious institution renowned for training talented young dancers from all over the world, I was taken aback by the sense of discipline and dedication I encountered here. The academy's dedication to shaping young talent is both inspiring and deeply moving, creating future stars who will undoubtedly continue to grace the stage with their remarkable talent.

To witness the students, so passionate about their craft, reminded me that ballets is much more than a performance, It's a way of life, a pursuit that demands commitment, artistry, and an undying passion for the art form. And as I watched, I was captivated by the beauty of it all, from the intricate costumes to the precise, graceful movements of the young dancers – they truly embodied the essence of ballet!

Ballet in the Parks:

Prague is a city where ballet flourishes beyond the confines of the stage. I love how ballet is embraced and celebrated everywhere, from its historic theaters to its enchanting squares. The open-air performances, under the glow of the moonlight, make ballet accessible to everyone.

One afternoon, I found myself in a local park, where a charming little ballet class was underway. It was the cutest thing! A small group of children was practicing their dance moves, their enthusiasm was contagious. Each step, each jump, was full of joy and energy, a testament to the love they had for the dance.

Pink Tutu Everywhere:

In a city overflowing with colour and artistry, Prague embraces pink tutus as if they were born there! In fact, you’d be surprised at how many places in this city embraced this magnificent garment! From boutiques offering chic tutus to street performers adding their own twist on this graceful dancewear. I have a sneaking suspicion that there’s something in the water in this enchanting city. Perhaps the cobbled streets are laced with magic or maybe the city has a secret formula that makes people embrace the joys of tutus! I won’t reveal my secret formula, just yet – but maybe next week’s post, after you’ve had chance to get yours out of the box and start wearing it in style, we can discuss that!

As my journey in Prague came to a close, it’s a place that truly embraces the power and magic of dance! The city's enchanting atmosphere inspires, while its commitment to artistic excellence fuels the fire for passion! But I’m off now to prepare for next week’s post. There is so much to tell you, but that’ll be next week, right here at the Pink Tutu Blog. You can find me on my Pink Tutu site: every Wednesday! Don't forget to follow me on all your favorite social media. We’re about to start a movement. I want to see all of you wearing a pink tutu, with a cheeky smile. Don’t disappoint.

Don’t forget – there are so many fabulous shows to watch. Here is just a taster of what’s on this week! Let me know if you have seen anything that takes your breath away!

Today in Prague – Thursday 29th May!

  • 7pm – “Romeo and Juliet” Ballet – at the National Theatre (Prague).
  • 7.30pm – “Swan Lake” Ballet – at The State Opera.
  • 9.00pm – Ballet performance at the Smetana Hall in the Municipal House! ( Prague)

Ciao for now, and until next week. You are all very special!

Emma xx

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2019-05-29