Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2020-04-08

Pink Tutu Prague: Ballet, Beauty & Bubbles! (Post #1296)

Hello, darlings! It's Wednesday, and that means it's time for another instalment of your favourite pink-tutu-wearing, travel-obsessed ballerina's adventures! This week, I'm taking you to the stunning city of Prague, where the cobblestone streets are paved with romance, and the castles stand proud against a backdrop of fairytale skies.

This week's journey started with a decidedly un-fairytale mode of transport: the train. Now, don't get me wrong, I love the romance of travelling by train. The rhythmic click-clack of the wheels against the tracks, the gentle swaying as you speed through the countryside, it all makes for a rather dreamy journey, even when it means squeezing into a cramped carriage alongside an array of curious passengers. Thankfully, my sparkly pink tutu helped me stand out amongst the crowd - a beacon of joyous colour in a sea of grey business suits.

Prague itself was, quite frankly, utterly enchanting. From the moment I stepped onto the station platform, I felt swept up in the city's unique charm. And yes, my darlings, of course I sported my signature pink tutu, just as much for the fashion statements as the fact it makes my little heart dance with joy!

My first mission upon arriving in Prague, was to pay my respects to the majestic Charles Bridge. Now, this is not just any ordinary bridge. Built in the 14th century, this stunning structure stands proudly above the Vltava river, boasting breathtaking views and captivating statues along its sides. It's practically dripping in history, a true monument to the artistic and architectural talents of Prague's ancestors.

Walking across this incredible bridge was like stepping back in time. I could practically imagine medieval knights crossing paths with elegant ladies in flowing gowns, and of course, a few dashing figures sporting pink tutus! Squee! I even spotted a few local artists who, armed with palettes and brushes, were capturing the essence of the scene. And I must say, those scenes looked a little bit prettier with my pink tutu brightening up the vista!

Following my delightful stroll along the Charles Bridge, I felt the rumbling of a delicious hunger gnawing away in my belly. And so, like a true ballerina, I did what any sensible and fashion-forward lady would do in my shoes, I searched for the nearest delightful patisserie! It had to have pretty pastel pink and ivory-coloured décor with swirling pastries in the window. My taste buds, you see, are always in pursuit of perfection.

And let me tell you, the pastry I found in this delightful little shop was a thing of utter joy! The airy puff pastry was filled with a tangy cream cheese, perfectly balancing sweet with sour, and it practically melted in my mouth. Now, darlings, you're going to want to see a photo of it! I've posted it on my Pink Tutu blog, right next to the amazing view I managed to snap on the Charles Bridge!

After a morning of indulging in a delightful mixture of history and pastry, it was time to delve into the very essence of my Prague adventure - ballet! Yes, you heard me right, darlings! It's ballet in the heart of Prague!

After searching through countless pamphlets and online guides, I settled on a performance I knew I had to see: “The Nutcracker” at the National Theatre! I had a sneaky feeling it was going to be absolutely spectacular and the perfect way to conclude my Prague adventure, before my next journey on my quest for more pretty pink tutus and grand ballets.

The theatre itself was stunning, a grand Victorian-style structure adorned with opulent gold and marble. Walking inside was like stepping into a forgotten dream. It was all so beautiful.

The performance was breathtaking! I must say I felt myself truly transported as the dancers swirled, pirouetted, and leaped across the stage, each step a symphony of movement and grace. And speaking of grace and movement, it had been ages since I'd danced, and now that I thought of it, that grand, classical music was the perfect soundtrack for a grand tutued promenade! I thought of myself swirling among the audience. Maybe next time. I have to have another tutu!

Of course, a night at the ballet wouldn't be complete without a dose of fabulous shopping! I mean, what would Prague be without its exquisite boutiques brimming with gorgeous dresses, shoes, and - of course - more pink tutus!

My darling, I swear I had a vision. In the very heart of the old town, hidden behind the elegant glass windows of a shop with the perfect little display of sparkling ballet shoes, lay a treasure chest waiting to be unlocked! I knew I was meant to see the treasure within. A bright, shimmering pink tutu, my darlings! Yes! The moment I saw this ethereal masterpiece of lace and silk, it felt as though the world faded around me, and I became swept away in a pink cloud of sartorial bliss! Oh, how I dream to twirl!

I felt as though my whole journey, all the train rides, the pastries and the historical wanderings all lead me to that little shop at that moment in time. I needed this tutu. And so it went home with me, lovingly folded and cherished like a sacred relic.

So there you have it, darlings, my week in the enchanting city of Prague! This pink tutu adventure left me feeling absolutely smitten with this delightful little gem. I promise to take you with me on my next big adventure. Until then, may all your tutus be pink!

xx Emma

*Remember, you can catch new blog posts on every Wednesday. And don't forget to follow me on Instagram and Twitter to see what I'm wearing every day! *

P.S: I would love to know what your dream pink tutu is! Tell me all about it in the comments!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2020-04-08