
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2020-09-16

Prague, My Darling, Prague! (Post #1319)

Bonjour, mes chĆ©ries! Emma here, reporting live from the absolutely magical city of Prague. Oh, this city! Iā€™ve been smitten with its fairy tale charm since the moment my little train, all steam and whistles, chugged into the station. Prague is, quite simply, a fairytale waiting to happen. And as luck would have it, I'm here to tell you all about it for our Wednesday rendezvous. It's all about tutus, fashion, and of course, my absolute favourite... ballet!

This week I'm embracing the ā€œPrague Fairy Tale,ā€ and if you follow me on social media you'll have seen I've already adopted an air of Parisian chic, but with a touch of Bohemian bohemian flair. Prague's got that air about it. Itā€™s as if every cobbled street is a scene from an old film. It even smells of ancient magic and gingerbread - and I wouldnā€™t be surprised if I bumped into a handsome prince or a magical princess in the heart of the Old Town Square!

The Train Ride to Prague: A Romantic Interlude

Speaking of steam and whistles, the journey to Prague from Derbyshire, my lovely homeland, was absolutely splendid. Riding on that grand old train was like stepping into a storybook. The carriage, with its soft velvet seats and shimmering chandeliers, reminded me of a gilded carriage on its way to the Royal Ballet - though I did miss my trusty little pony on this particular jaunt.

Don't worry, sheā€™s well looked after. Our groom is taking great care of her, giving her plenty of apples, carrots, and whispered words of praise. But as much as I love riding my trusty steed, there's something incredibly romantic about those train journeys - the slow rhythmic rumble of the train, the rushing landscapes, and the little, fleeting glimpses of hidden villages. All very picturesque and worthy of an Instagram post or two, wouldn't you agree?

Arriving in Prague: The Tiniest, Most Adorable Shop in the World!

Speaking of picture-perfect, Prague itself feels like a movie set - only a lot prettier, with genuine history! Every corner I turn reveals a stunning gothic church, a cute little cafe serving apple strudel with clouds of whipped cream, or a shop filled with exquisite glass ornaments, so delicate they look as though they'd melt away in my hands.

Oh! I can't leave out the shop! It's on a little lane, tucked away in the Old Town. It's called "The Pink Tutu," which, of course, had to be fate. (I'm such a firm believer in signs, you know?) And inside? Imagine, my dear readers, the smallest, cutest, most exquisite ballet boutique ever! Itā€™s positively bursting with the most adorable ballerina dresses, tutus in every colour imaginable, ballet slippers, and even a tiny, hand-sewn fairy costume. I even found a little pink tutu for my favourite pony, and believe me, he looked positively magnificent in it.

Speaking of ballet...

Ballet in Prague: An Evening of Elegance at the Estates Theatre

Tonight, I have the most beautiful date planned: the National Theatre of Prague. The Estates Theatre to be exact, one of the oldest in the city. You'd never guess, looking at it, how much history is held within those beautiful stone walls. And then, when the lights dim and the curtain rises... it's all a whirl of elegant dancers, magical music, and an almost ethereal sense of grace.

This is the very place where Mozart's ā€œThe Marriage of Figaroā€ had its premiere, and I'm hoping to be equally enchanted by the story they're telling tonight, which Iā€™ll be posting about on my Instagram and TikTok pages. The ballet tonight is ā€˜The Swan Lakeā€™, and it promises to be stunning - not to mention an absolute treat for all my ballet-loving friends. The dancers here are quite legendary in their own right. And for me, well, itā€™s more than a performance. It's an evening in paradise, wrapped in velvet seats and swirling music.

Prague Shopping Spree: Finding Fashion Magic in Every Nook and Cranny

Now, thereā€™s nothing quite like a Parisian fashion day, is there? And while Prague isn't Paris, my darlings, it has this delightful Bohemian chic energy. It's like a European mix of whimsy and sophistication that's incredibly flattering for someone who adores colour and vintage style! There are shops everywhere that seem like they were pulled right out of a French fashion magazine - think silk scarves, intricate beaded jewellery, and those beautiful vintage coats that you see in your dreams!

For example, I spent a rather productive afternoon at a lovely little boutique that sells nothing but pink! From shoes and bags to gorgeous knitted sweaters, the whole store is a haven for anyone with a pink-loving heart (including me). Now, donā€™t get me wrong, it's not only about the colour, but I can't help but be utterly captivated by it, so I snapped up a new pink dress with an incredibly elegant peplum. It's got this perfect ballerina silhouette that makes me feel like a twirling princess. I even found myself a pair of delicate, sparkly ballet flats in, of course, the most exquisite shade of pink. They are quite possibly the prettiest shoes Iā€™ve ever owned - even better than my unicorn-print pumps from that fabulous Italian market I told you all about!

Street Performances, Inspiration Everywhere

As if the charm of this city couldnā€™t possibly get any better, the streets here are positively buzzing with performers! Every corner I turn thereā€™s a band playing folk music, a mime sketching a picture with their imaginary easel, or a street artist capturing the magic of Prague in brushstrokes.

Yesterday, I happened upon a ballet dancer in full costume! Now, there are a few things I look for in street dancers - technique is, of course, paramount, and a dash of stage presence, but the most important thing for me is whether or not they wear a tutu. I love the way a tutu brings an air of magic and whimsy to every situation. I canā€™t remember how many pictures I took of him as he pranced, arabesqued, and danced along, bringing a flash of artistry to the streets of Prague!

You wouldnā€™t believe what else I've found - a fascinating history museum (which was full of amazing paintings of old-time ballerinas!), and, of course, the very place where a very famous historical ballet went down, the St. Nicholas Church! Talk about stepping into a time capsule.

Finding Prague's "Secret" Places

And just because you know my life is never dull, my darlings, I discovered a tiny little shop selling these unbelievably intricate and beautiful hair combs. They're designed by a local artist and some are even topped with little sugar-spun roses. (Talk about feeling like a real fairytale princess!) Now, of course, I simply had to buy some. And, well, let's just say they've already found a place on my travel hair-accessory-wardrobe.

The secret is out! Prague is definitely going to be a recurring destination for me. Itā€™s filled with hidden pockets of inspiration. Whether itā€™s strolling through cobbled streets, picking out new treasures for my wardrobe, or, as I have tonight, taking in a spectacular performance. Oh, and donā€™t even get me started on the food! And for that special touch, Iā€™ll of course be visiting the shop - 'The Pink Tutu', in search of the perfect Prague tutu. You wouldnā€™t believe what beautiful tutus Iā€™ve spotted on the ladies around here. Some pink, of course. But also a variety of styles that might just catch your fancy if youā€™re coming here in the next few months, like black tutu, and even a white tutu (white goes with almost everything, I tell you!). Oh my! Iā€™ve gone and gotten off topic, havenā€™t I? I must pull myself back in.

You know my philosophy. If thereā€™s a ballet performance nearby, I have to get my fix! So, I have booked myself a ticket for another ballet, this time a very special show in the ā€˜State Operaā€™. I am so excited. This ballet will showcase an ensemble of classical music, accompanied by amazing talent, and an even better performance, it has been rumored! My last Prague blog is coming up shortly!

To my dearest pink-tutu fans, I leave you with a wish to feel all the joy of Prague in the air. And don't forget - a pink tutu can bring a smile to anyoneā€™s face. Don't be afraid to twirl! (Just donā€™t twirl through any open windows, you hear me?) Until next Wednesday, my loves!



#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2020-09-16