Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2020-10-07

Pink Tutu Prague: Whirlwind Waltz in the City of a Hundred Spires (Blog Post #1322)

Hello my darling darlings! It’s Emma here, back from the magical city of Prague, and let me tell you, my heart is still doing a little pirouette from all the incredible sights, smells, and most importantly, the ballet!

This week, I decided to take a little train trip (first class, naturally, with my trusty pink tutu in its own travel case, because even a ballerina needs her comforts!) from my lovely Derbyshire home straight to Prague. This magnificent city, with its stunning architecture and rich history, is absolutely bursting with a romantic charm that even a jaded Londoner like myself couldn't help but fall for.

And it was just the place to celebrate this week’s Pink Tutu Wednesday! I don’t know what it is about Prague, but it just screams ‘ballet’ from every cobblestone. I even found this quaint little ballet shop near the Old Town Square that I spent way too much time in, picking out a gorgeous pink velvet tutu that, honestly, I can't wait to debut on the cobbled streets (once I’ve mastered the art of the ‘elegant skip’ without tripping over the paving stones, that is).

Now, before we dive into the details, a quick confession: the inspiration for this trip? It was completely a spontaneous thing! Last week, I was scrolling through my favourite ballet app (you’ve gotta check out the DanceMuse app, it’s absolutely divine!), and guess what I saw? The National Theatre ballet performance of “Giselle”!

You guys know I have a special place in my heart for romantic ballet, and the moment I saw the lineup for the evening, I knew this trip had my name written all over it! But let me back up a bit, because every good ballerina has to prepare herself for a grand performance, right? So before my ballet rendezvous, it was time to do a little Prague exploration!

A Waltz Through Prague's Charm

Prague is a fairytale come true. Walking through the narrow alleyways and squares, taking in the towering gothic architecture, sipping Czech beer in a centuries-old pub
 it felt like stepping into a page out of a Hans Christian Andersen story, but with better shoes! (Trust me, my ballet pumps were far more comfortable than the fairy shoes that come with being a princess).

As a proper ballerina, I naturally gravitated towards the magical streets around Prague Castle. Those winding staircases leading up to St. Vitus Cathedral – imagine the choreography! The sheer elegance of it, perfect for a waltz, or maybe even a grand jetĂ© to finish the performance!

And the city itself, with its cobbled streets and cobbled alleyways – I swear the whole city seems to be doing a little pliĂ© whenever you walk by, especially when those beautiful trams roll by! (I know, I know, a bit of an exaggeration. But honestly, the charm of Prague is so much that even I, a devoted lover of all things tutu, found myself thinking about ballet.)

The Enchantment of "Giselle" at the National Theatre

But as any ballerina knows, the true highlight of the week had to be the ballet. The National Theatre, itself an incredible architectural masterpiece with its intricate gold-leaf ornamentation, hosted a truly phenomenal production of “Giselle.”

Let me tell you, the energy inside the theatre was simply electric! Everyone, from the conductor to the audience, felt like they were part of a collective creation. Even the little old lady sat beside me, who looked like she hadn’t been to a ballet in decades, was beaming from ear to ear – that kind of passion and joy is truly inspiring!

But then the curtain rose, and my jaw quite literally dropped! It’s one thing to see a Giselle performance on the telly, but seeing it live, with every single movement rendered in incredible detail – that’s what I call theatre magic!

And oh, the story, such beauty and tragedy woven into this classic ballet, perfectly matched by the choreography and the amazing performers. The costumes were absolutely magnificent – each of the dancers adorned with the finest details, swirling in elegant, colourful gowns that felt straight out of a bygone era, and all within the grand and elegant National Theatre setting. It really was a dream come true!

Prague's Dance Lessons for the Soul

You guys know my ballet obsession goes deeper than just a love of performance. The story behind each dance, its historical significance, the costumes - it all contributes to creating something magical. And this, my lovely friends, was just the case with Prague! The city itself feels like one giant ballet classroom, where the cobblestones teach us the art of patience, the beautiful old bridges invite us to graceful poses, and the charming streets remind us to keep on moving and twirling!

Here are a few things I learned from this whirlwind Prague escapade, things I think we all can learn from the world of ballet:

1. Always be a bit elegant.

From the elegant curves of the bridges to the intricate designs of the city’s ancient buildings, every detail in Prague exudes a sense of refined elegance that’s easy to adopt. Don’t just stand, walk with grace. Don’t just talk, say it with poise! Embrace the ballerina's grace!

2. Embrace the ‘whirlwind’

We've all got those times in life where things seem to move so fast we feel like we’re about to fly off in a flurry of pink tutu tulle. But just like in a beautiful ballet, it’s those rapid turns and grand leaps that make it all so captivating. Let yourself be swept away and go with the flow!

3. Remember your 'ballet-in-your-heart'

Just because the Prague ballet performance is over, doesn’t mean you have to stop dancing! Keep the rhythm of life in your heart. Whether it’s dancing in the kitchen or simply moving with a certain kind of grace, remember that the heart of ballet is within you, ready to be unleashed.

And my darlings, speaking of ballet in the heart... this weekend, I'm teaching a free open ballet class at my studio back in Derbyshire! Yes, you heard me right, you can learn a few ballet moves from yours truly. No experience needed! Just wear something pink, come with a big smile, and let’s move our bodies to the music!

And while you’re at it, tell me about your experiences! What ballet performances have touched your hearts recently? Have you discovered any interesting facts about ballet history? Let’s share our love for all things ballerina and twirl into next week together!

As always, thank you for joining me on this pink-tutu filled adventure, and keep twirling those hearts of yours.

Much love,

Emma xxx

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2020-10-07