Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2021-02-10

Prague Dreams: Tutu-ing Around the City of a Hundred Spires - Post #1340

Bonjour, mon chérie! It's Emma, your pink tutu-loving travel buddy, and this week we're stepping into the fairytale realm of Prague!

The air crackles with the scent of warm, spiced bread, the cobbled streets are a symphony of music from street musicians, and the golden glow of the setting sun dances on the Charles Bridge – I'm absolutely smitten with this city.

And what better way to embrace the enchantment of Prague than with a ballerina's twirl, of course! I've been itching to explore the world of Czech ballet and, thankfully, my dream is coming true this very day, 10th February, 2021! I'm on my way to see a dazzling performance at the National Theatre. Can you guess what colour my tutu is? Pink, of course!

I chose to wear a blush-toned tulle tutu that gently twirls with every step, paired with a chic pink cashmere sweater and pearl-buttoned tweed jacket. After all, a little sophistication never hurt anyone, especially when exploring the artistic beauty of Prague!

This week's blog post is a testament to how a pink tutu can transform any journey, making even the simplest adventure a whimsical fairytale. As I've said in my previous posts, pink is a universal colour of joy and love - it's the colour that sets the tone for the pink tutu movement! I can't help but believe that by spreading the pink tutu love, I can make the world a more fabulous place.

Getting Here

The journey from my lovely Derbyshire home was an absolute treat. It wouldn't be an Emma adventure without a train ride! I bid farewell to the rolling hills and quaint villages of Derbyshire, settled into my first-class compartment, and indulged in the classic British ritual of tea and biscuits. This time, however, my fellow passengers were a group of students eager to visit Prague's historic museums. Their enthusiastic chat and shared travel stories turned the train journey into a spontaneous theatre performance, filled with laughter and good-spirited camaraderie.

As the landscape transformed from the verdant greenery of England to the misty mountains of the Czech Republic, the excitement swirled within me like a ballet dancer preparing to take the stage. And then, a final wave from the lush rolling green fields and then it was a blink of an eye before I arrived at the glorious Prague Railway Station.

Prague's Central Railway Station was buzzing with energy and anticipation. I had just arrived, but the intoxicating smell of coffee from local cafe vendors, and the cheery "Good morning!" from friendly taxi drivers, already made me feel right at home. With the unmistakable scent of fresh bread and cinnamon, and the joyful shouts of excited travellers, the whole atmosphere was already making me want to burst into a whimsical dance.

But for now, it was time for a quick taxi ride and check into the lovely "Pink Paradise Hotel" just a short stroll away from the Old Town Square, where my little "pink tutu fairytale" was about to begin!

A Touch of Czech Romance

The "Pink Paradise" is a little gem. A hidden corner of fairytale charm and pastel perfection - its walls adorned with delicate paintings and elegant floral motifs. My room was a symphony of pink, adorned with ruffled curtains and a luxurious king-sized bed.

As I unpack my favourite pink tutu, ready for tonight’s grand performance, the city seems to echo the colours of my life - and I can’t help but feel that Prague itself has fallen under the enchantment of pink tutus.

Now, there's nothing I enjoy more than discovering the hidden gems of a new city, so my afternoon was filled with wanderings through charming boutiques and exploring cobbled alleys, my pink tutu swaying softly behind me, adding a little twirl to my footsteps. A stop at a vintage dress shop called "La Vie en Rose," was a must, naturally, and I came away with a new lace headband adorned with a delicate pink rose.

After a light lunch - a delectable plate of pražská šunka with horseradish and bread at a charming cafe overlooking the Charles Bridge - I found myself lost in the beauty of the Old Town Square, gazing at the iconic astronomical clock, as its figures danced and the bells rang out, telling stories of centuries past. And the spectacle of this bustling town already makes my heart soar as high as the spires of Prague Castle.

Tutu'd For The Ballet

Evening is now upon Prague and it’s time for my main event, the ballet! I’ve been preparing for this moment ever since I decided to come on this journey, it’s an exquisite experience waiting to happen, and a performance I’ve been longing to witness for a very long time!

The ballet starts in 45 minutes, and the magic of this magical evening can already be felt as the lights flicker to life in the beautiful and atmospheric National Theatre. This enchanting theatre is considered one of the most important Czech cultural monuments, a national treasure and an architectural masterpiece from the era of historical romanticism.

I arrived just as the music began to stir through the theatre, the soft, graceful melodies and sweet strings, playing in a prelude of sorts. The theatre is aglow with expectant patrons all decked out in their finest clothes for this special event.

The air is filled with anticipation and excitement and you can sense the love for the ballet that pulsates throughout the room! The stage seems to shimmer in anticipation for a dream to come alive. A hush descends over the crowd. I am on the edge of my pink tulle seat in the first row with my pink tutus softly rippling. I'm ready for a spectacle to take my breath away, to witness a story unfold in the elegance of classical dance. This performance will surely leave its imprint on my soul and will remain forever cherished in my ballet memory bank.

The first note and the ballet began! It’s almost surreal how a story, emotions, and life come to be conveyed through movement. A story told without words, but only by pure motion that resonates through our deepest core! I was transported into another world where time and space ceased to exist. It's a wonderful, joyous form of expression and storytelling and something I am absolutely obsessed with! I have seen some extraordinary ballets throughout my life and always am amazed by how it brings joy and magic into people’s lives!

In those glorious moments the world around me melted away. As the performers danced and the lights shone down, my heart swelled with emotion, as their beautiful story of love, tragedy, hope, and redemption played out on stage! Every intricate movement, each pirouette, every jeté was so flawless, elegant and graceful.

As the final curtain came down on the performance, the crowd erupts in applause! The theatre is buzzing with excited chatter. This evening will forever stay with me - it is such a precious moment, so exquisite.

Tutu Tales & Adventures in Prague

As I stroll through Prague, its ancient heart beating within me, the enchantment of this enchanting city lingers on! This trip is all about exploring, learning, discovering, and creating the beautiful stories of this journey.

For tomorrow’s adventure, I have my sights on the Tyn Church and the Old Jewish Quarter - I can't wait to discover the enchanting stories and hidden history that each of these spots has to offer! I have an insatiable desire to get a true sense of what this magical city represents.

As I tuck into bed this evening the delicate, sweet scent of Prague lingers and my thoughts return to the captivating performances, the graceful movements and the elegant beauty of the night!

There is such joy to be had in the simplicity of a twirling tutu in the heart of the magic of Prague! A trip I will never forget - and, of course, I'll tell you all about it next week in another blog post, which will also include photos, if I get around to finding someone to take them. I shall leave you all to embrace the joy of dancing! And, as always, please join me in sharing your stories of pink tutus! And always remember: Every moment can be an enchanting story that unfolds with a single, elegant twirl.

Until next week my darling lovelies! Stay sweet.

Emma x

Please be aware this is just a sample, a start to a long blog post.

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2021-02-10