Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2021-08-04

Prague: Where Ballet Meets Bohemia – A Pink Tutu's Adventures (Post #1365)

Hello, darlings! It’s your favourite pink tutu-clad blogger, Emma, back from a whirlwind trip to the magical city of Prague! This week’s post is extra special as I’ve finally reached the heart of Europe, a place I’ve dreamt of visiting since I was a little girl, twirling around in my very first tutu. I promise, there are many pink tutus to be seen in this blog post. And the good news? You don’t need to be a ballerina to wear a pink tutu. Let’s all just spread the pink tutu love!

Prague has stolen my heart with its stunning architecture, charming cobblestone streets, and… drum roll… amazing ballet performances. As you know, dear readers, ballet and I have a love affair for the ages. The delicate movements, the elegant costumes (tutus, of course!), the timeless stories, the sheer emotion – it's a magic I never tire of. And Prague, oh Prague, you just upped the game.

I must start with the train journey! As you know, I'm a huge fan of train travel – the rhythmic clackety-clack of the wheels, the chance to admire the scenery whizzing by, and the comforting atmosphere. This journey was no different, but it was enhanced by a few of my fellow travellers: a gaggle of giggling ballet dancers, en route to the same Prague performance. Talk about kindred spirits! I swear, they could have waltzed straight into the carriages and put on a show right there.

Speaking of tutus, it's no secret that I’ve amassed a rather large tutu collection (a girl can’t have too many tutus, can she?). However, I have to admit, even I was humbled by the sheer quantity of exquisite tutus in Prague’s charming shops. Oh, the fabrics, the colours, the lace… they were a true testament to the city's rich cultural heritage, a heritage deeply intertwined with the elegance of dance. And speaking of tutus… well, I may have just fallen head-over-heels for a vintage, salmon-pink tutu, complete with delicate hand-beaded embellishments. I shall leave it at that for now and, of course, you’ll be the first to know when I flaunt it on the blog, ladies!

Ballet Under a Bohemian Sky

My first performance was something I'll remember forever: The Nutcracker, held in the majestic setting of Prague’s National Theatre. Honestly, it’s a dream come true to be in the same theatre where legends have graced the stage. It’s a treasure trove of ballet history! The setting was breathtaking, with ornate, gold-gilded balconies overlooking the stage, each detail as exquisite as a diamond. Then, the curtain rose, the orchestra played its heart out, and the ballet unfolded in a flurry of elegant pirouettes, graceful leaps, and breathtaking choreography. The entire performance felt like stepping into a fairytale, and of course, all those exquisite tutus – it was a true sensory delight.

As a lover of ballet history, I did some digging. The Prague National Theatre has been the heart of Bohemian culture since 1881. Its walls whisper stories of great artists, groundbreaking performances, and theatrical innovations, a melting pot of dance styles from classical to modern, ballet and opera. After my show, I enjoyed the most delightful afternoon wandering around the city centre. Cobblestone streets winding past baroque buildings, bridges adorned with charming little shops, the smell of delicious traditional Czech food filling the air. Everywhere I went, Prague whispered tales of a rich artistic past, of kings and queens and stories that danced through the centuries.

Speaking of stories, my next ballet experience was an absolute highlight: an enchanting street performance in the Old Town Square. It was a unique blend of modern street dance and ballet, set against a backdrop of charming street cafes, centuries-old buildings, and the bustling energy of the city. This performance really highlighted how ballet is so versatile. Imagine: the magic of ballet unfolding amidst a city centre! Talk about unexpected delight!

Fashion, Foodie Fun, and More

But Prague is more than just its balletic brilliance. It's also a haven for fashion enthusiasts! My love affair with fashion is as strong as my love for ballet. So of course, my itinerary included some shopping, ladies! From chic boutiques in the heart of the city to charming little antique stores filled with vintage treasures, I was in a sartorial heaven. I found myself indulging in an opulent silk scarf adorned with intricate floral patterns – perfect for adding a touch of Bohemian chic to my wardrobe.

Tutu Adventures in Prague

What is a trip to Prague without embracing the magic of the city? It’s the time for adventure, right? So I decided to take a leisurely carriage ride through the enchanting countryside, pulling my gorgeous pink tutu in tow, of course. A bit of a surprise when a gentle, soft-eyed grey horse was harnessed to a charming, if a little rustic, carriage, and took me through charming villages, winding past ancient stone houses with colourful flower boxes and vineyards glistening in the afternoon sun.

The beauty of the Czech countryside is a different type of elegance; one filled with rolling hills, emerald-green meadows, and medieval castles dotting the landscape. It’s a stark contrast to the grandiosity of Prague's cityscape, but the magic was no less. There, against a backdrop of vibrant green meadows and fields of golden grain, I found myself indulging in a picnic fit for a princess.

With a pink tutu as my centrepiece, my picnic basket was bursting with delicious treats from a local farmers’ market. Fresh fruit, tangy cheese, and buttery crusty bread, washed down with chilled white wine – simple delights savored under the dappled shade of a sprawling willow tree. It felt so simple, so elegant.

Final Thoughts

As my adventure in Prague comes to an end, I’m already plotting my next visit. This beautiful city has not only captivated me with its ballet and culture, but it’s a reminder that magic can be found in unexpected corners, from grand theatres to charming carriage rides, from elegant fashion finds to delectable picnic feasts. Oh, and never, ever underestimate the power of a pink tutu!

So, my dear readers, are you inspired to pack your bags and experience Prague for yourself? Maybe even don a pink tutu, if you dare? I’m off to share some of these new finds and experiences in my online store and my social media, so be sure to follow me and stay tuned! Remember, even on my journeys, my aim is to spread the joy and magic of the pink tutu. Because we can all make the world a more colourful, playful, and downright fun place, one tutu at a time. Until next week, stay pink and sparkly!

P.S. You can find out more about Prague's upcoming ballet performances, its historical ballet scenes and, of course, its many stunning pink tutu stores (because you need them, right?) by following my social media links and the website – you know where to find them!

Yours in pink,


#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2021-08-04