Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2021-11-17

Prague Dreams in Pink: A Ballerina's Whirl Through the City of a Thousand Spires - Blog Post #1380

Wednesday, November 17th, 2021

Bonjour from Prague, my darling tutu-lovers! This week, I'm writing to you from the heart of the Czech Republic, a city that's not only enchanting with its history, architecture, and cobbled streets but also overflowing with a vibrant cultural scene, especially when it comes to ballet!

The cobblestones here are whispering secrets of a rich artistic past, a past I've been dreaming of since I was a little girl pirouetting in my pink tutu in Derbyshire, dreaming of Vienna, Paris, and Prague!

Now, I'm here, in the city of a thousand spires, ready to share with you my whimsical adventures, which include ballet shows, fabulous shopping trips, and of course, lots and lots of pink tutus. This post is number 1380 for my blog, Pink Tutu (which you can visit every Wednesday at - do join me!), and as usual, it's dedicated to sharing my passion for ballet and tutus, with a sprinkle of fashion and a dash of travel sprinkled throughout!

My Pink Tutu Adventures in Prague: Ballet Beginnings

I arrived in Prague yesterday, straight from performing at the Derbyshire Opera House - you should see the new tutus they ordered for us! And honestly, there's nothing quite like the energy of a bustling train station in the early morning, a cup of tea warming my hands while the steam from the engine whispers tales of upcoming adventures.

The plan for today is all about immersing myself in Prague's rich ballet history! First, it's off to the Prague National Theatre, a masterpiece of neo-Renaissance architecture with a glorious history of staging exceptional ballet productions. The building itself is a treasure chest of beauty, an architectural gem reflecting the grandeur of the Habsburg era. The statues on the exterior alone, representing the virtues of drama, opera, and poetry, have a storytelling quality that captures the very essence of Prague's cultural legacy. Just imagine, my fellow tutu-enthusiasts, how many dancers have twirled under those chandeliers, how many dreams have taken flight on those stages!

The highlight, however, will be visiting the Czech National Ballet Archive, which is crammed with beautiful treasures: sketches of tutus, letters from ballet legends, even sketches of iconic ballet performances from Prague's illustrious past! This place is like a hidden haven for all things ballet and I'm planning on doing some serious research for my own tutu collection. Can you imagine a vintage-inspired Prague-themed tutu with Czech glass bead embellishments? I already have visions of a show-stopping piece for my next performance.

Shopping for My Prague Style: Finding My Perfect Pink Tutu

No trip to Prague is complete without exploring the city’s enchanting boutiques and hidden gems of shops. I can't resist browsing the intricate shops of Old Town Square with its vibrant energy. The boutiques here offer an array of unique pieces that add a touch of elegance to a classic pink tutu. My heart is already set on finding the perfect vintage-inspired pink scarf, something that complements my rosy-toned wardrobe - something I might be able to incorporate into a future pink tutu.

Imagine me dancing, a whimsical blend of past and present, adorned with a vintage pink scarf while a Czech-inspired pink tutu sweeps around my legs. A whimsical interpretation of ballet history, a touch of whimsy brought to life through fashion.

Of course, no shopping trip in Prague would be complete without exploring the bustling Old Town Market Square, a treasure trove of local crafts, artisan jewellery, and delicious pastries - oh, the smell of fresh baked goods! It’s like a living art exhibition, each stall offering a story of the city and its passionate creators. Who knows, perhaps I might stumble upon some beautiful silk ribbons that would be perfect for adding some Prague-inspired detailing to a custom pink tutu, the perfect touch for my next performance in Prague's grand theatre!

A Evening at the Opera, Prague-Style: Ballet Under the Bohemian Stars

Tonight is a special night! I have a front-row seat for a show by the National Ballet Theatre at the magnificent Prague State Opera. It’s a a masterpiece of neo-Renaissance architecture that just makes my ballerina heart sing! It’s a visual symphony - just stepping inside this palace of the arts is a fairytale-like experience. I love the air of elegance, the scent of anticipation, and the whispered stories of all those who have performed on this grand stage!

The playbill for tonight’s ballet promises an evocative production of Swan Lake - the romanticism of this story, with the graceful swan, and the dashing prince is a ballet classic that makes the world melt away, taking me straight to another time, to another tale of romantic ballet and delicate costumes, especially tutus.

Speaking of tutus - this is why I live and breathe, my dears! The tutus in this production are legendary. I hear they are made of layers of fine tulle, a veritable cascade of delicate tulle petals - an absolute symphony of movement! The entire costume is a work of art.

Tonight, under the starry velvet ceiling of this beautiful theatre, I will be swept into another world, enchanted by graceful leaps and the rhythmic swish of tutu-clad legs. I will soak in the poetry of ballet.

My Prague Diary: Recording Ballet Magic and Pink Tutu Dreams

But it isn't just the grand performances and tutus that draw me to this magical city, you know. The small touches, the intimate corners of Prague add to the magic. A stroll along the banks of the Vltava River, its water reflecting the lights of Prague's grand buildings is simply breathtaking, a reminder of a world where dreams are real. A quiet moment by the Charles Bridge, where stories from centuries past echo around the bridges.

I find that, every day, I’m adding new details to my Prague ballet journal. I have so many pictures in my head: the dancing flames of a romantic evening stroll along the Charles Bridge, a vintage shop owner's passion for her craft, a delicate porcelain cup in my hand - a small treasure from a Prague coffee house. Each moment adds a new layer to my experience. These moments make Prague feel like my ballet story comes alive!

As the days pass and the air grows cooler here in Prague, my excitement grows for my final days, and my trip home - with memories and plans to return - to capture more beauty from this majestic city.

But, my dearest tutu-lovers, until next Wednesday, remember this: you, too, can live in a world of magic! Think about those ballerina dreams you had. Take a trip to a ballet, explore your own city's hidden treasures, try out a new class, and always, always keep dreaming, wearing your pink tutus, whether for the world to see or just for you.

Stay whimsical and lovely, Emma

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2021-11-17