
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2021-12-15

Prague, Oh Prague, You've Stolen My Heart (And My Pink Tutu)!

Post #1384: A Ballerinaā€™s Guide to the Magic of Prague

Wednesday, 15th December 2021 - Hello darlings, it's Emma from Pink Tutu, reporting live from the magical city of Prague! My goodness, I simply cannot believe I havenā€™t been here before. Prague, you are a true gem!

So, where to begin? It was all a bit whirlwind, you know. One minute Iā€™m in my cosy Derbyshire flat, carefully picking out the perfect pink tutu (it was a vibrant fuschia, to be exact, to match the fairytale feel of the city) and the next Iā€™m stepping onto the Prague train station platform. I had my trusty travel companion, Henry, the grey pony who somehow fits so comfortably on public transport, thanks to a delightful blend of charm and the kindness of fellow travellers.

Yes, you see, this little blog is about so much more than just ballet! Itā€™s a whirlwind of my passions - exploring new places, embracing the unexpected, and, of course, showcasing the beauty of tutus in every single corner of the world. And this trip to Prague, let me tell you, was like stepping into a real-life ballet set. The cobblestone streets, the towering churches, the impossibly charming squaresā€¦it felt like every single building was whispering tales of fairytale princesses and valiant knights.

Speaking of fairy tales, letā€™s talk about the ballet scene here. Prague National Theatre is absolutely breathtaking ā€“ it's like a dream, all ornate details and exquisite acoustics. The energy was palpable, the stage alive with grace and artistry, and I could have sat there for hours just marveling at the precision of every pirouette and the heart that poured out in every step. I even caught a peek of the ballerinaā€™s rehearsal space; the light streamed through the windows creating a symphony of ethereal shadows as they honed their art, which was so captivating, I nearly forgot I was supposed to be on the other side of the door.

Of course, after the show, a ballerina's work is never done. I had to get a few new additions to my wardrobe! Prague's shops are truly something special ā€“ bursting with colours, textures and stories, all clamouring for your attention. I managed to pick up a fabulous silk scarf for my hair - the softest pink you can imagine, with tiny shimmering crystals woven into the pattern - and a beautiful vintage pink tutu with delicate pearl embellishments (you see, vintage tutus have so much more character!) which just had to come home with me. I always say a little bit of extra sparkle adds just the right amount of ā€œEmma magic" to a travel day!

Ballet Trivia Break: Did you know that the iconic "Pink Tutu" from the classic ballet ā€œSwan Lakeā€ was actually originally a black, simple ballet skirt? The pink tutu is a modern-day creation, meant to add drama and visually illustrate the contrasting personas of Odette the White Swan and Odile the Black Swan. I bet that Tchaikovsky would have loved the bright colours of a contemporary ballet performance.

Later, as the sun started setting over the city, we strolled through the Old Town Square. Imagine it: the golden light painting everything in a warm glow, the medieval clock tower casting a watchful eye on the crowds below. Honestly, even without the added twirl factor, Prague felt like a scene from a ballet. You could almost hear the music in the air, even if it was just the gentle chiming of the clocks and the whisper of leaves in the autumn breeze.

And while we're on the subject of autumn, oh my goodness, youā€™ve never seen such beautiful colours! They transformed the parks and gardens into landscapes out of a painter's dream. The deep crimson and fiery orange of the leaves, the silvery blues and purples of the skies - Iā€™m surprised there isnā€™t a ballet devoted to just the sheer majesty of an autumn sunset. It truly feels like the very air is infused with magic.

Thereā€™s simply no escaping the magical atmosphere in Prague. And, to me, a ballet dancer at heart, magic is all about the details. Iā€™m thinking of adding a Czech ballet book to my library ā€“ I simply have to understand the roots of ballet here ā€“ it will add another dimension to my understanding of the craft.

But, itā€™s not all ballet and tutus!

We did take a delightful detour through the city's famous Charles Bridge. It felt like we were transported through time, surrounded by all these fascinating statues and street artists. One particularly enchanting musician played his flute and bagpipes, creating such a mesmerizing sound, that Henry even had a little shimmy! And speaking of foodā€¦well, let's just say, my travel partner Henry certainly has a flair for the dramatic. He practically devoured every last morsel of those Czech dumplings I've been reading so much about, followed by an extremely enthusiastic snooze. I mean, how could he resist, when even the traditional gingerbread hearts were made to resemble cute little pink hearts! I have a feeling the love for the colour pink is a universal language.

Anyway, I must be getting back to my adventures! I still have a little more of Prague to explore, and who knows what exciting discoveries lie around the next corner. Itā€™s the kind of city that whispers to your imagination and calls to your inner ballerina! You never quite know where your next dance step might take you. I'll keep you updated on all the delights that Prague has in store, dear readers.

Don't forget to check back next Wednesday for more of my Prague adventures on www.pink-tutu.com! And remember: If you love ballet and you love a touch of pink in your life, be sure to join me in the next dance step. We canā€™t all be ballerinas on stage, but we can all express ourselves through a little twirl and a little bit of sparkle! Until then, let your tutu fly, darlings!

P.S: If youā€™re ever in Prague, donā€™t forget to bring a pair of dancing shoes with you! Thereā€™s no better way to connect with the spirit of the city than by finding your own dance rhythm amongst its magical streets. Letā€™s dance, Prague!

Stay sparkly,

Emma x

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2021-12-15