Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2022-08-17

Prague Calling! #PinkTutuPrague

Post #1419

Hello lovelies!

This Wednesday's blog is coming to you live from the cobbled streets of Prague, where the air is thick with the scent of roasted chestnuts and the sound of distant accordion music weaves through the winding alleys. I’m totally in love with this city - the beauty is utterly breathtaking, the architecture is awe-inspiring and it’s all just brimming with culture and history.

But you didn't come here just for sightseeing pictures, did you? Oh no, dear readers, we're talking tutus! Of course we are! Prague is the perfect place for my new ballet obsession – not only are there beautiful venues, like the stunning Prague State Opera House, there’s a fabulous history of ballet, dating right back to the early 1600s. Can you believe it? Ballet in Prague is like… an ancient art!

Let's chat about my recent adventures! I started my trip in style – of course, I opted for a comfy but chic train ride. It felt so elegant to sit back in first class, surrounded by my travel companions (my favourite pink tutu, and a few carefully chosen new accessories from London – I can’t resist a good boutique find!). We arrived at our hotel and I let out a happy squeal – think whimsical chandeliers and lace-covered headboards… Pure fairytale.

Now, on to the ballet, darling! I popped on my pink tutu – the most perfectly-fluffed one from my collection – and headed for the Národní divadlo. What a place! The stage was just spectacular, and the performance – a beautiful interpretation of ‘Swan Lake’ - left me breathless. It was one of those moments where you feel a surge of emotion, all because of the pure passion and grace of the dancers. It just made me want to twirl my way right into the stage!

Now, a bit about my post-ballet exploration of the city. We're in Prague during a truly special time – right smack in the heart of their cultural summer festival. So much going on, all with that beautiful, festive vibe. There's music everywhere, the aroma of grilled sausages fills the air (don’t judge! Even ballerinas get cravings, my lovelies!), and the shops are overflowing with charming souvenirs. I found the cutest hand-painted teacups for my mum, and of course, there was a little something pink for me too! (Shh, it's a secret.)

Prague really has it all - the gorgeous architecture, the enchanting stories, the vibrant culture. Honestly, you feel a surge of inspiration every corner you turn, like everything whispers "be bold, be you" . That’s exactly what I'm going to do this week – explore some local ballet classes. Who knows? Perhaps we’ll see a new Pink Tutu in Prague in the making! I’m so excited to share my dance adventures next week with you!

Keep sparkling, lovelies!


Emma xx

The Heart of a Tutu

It wouldn't be a proper Prague blog post without diving into the city's ballet history!

Did you know Prague has a long and illustrious history with dance? It dates back to the Renaissance when the Habsburg Dynasty set up court in the city, attracting some of Europe's most celebrated ballet performers and choreographers. These weren't just any shows; think grand spectacles filled with lavish costumes, dazzling sets and, you guessed it… TUTUS!

The history of the tutu, of course, is intertwined with ballet itself, evolving along with the form over the centuries. My favourite fun fact? Those stiff, Romantic era tutus we love (picture "Sleeping Beauty" or "Giselle" here!) ? They were designed specifically to help dancers seem like, you guessed it... light as feathers! A beautiful way of enhancing the lightness and ethereal movement ballet dancers were known for!

Over time, tutus changed styles with the evolution of ballet. But the pink tutu? It’s a timeless classic! It’s iconic, bold, and never goes out of style. If you’re ever feeling like you need a little extra oomph, or a reminder that you are absolutely radiant – just remember your inner pink tutu and how fabulously powerful you truly are!

Where To Find Your Tutu Inspiration

Okay, lovelies, let’s chat about places where your tutu dreams come true. I have to say, the ballet venues here are absolutely splendid. Here are my top picks for your Prague ballet fix:

  1. Národní divadlo (National Theatre): This grand opera house has a long history – and of course, an elegant tutu history to boot! Just the architecture alone will leave you breathless, and you’re in for a visual treat, with some of the most captivating ballet productions in the country. The grand marble staircase just begs to be graced by a ballet ensemble in dazzling tutus, doesn’t it?
  2. Prague State Opera House: You know I have to add it! It’s a stunning, traditional opera house built in the 19th century. The stunning, detailed architecture is like stepping back in time. Think about the ballerinas performing in a space with so much grandeur and beauty. Magnificent!
  3. Divadlo na Vinohradech (The Theatre on Vinohrady): This elegant theatre is perfect for an evening of captivating ballet. I’ve seen such beautiful performances here! Plus, I find the interiors just lovely for capturing a good tutu-infused Insta shot!
* Ballet in Prague: A Feast for the Senses*

Of course, Prague isn’t just about the majestic theaters! The city itself is an open-air ballet! From the cascading streets of Old Town to the tranquil waters of the Vltava river, the setting is perfect for dancers of all levels. Here’s my take on how you can dance your way through this city:

Take a class: Find your inner dancer at one of Prague’s excellent ballet schools. There's a fantastic vibe to the ballet studios here. Think elegant interiors and experienced instructors – all with a whimsical flair for helping you unleash your inner tutu-wearing queen! Grab a glass of Svatovavrinecko wine: It’s the perfect drink for unwinding after a ballet class or a stunning show. Relax in a courtyard café while watching the world go by (and perhaps daydreaming of those glorious tutus you just saw!) Street Performers: There’s something about those unexpected flashes of ballet and contemporary dance performances you find sprinkled throughout the city that truly enhances the atmosphere! Keep an eye out for these street performers who might just bring you a spark of tutu-wearing inspiration. Wander through Petrin Hill: It offers breathtaking views of Prague's cityscape. The walk through the hills makes you feel as light as a tutu! A great way to get a touch of exercise after a delightful ballet performance, especially in this lovely city where even walking feels almost magical.

Tips for your Ballet Adventure:

Tip 1: Embrace Pink!: There's no time like the present for adding a dash of pink to your life, especially in this magnificent city. Pink tutus are your best friends here – I've never had so many fun photos in my life! I dare you to go out for the evening with a dash of pink to your outfit, you’ll feel fabulous, I promise.

Tip 2: Get that Ticket Early: Tickets for popular ballet productions go fast! Planning in advance will help ensure you snag the perfect seat for a truly mesmerizing show.

Tip 3: Let the City Inspire You: Wander, explore, embrace the cultural heartbeat of this amazing place. Just a few steps down the winding cobblestone lanes could lead to the most magical tutu moment you've ever imagined!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2022-08-17