Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2022-11-16

Post #1432: Prague: Where Tutus Twirl and History Takes Centre Stage (And a Pony!)

Hello my darlings! Emma here, reporting live from the magical city of Prague. I simply adore Prague! It's like a fairytale city come to life - cobbled streets, ornate buildings and even a stunning fairytale castle!

Today's Wednesday, the day you'll find me here on with a brand new post, so grab your favourite cuppa, snuggle up in a comfy armchair (preferably draped in a fabulous pink tutu of course!), and let's embark on a glamorous journey to Prague together!

Prague Calling

This week, I decided to hop on the Eurostar (my trusty companion for many a glamorous adventure!) and head over to Prague for a ballet-tastic trip. I just adore European train journeys, it's such a chic and relaxed way to travel, so much better than those rushed, frantic airport dashes, and all the while, I can bask in the comfort of my fabulous, pink tutu and enjoy a good novel - or even write a few blog posts.

Prague - The Ballet Hotspot

Prague has always been on my list of must-see destinations for a few reasons: Firstly, it's a city that truly embodies beauty and culture; imagine graceful cobblestone streets, romantic bridges reflecting on the glistening waters, charming cafes tucked away in hidden corners, and towering gothic architecture – all of this just makes for an amazing backdrop for a graceful ballet performance, and there’s so much to see in Prague that truly celebrates this.

Secondly, it's renowned for its beautiful dance schools - I'm so eager to experience a class myself, perhaps some contemporary or ballet fusion, or maybe some Czech folk dancing, who knows! The city really seems to thrum with a unique energy, all geared around beauty, grace and artistic expression - so a little tutu-wearing ballerina can certainly feel right at home here!

But the most tempting thing about Prague is their amazing range of ballet performances. I've just checked the schedule, and my oh my! The "Pink Tutus Prague" performance by the famous Tutus and Tiaras dance company is on this very evening! This particular show celebrates all things tutu, featuring exquisite costumes, breathtaking choreography, and it all starts in just a few hours! I’m so excited - I know it will be utterly magical.

From Horseback to Ballet Shoe

I decided to be as extravagant as Prague itself, so after a quick check into the luxurious Grand Hotel (think champagne breakfasts and elegant surroundings - just perfect!), I took a pony and carriage ride to Old Town Square. Yes, my darlings, a pony! Isn’t it lovely to just slow down and let yourself be pampered a bit?

The carriage took me through the quaint, charming streets - cobblestone pathways lined with historical buildings, with the vibrant Prague Castle and the Charles Bridge rising like majestic swans in the background. This enchanting view truly is breathtaking. As I explored the square, its iconic Astronomical Clock caught my attention – a testament to the city’s captivating history and artistic grandeur.

My Tutu, My Fashion Passport

My pink tutu was the perfect outfit for this adventure! It twirled gracefully, matching the playful spirit of the city, as I waltzed along, a picture of ballet bliss. (I can't let you in on all my little secret styling tips, but I'll reveal a few hints on my Instagram feed later this week.)

And when you think about it, a pink tutu is truly the ultimate fashion passport to a whole world of grace, glamour and, yes, ballet! Just like every fashion item should be, a pink tutu tells your own little story of confidence, whimsy and passion. After all, there's no such thing as too much sparkle or twirling! Just you wait until you see my new tutu inspired collection of accessories, coming very soon to!

Prague, History and the Pink Tutu Connection

But Prague isn't just about romance, it’s deeply steeped in history too. You know I adore learning about the past. From its 14th century Old Town Square to its captivating museums, every corner holds stories of emperors, kings, and artists. In a way, it makes sense that Prague thrives on ballet – because even centuries ago, it's clear they valued the power of art and artistry!

For example, just a stone’s throw from my hotel sits the House at the Black Madonna. Its intricate architecture tells a tale of grand artistic expressions, even back then! The beauty, the craftsmanship, the attention to detail – all echoes of the artistic craftsmanship of dance. Ballet is an art too, isn’t it? I have to imagine that some of those historical masters in their grand studios, or sitting within those grand walls, probably dreamed of dancing with all the beauty, flair, and grace of a ballerina in her most exquisite pink tutu!

And let's talk about Prague’s breathtaking Prague Castle – such a breathtaking sight - an embodiment of the majesty, strength and wonder of art, power and grace! I even visited the grand National Theatre. It's simply a spectacle of architectural elegance and art.

Onstage to Onwards

Prague doesn’t just inspire its dancers, but also its creatives. It has some of the best designers I’ve seen in Europe! After enjoying the vibrant nightlife with a show at the Old Town Square (so many dazzling performances!), I popped into an independent, quirky little boutique just off the square called the "Pink Ribbon Emporium" - so many treasures there!

Now, this is my type of shop: a delightful explosion of colour, from hand-painted floral dresses to vibrant embroidered scarves, and of course, a gorgeous collection of pastel tutus and a very decadent pink sequin ballgown - which I absolutely had to have.

You know, there's something special about fashion when you travel - it's about expressing yourself through the cultures and local styles you experience. And for me, it’s about a pink tutu reflecting the excitement, the energy, and the cultural journey of a city like Prague!

And a Few Little Tutus for My Tutu-Loving Darlings!

Of course, I always have to include something pink and sparkly for my little tutu-loving darlings who have come along on this little trip to Prague:

  1. Prague is simply overflowing with the sweetest little pastel-coloured macarons, and they're definitely an ideal "Pink Tutu" snack while strolling through the charming city.

  2. Have a look out for some handcrafted little tutus as keepsakes! Prague has amazing handcrafted trinket shops in each and every corner! So cute!

  3. The most important thing: Prague is the perfect place to feel that ballerina glow – so have fun! Don't be shy! Embrace the city, embrace your creativity and, if you feel inspired, I bet it will find a graceful way to sneak its way onto your next fashion venture!

    Until next week!

And that concludes my blog post from magical Prague, where I twirled my tutu across fairytale cobbled streets. And now for my highlight of the trip: I’m about to get ready for the Pink Tutus Prague ballet show. I can’t wait!

Tune in next Wednesday for my ballet-tastic performance review and, most importantly, keep an eye out for some more exciting Pink Tutu-fied surprises on Instagram – until then, let’s all celebrate being our most graceful selves!

Big Love,

Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2022-11-16