Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1995-11-08 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Week 22 - Ciao Bella!

Hello darlings! Emma here, and guess what? I'm in Rome! Yes, I traded in my usual Derbyshire drizzle for some glorious Italian sunshine! This beautiful city is just bursting with history and glamour, and of course, I'm loving every minute of it. I mean, let's be honest, where else can you wander through ancient ruins and then grab an amazing gelato, all in one afternoon? Only in Rome, my lovelies!

This week’s Pink Tutu travel diary is all about the Eternal City, a city steeped in ancient history and artistic splendour. Rome was just begging to be explored in my latest pink tutu. So, where did we go? Well, you can probably guess… to a ballet performance! Of course!

Before I even leave my darling Derbyshire, I always pack a pink tutu for any travel adventure. I can never travel without at least one of my favourites, just in case a photo opportunity appears!

Now, darling readers, let me tell you about the fabulous "Balletto di Roma," an amazing ballet company here in Rome, offering breathtaking performances every night. Their theatre was like stepping back in time. The moment I walked through the doors, I knew it was going to be an incredible experience. I spotted some amazing vintage dresses in the shops near the theatre, but I just didn't have the time for any browsing, as we had to head straight into the theatre to find our seats, then of course, snap some photos in the beautiful auditorium!

The ballet itself was incredible. It was a beautiful blend of classic ballet, with a touch of modern interpretations, all set to an unforgettable musical score. Even the stage and scenery were stunning. I must confess, I even got caught up in the romance of the story (the prince had some great leaps!). My pink tutu was a perfect addition to the theatricality and I couldn’t wait to get out of my seat and show it off in the piazza after the performance!

Speaking of piazzas, that brings me to another of my favorite aspects of this amazing city! Rome is all about piazzas – these squares just filled with so much energy! They're like living, breathing outdoor art galleries, brimming with locals and tourists alike.

This week I wandered through a particularly beautiful piazza, taking it all in. This is what I really love about travelling to new places – soaking in the culture and letting the sights, the sounds and the energy fill me up with inspiration.

As you can imagine, with all that exploring and getting caught up in the vibrant energy of the city, I needed to indulge in some shopping! Of course, a little indulgence is good for the soul! Now, Rome is the perfect place for it, don't you think? And luckily, I had chosen an amazing new pink tutu for this Italian adventure. My new pink tutu is going to make Rome just the prettiest shade of pink!

Just so you know, darlings, I find the best bargains in those delightful boutiques hidden down cobbled alleyways. They’re so cute, but so often a little bit hard to find! They always have amazing accessories too – like those gorgeous floral headbands, and oh, those shoes! I adore those cute little ballet flats they have everywhere here! But it wasn't just the shoes that I enjoyed - there was such a fabulous mix of all things stylish in those little boutiques. My shopping spree yielded an absolute treasure of a bag that’s got just the perfect shade of pink, you simply must check it out in my latest Pink Tutu YouTube video!

As the evening sun cast its golden glow over the city, I found myself standing beneath the iconic Trevi Fountain. The crowds were a little less intense at this time of day and the sun made the fountain even more magnificent. Of course, you all know that, according to tradition, you should toss a coin into the Trevi fountain to ensure your return to Rome, don't you? I wouldn't dream of not tossing a shiny new coin in and wishing to come back to Rome, darlings!

I found my way to one of the smaller piazzas later, one where you could just watch the world go by. I tucked myself away with a book (well, one that I’d been meaning to read for ages!) and the sounds of laughter and the rumble of scooters all just faded away. There was such a delicious atmosphere – not unlike the smell of the wonderful spaghetti that I enjoyed at a little family restaurant just a few streets away from where I'm staying. My kind-hearted Italian host had brought me here as part of my exploration of Rome, and I had fallen in love with it the moment I stepped into the friendly warmth of this hidden gem of a restaurant!

Now, you simply must try their spaghetti carbonara, darling! But do be careful about ordering in Rome! So often the dishes you think you’re getting have quite surprising, and frankly quite unnecessary, toppings. Trust me on this, it’s easy to get taken aback by the creative cooking and get things that you really weren’t expecting – but honestly, most of the time the unexpected can be rather delicious!

To conclude this week’s adventure in the Eternal City, darlings, remember – Rome is not just a city, it’s an experience. So don’t just visit – really embrace the atmosphere! I found it simply overflowing with joy, passion and that unique, intoxicating Italian flavour! And don’t forget to always wear pink! (Unless, of course, you are indulging in that gorgeous Roman spaghetti carbonara, then wearing a tutu would be highly inadvisable!)

Do drop by every Wednesday to see where my travels take me next.

Ciao for now,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1995-11-08 exploring Rome Italy