Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1995-12-13 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Post #27 - December 13th, 1995: Dolce Vita & Dancing Dreams

Buongiorno, darlings!

Welcome back to another exciting instalment of Pink Tutu Rome, where every week, I share my adventures from the Eternal City, through the prism of pink tutus and a heart that beats for all things beautiful. This week, I'm overflowing with memories from a day filled with dancing dreams, delicious discoveries, and a touch of Dolce Vita, which is, of course, the Italian way of living life to the fullest!

As you know, my journey to Rome is funded by my beloved ballet performances. This week, I had the pleasure of performing a charming solo at the Royal Opera House in Derby. My friends all wore pink tutus in the audience, of course, and we had a wonderful time celebrating with a delicious afternoon tea at a tea shop called The Rose and The Teacup in Derby's Market Place.

The train journey down to Rome was as always a pure delight. I found the most exquisite shade of pink sweater in a little boutique at the station and could not resist bringing it home. My pink tutu, of course, made an appearance, dancing gleefully alongside me in the carriage.

Reaching the historic heart of Rome was always going to be special. Stepping off the train at Termini Station, I was instantly welcomed by the sweet scent of freshly baked bread, and the melodies of street musicians.

But first, coffee. No trip to Italy is complete without a perfect cappuccino at a cozy caffè and this was a priority. The barista smiled at my pink tutu, complimenting my choice with an impish wink. I had to stop myself from spinning and twirling right there and then!

Feeling fully rejuvenated, it was time for my day of culture, which began at the Museo Capitolini. My favourite artwork was Michelangelo's "Dying Slave". Michelangelo loved beauty, just as I do, and the muscles of the statue captured such power. I did have to remind myself that Rome's best kept secret, a small shop selling beautiful pink tutus just down the road from the museums, was calling my name. Oh, I bought the most delicate tutu, trimmed with tiny pink feather-boa. And a silk scarf to match. Naturally.

For lunch, I indulged in a traditional Roman pasta dish: Cacio e Pepe. A simple, yet divine, combination of cheese and pepper, it had me feeling like I had found a new favourite.

A trip to the Trevi Fountain was simply magical. The light dancing on the water, the sound of coins clinking, and the general buzz of excitement around the fountain, all made for a spectacular afternoon.

It was after all this that I realized the magic of Rome wasn't just about the ancient monuments or the gourmet food. It was in the details, in the unbridled passion for life that pulsated through every street, every piazza. A passion that reminded me of my love for ballet, for the art of making life a stage, a stage for joy, for celebration, for expression.

Feeling inspired and energetic, I headed for a ballet performance at the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma. It was a powerful staging of "The Nutcracker," bringing the magical world of Clara, the Nutcracker, and the Land of Sweet Dreams to life on the grand stage. I loved the tutus on the dancers. I've found such beautiful and luxurious tutus in Rome since I moved here.

I have already booked tickets to a performance at Teatro Argentina. I'm going to see Romeo and Juliet, which I've loved ever since I saw it as a school girl and even danced the star-crossed lovers as a child!

Speaking of theatrical experiences, my Rome journey isn't just about the iconic landmarks. It's also about the daily beauty found on Rome's streets, the hidden treasures awaiting those who dare to discover them. I took a long walk through Rome's city centre later that night. I was in heaven. The warmth of the night air, the aroma of the local cuisine wafting out from restaurants, the joyful energy of local life, everything just made me want to pirouette. The cobbles under my feet, the warmth of the stone underneath, it was as though the entire city was my ballet stage.

My pink tutu, my companion on every adventure, toured the City with me - from the elegant cobbles of the Spanish Steps, to the bustling market stalls of the Campo de' Fiori, and the charming streets of Trastevere.

Here's the thing: I truly believe that the world needs a little more pink. A little more sparkle, a little more joy, a little more tutu. Every time I wear my pink tutu and dance, whether it's a flashing pirouette at the Trevi Fountain or a graceful arabesque on the Spanish Steps, it feels like spreading a little bit of pink magic. A sparkle that catches the eye, a colour that lifts the spirit, a statement that says "I love life, I love to dance, I love to share the joy!"

One thing is for certain, Rome has a way of stirring the heart, inspiring the soul, and filling it with an almost tangible kind of magic. As I settle in for the evening and look out over the glowing skyline of Rome, I feel an unmistakable urge to put on my tutu and dance. The tutu is a symbol, a reminder that we are all artists, all storytellers, all entitled to find the joy and the magic that waits in every corner of life, if we are open to it.

And perhaps, just perhaps, one day, the whole world will be dancing in pink tutus!

Until next Wednesday, darlings, keep twirling and let your light shine bright!


#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1995-12-13 exploring Rome Italy