Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1996-02-28 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Post 38 - Darling, You Won't Believe What I Saw in Rome!

Ciao bella!

It’s Wednesday again, and guess who's back in the Eternal City? Your favourite pink tutu-clad travel blogger, back to share the joys of my latest escapade, and boy, this week has been simply divine!

As you all know, Rome is my favourite city in the whole wide world (don’t worry Florence, you’re a close second!). It's just so...romantic. Even the cobblestones feel like a waltz in your most beautiful ball gown. Speaking of ball gowns, my suitcase is practically bursting with the most glamorous creations - just waiting to be unleashed on the Italian streets!

I arrived on Monday, taking a delightful train journey from Venice. Yes, my loves, another train ride! If you ever find yourselves in Italy, do yourself a favour and ditch the planes for the magic of a slow train ride through breathtaking scenery. You get to soak in the sights and, of course, enjoy the quintessential Italian train fashion. (Just wait until you see my new Italian pink beret - absolutely adorable!).

Once in Rome, I did the obvious: straight to the hotel to unpack and, naturally, a wardrobe change. This city calls for bold statements, darling, and you just know my Pink Tutu Roma ensemble was everything.

And for the first evening in Rome? A night at the opera, of course! I mean, how else would I kick off a week in the most beautiful city in the world? I must confess, darling, that this evening took me back to my days in Derbyshire, my sweet little ballet studio, back before my Pink Tutu adventures began. Remember those magical evenings watching Swan Lake with my best friends? The atmosphere was truly electrifying!

Now, let me tell you about this opera… Tosca, darling! Such passion, such drama! The singers were truly magnificent. My dear, you can't get more passionate than a full-blown Italian operatic performance! And the costume? Divine! Think a rich crimson gown, layered with dramatic jewellery – just picture it. It was pure theatrical perfection!

Speaking of theatrical perfection, have you ever heard of Teatro dell'Opera di Roma? It's the opera house itself, you know, right in the heart of the city. It's a beautiful old building, with all that beautiful Italian grandeur – like a dream from another era. They even have an "Opera" shop where I just had to buy a little memento – a tiny miniature of the theatre for my ballet shoe collection. Oh my! I cannot tell you how delighted I was. It's so delicate, and utterly pink, with the smallest ballerina statue. Absolutely irresistible.

The day after the opera, I took a delightful wander through the heart of the city. My pink tutu flowed so elegantly with the rhythm of my steps, catching the eye of a kind Italian gentleman who complimented my ensemble. Naturally, I gifted him a pink tulle ribbon. Sharing the pink love is all part of my mission, darling!

You won’t believe what I saw! There were children doing impromptu ballet moves outside the Colosseum! I had to grab a snap – how incredibly cute! They had that natural grace that every ballerina dreams of. It was a spontaneous ballet performance right in the heart of the city. Just imagine my delight!

Of course, no trip to Rome would be complete without a visit to the Vatican. It's an architectural marvel, darling. Those incredible marble floors, the vast frescoes – all simply divine. You wouldn't believe the stories hidden behind each painted figure. I found myself captivated by the sheer scope and history of it all. Just imagine all those magnificent ballerinas and the stories that could be woven from these stories. There was an air of incredible mystery – the perfect environment to get the creative juices flowing for my next ballet piece!

The other must-see spot in Rome is the Pantheon. Let’s just say I’ve found a new muse for my Pink Tutu! I imagine my latest creation as a divine white and silver, with a majestic feathered tulle, swirling beneath the majestic dome. Yes, darling, you just know this design will be pure heaven!

My day of sight-seeing had my dancing shoes aching, and I knew the only cure for that was a luxurious evening of fine dining. I savoured the flavours of the most amazing pasta in a quiet little trattoria – don't you love those hidden gems! The atmosphere was pure romantic charm. Imagine me sipping a glass of local Italian red, lost in a world of Italian gastronomy. I must say, I believe it was a very romantic and enchanting evening indeed!

Speaking of romance, I’ve fallen absolutely head over heels for one of Rome’s exquisite fashion houses! They are absolutely dripping in the most magnificent pink creations! It was impossible not to indulge, my dear, and guess what I got myself? The perfect pink outfit to wear for my ballet performance tomorrow! Squeal - You'll just love it! I shall reveal it all in my next post.

You see, Rome has so much to offer, even for a little ballerina like me. The fashion, the history, the romance… It truly is a city that captures your heart! It makes me want to pirouette across the Piazza Navona and spin until I see stars, darling. It's truly a pink dream come true.

That’s all for this week, my loves, but stay tuned for next Wednesday’s post as I delve deeper into the magical heart of Rome and tell you all about the divine performance! Remember, if you ever see a little ballerina in a pink tutu, I may just be right behind you. Until next time, darling, and remember - wear pink, live life in a tutu!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1996-02-28 exploring Rome Italy