Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1996-03-20 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Post 41 - Ciao Bella!

Wednesday 20th March 1996

Oh darling, can you believe it's Wednesday already? This week flew by like a hummingbird on sugar, flitting from one dazzling experience to another in Rome. Let me tell you, this city is simply divine. I mean, the cobbled streets, the gorgeous architecture, the sunshine that seems to linger all day, and the gelato - oh my, the gelato!

As you know, I'm a big believer in train travel. Something about watching the world roll by from a carriage window feels like a scene straight out of a vintage film. It really sets the mood for an adventure, you know? And let's face it, darling, I'm always ready for a new adventure!

This time, I took the overnight train from Paris to Rome. I squeezed into my favourite pink tutu (it's the one with the layers of shimmering organza that look like a cloud of spun sugar) and drifted off to sleep. Woke up, bleary eyed, but buzzing with excitement to explore. The journey itself was an experience, passing through vineyards and fields of lavender - a romantic symphony of purple and green. And then, just like that, I was here. In the heart of Rome!

My first stop, darling, was the Pantheon. I'd heard so much about this magnificent masterpiece and let me tell you, it did not disappoint. We stood in the immense open space of the building, marveling at the incredible dome overhead. You can almost hear the whispers of history echoed in the grandeur of it all. I, of course, had to strike a pose in my tutu beneath the vast expanse, a fitting tribute to a historical monument so divine.

A little shopping spree and a breathtaking ballet

After soaking in the ancient grandeur of the Pantheon, my trusty shopping bags called me to Rome’s labyrinthine streets. My afternoon was a whirlwind of exploring boutique shops with their beautiful wares. This little city is a paradise for finding those exquisite pieces you can't find back home. I snagged the most adorable pair of Italian leather pumps - pink, naturally! And a delicate silver necklace, a perfect addition to my ballet outfits. I always make a point of seeking out independent stores when I travel, those places brimming with personality and the stories behind the craft. This afternoon felt like a scene from a movie, bustling with local life, scents of coffee and flowers swirling around me.

My evening was an absolute delight. I made my way to Teatro dell’Opera di Roma, the Opera House here. Oh darling, it was like stepping into another world, one brimming with elegance and beauty. I took my seat (in the balcony, of course - always good for those grand views!) and the music flowed over me, a delicate symphony of notes carried by the talented performers. It was so enchanting.

This week, the programme showcased a modern dance piece, quite unlike the classical ballet we enjoy back in Derbyshire. It was bold, daring, filled with movement that spoke to the heart, challenging the body and expressing something incredibly personal. This isn't about sugar plums and swans, my darling, this is art, this is passion, this is pure movement. I found myself drawn to the vulnerability and honesty within the choreography. It was a powerful performance that left me feeling quite moved, and with a newfound appreciation for contemporary dance. I have to admit, it was just what I needed after a busy day exploring.

Tonight's tutu

You simply have to see the outfit I chose tonight. It’s the epitome of romantic evening elegance - a tulle ballet skirt in the palest blush pink, a whisper of the color like sunset on the water. I layered it over a simple ivory top and added my trusty pink pearl necklace, the subtle gleam just catching the light. For the performance, I swept my hair up in a low bun, and I just feel…ready. It’s so much about how we feel, you know? This outfit makes me feel ready for the world, ready to absorb every moment and be in awe of every magical thing Rome has to offer.

Stay tuned!

I am so excited to see what awaits me tomorrow. I'm thinking a visit to the Colosseum - can you imagine how dazzling it must have been back in the day? And, of course, a trip to one of the local gelato shops is non-negotiable! This gelato is different to any I've had, it has this unique, melt-in-your-mouth richness, so delicious!

Oh, my dear darling, Rome has truly captured my heart. It's everything I imagined and more!

Do stay tuned, because my Rome blog continues next week. And until then, please tell me - what do you think about the idea of wearing a pink tutu, darling? Because even in the grand historical buildings of Rome, you can’t escape the lure of pink!

Much love,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1996-03-20 exploring Rome Italy