Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1996-05-29 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome - Wednesday 1996-05-29: The Eternal City of…Pink Tutus?

Ciao bella! It’s Wednesday, and that means it's time for another installment of my Rome adventures on Pink Tutu! This week marks my fifth week in the Eternal City, and believe me, the magic has only intensified. Today I'm brimming with so much excitement and inspiration I feel like I could pirouette to the Colosseum itself (though I probably wouldn't be able to wear a tutu – it's not really practical for navigating cobblestone streets, sadly).

This week, my heart is full of Rome's hidden wonders, buzzing with the charm of Italian life, and, of course, dancing to the rhythm of this exquisite city. I'm sure you've already guessed - I’ve fallen in love!

Before I gush too much, let’s recap a little bit about me, just for those of you who are joining us on the Pink Tutu train for the first time (ahem, are you even real fashionistas?! But in case you haven't heard of my wonderful pink tutu-centric world, welcome aboard!)

For those who don’t know, I'm Emma, a ballet-loving, tutu-obsessed girl from Derbyshire, England. My life is basically a ballet shoe print, fuelled by a serious love affair with tutus and an unwavering belief that the world is a far more magical place when everyone wears pink!

And the thing is… it's totally possible to make your world a bit more pink, one tutu at a time. Even Rome has felt the tutus. Remember that little gem I told you about last week, the Ballet Teatro di Roma? Well, my darlings, that has been the centre of my universe since arriving! Just imagine, a city with so much history and artistic expression, and they understand my tutu dreams! Talk about an artistic meeting of minds!

The first show I went to was Cinderella, which absolutely blew my mind! Their set design was incredible, and the costumes were pure magic. My little pink tutu, however, was tucked away in my bag. They say there’s a time and a place, and ballet shoes felt right at that point, haha! (Let's be honest, it’s all about making a statement. One step at a time!)

But this is about more than just dance, you see? I’ve got my own mini-ballet performance coming up! It’s a chance to show these Romans how much I adore this city – I can't wait to bring a little touch of pink magic to this charming place!

Of course, this blog post wouldn't be complete without mentioning my travels to and from this delightful city. Taking the Eurostar from London was just a magical, peaceful way to travel. The sleek carriages and panoramic views always get my creativity flowing, not to mention my playlist. It's just the best way to feel like you're travelling through time! And my oh my, this journey to Italy was no exception, the Italian scenery made the trip just wonderful!

Let’s dive into the wonders that have taken my breath away this week:

The Pantheon - If you ask me, this is truly one of Rome's greatest masterpieces! This breathtaking masterpiece, a perfect blend of architecture and history, made my jaw drop in a way no Italian gelato has ever done (not even the hazelnut one, I’m just that obsessed!). Can you imagine what it was like back in the day? I imagine the Emperor and Empress of the day wouldn’t even bat an eyelid if I entered their palace wearing my pink tutu - they’d understand its beauty and majesty!

Trevi Fountain - Every inch of it is pure magic! A sprinkle of coins ensures good fortune, they say. If you've ever been to Rome, you’ll understand my love for it. I’m still dreaming about those gorgeous fountains. It made my own little tutus and little performances feel all the more delightful - an elegant symphony for the soul.

Colosseum - This gigantic architectural feat, where ancient gladiators once fought, gave me goosebumps. Even today, I feel a powerful sense of history within its walls! I've learned so much about gladiatorial battles, about ancient Romans and the magnificent Roman Empire – fascinating. I wish I had a tutu long enough to make a spectacular performance all around it – imagine the photographs.

Shopping Extravaganza - You’ll understand that any true fashionista needs to keep up with the trends. Well, I found the perfect outlet for that! This little shop was overflowing with tutus, fabrics, and oh so much sparkle, and not only did they have everything I dreamed of, I also stumbled across a vintage collection! Honestly, they must have sensed I was a Pink Tutu fanatic because there it was – my own pink tulle, just waiting to become another sensational tutu creation! I’m still swooning over that amazing fabric! I even managed to buy a vintage one – it's perfect. I've already sketched a new dance piece – with tutu-ly all the romance!

But it’s not just about my ballet wardrobe! Rome is a shopaholic's paradise, especially when it comes to leather, clothes, and handmade items. Every turn brought something spectacular and utterly beautiful – from dainty Italian silk scarves to charming ceramics and jewellery. If you’re reading this, then grab a beautiful new accessory that makes you feel like you are walking the Roman runway - even if it's just a sparkly pink hair clip, or a matching bag! Don't forget, we're not all princesses, we're also fairies.

This beautiful, historic city with its elegant fashion has been so much fun!

This was just a taste of this week's Rome delights – my Pink Tutu blog has so many photos from these trips to take you on a virtual journey with me. You can also subscribe to receive updates on my performances, adventures and of course, tutu designs, every week on - just click the “Subscribe” button in the navigation. I’m Emma, your trusty travel companion for Pink Tutu, where your adventure starts… with a little twirl and a pink tutu!

So remember – whether you’re walking through Rome or simply dreaming about it – make it pink, make it fabulous, make it fabulous and pink, and join me for next week’s adventures on the blog!

Ciao Bella!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1996-05-29 exploring Rome Italy