Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1996-07-24 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome - #59: Ciao Bella! It's All About the Glamour, Darling!

Wednesday 24th July 1996

Oh, my darlings! I’m writing this post from the heart of Rome, nestled amongst cobbled streets and gelato shops that are practically bursting with flavour! Can you believe I'm in Rome? The city that conjures up images of emperors, gladiators, and, of course, incredible fashion! I even wore a particularly exquisite pink tutu today – one that twirled like a symphony under the Italian sun! And believe me, Rome is like one big, glamorous symphony, darling!

This is week five of my Roman adventure, and already it feels like I've fallen in love with every corner, every ancient ruin, every stunning piazza. The Romans, they're a flamboyant lot, and I'm already channeling that fabulous energy in my own way, of course! (What else would a pink-tutu-wearing ballerina do in a city like Rome? ;) )

Today started with a breathtaking ballet performance at the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma – truly exquisite, with costumes that were nothing short of spectacular! The dancers, their moves were like a painting in motion! It’s the best way to start a Wednesday, don't you agree?

You know how much I love seeing new productions, but honestly, I have to say – the whole journey itself was a show! It all started in the grand station of Milano Centrale, a symphony of beautiful architecture. My train, it was an experience! All leather seats, with so much room! It was like sitting in my own little carriage, except this one had a fabulous view of the rolling Tuscan countryside, the kind that seems painted in shades of green and gold.

You can't possibly travel without indulging in the delights of Italian fashion, darling. That’s why I just HAD to spend a bit of time at Via Condotti! Can we just pause for a moment and appreciate the names of these shops? Prada, Fendi, Valentino. These aren't just words; they're magic, like a whisper of pure elegance. Oh, the dresses, darling! Such beautiful colours and textures - and oh, how I dream of twirling in them on a Roman balcony! I might just have to invest in a gorgeous, cherry-red cocktail dress, perfect for a soirée with some local friends I made at the ballet.

Later this week, I'm going to be exploring some of the ancient wonders of this magnificent city. Imagine, stepping into a history book!

There’s also something absolutely delightful about spending an afternoon at one of the little cafes. I just adore the slow pace, the delicious aroma of freshly ground coffee beans, the sweet laughter echoing around the piazza. I can't get over the art of just “being.” It’s truly the essence of Italian life, don't you think?

Speaking of art, have you seen the Trevi Fountain, darlings? It’s beyond description! I practically skipped towards it, just to catch that glimpse of shimmering water and perfectly sculpted figures. It felt like I'd stumbled upon some hidden fantasy! I made sure to throw in a coin - for good luck, of course. One for each dream!

You know, I have to confess - sometimes when I'm lost in a new city, like the little streets around the Pantheon, I can't help but feel like I'm dancing. I mean, just imagine it - all these ancient buildings and majestic spaces, everything flowing in perfect harmony! Of course, I pulled a few pirouettes right there in the middle of the square - it was all in the name of "artistic inspiration," darling! And who knows, maybe it inspired someone to take up ballet!

The nights are full of the magic of music and laughter! There’s music playing on every street corner, in the pizzerias, even in the shops! I'm not talking about just any music either - we’re talking full orchestras and beautiful Italian voices singing right into the evening sky! I think the Romans have a very special connection with music, and of course, that’s something we dancers hold very close to our hearts, too.

Speaking of things close to our hearts, I must tell you about the food. The pizzas – oh, they're an absolute work of art! Crispy and thin, covered with the most delectable toppings. And the pasta – heaven in every single bite. And the gelato, it's simply the best. Strawberry? Chocolate? Lemon? There are so many delicious flavours, you have to taste them all! I just finished a cone of "chocolate chip," but trust me, there will be more!

The thing is, darling, this city doesn’t just whisper its beauty – it screams it from every rooftop and every piazza! It's a feast for the eyes, a feast for the soul, and certainly a feast for the stomach! I've always thought that a perfect ballet performance takes grace, skill, and passion, and, darlings, that's what this whole city feels like. It’s not just the breathtaking architecture, or the magnificent art, it's a living, breathing art form in itself. And of course, I'm always hoping that by wearing my bright pink tutus, I’ll encourage others to see the magic, to feel the beauty, and embrace that joy!

This is definitely a place where a pink tutu isn't just out of place; it's positively welcome. I can just picture a hundred pink tutus twirling amongst the Colosseum and the Trevi Fountain - now that's an image that would make this whole adventure worth it!

Remember darlings, stay true to your colours and never be afraid to twirl, because in life, it’s always best to wear your own personal symphony of colour.

Ciao bella!


P.S. Did you know the Pantheon, that glorious temple that is as grand and beautiful as it is ancient? It was built way back in 126 AD. And, believe it or not, this amazing building has stood tall and magnificent all those years! And get this, it’s even used for religious ceremonies today! Talk about embracing the past while making it part of the present. So very elegant, wouldn't you say?

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#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1996-07-24 exploring Rome Italy