
Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1996-11-13 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Ciao Bella! (Post #75)

Wednesday 13th November, 1996

Ciao bellissimo! I'm back from Rome, oh darling, I can't tell you how fantastic this trip was! Honestly, it's almost impossible to put into words, but I'll do my best. Buckle up, lovelies, because this one is going to be long, because let's be honest, how often does one get to travel to Rome in a pink tutu?!

As always, you lovely lot will already know that I financed this trip with some lovely ballet gigs in Derbyshire. Thereā€™s a lovely little community theatre in my town which puts on an annual production, and I always land myself the lead! Well, you can't be a star if you're just sitting on the sidelines! My bank balance may have been looking a little peaky after the recent tour with my ballet school, but the community theatre was happy to let me borrow some beautiful tutus - and the costumes department was even more thrilled when they saw my custom-made, oh-so-lovely hot pink number!

My darling Mummy was delighted to hear about the Roman adventure. We havenā€™t been on a proper holiday together since, well, I was about seven! Thatā€™s almost a decade of fabulous fun missing out! The excitement, I'm telling you, was absolutely electric. We hadnā€™t really planned a grand itinerary. Mum prefers to keep things a little less, shall we say, 'structured'? Which always suits me perfectly, as I am not one for timetables. Honestly, if you ever see me rushing around, you can be certain that either Iā€™ve misjudged the time on my way to a show or have a whole shop full of beautiful new shoes calling my name!

Weā€™re pretty big on our train travels in my family. Honestly, who needs to fly when you have the glorious Eurostar zipping through France, stopping in a few gorgeous places for coffee and pastries along the way? It's all part of the charm, I reckon! As the train pulled into Termini station in Rome, a thrill went through me like a prima ballerina's grand jetĆ©! This city, this glorious historical haven, beckoned me. I couldn't wait to start exploring its beautiful heart!

My mother was delighted, darling, sheā€™s just the kind of person who can only be described as ā€˜a picture of elegance' - you should see the little hats she packs! She really was in her element, and who wouldn't be in the Colosseum, just bathed in that gorgeous warm Roman sun? The marble! My darling! I just stood there for what must have been half an hour, taking it all in! Itā€™s actually much larger in person than you might imagine!

The Romans werenā€™t shy about their love for fashion, not in the slightest, no sirree! There was so much exquisite beauty all around! Oh, darling, the leather jackets! My boots - new ones - you bet, and those glorious hats with the long feathers, honestly! You have to wear feathers, it adds a touch of the theatre! You just know there was once a majestic emperor or empress parading their grandeur on these streets. Oh, the stories they could tell!

Onward to the Trevi Fountain!

No trip to Rome is complete without tossing a coin, and this time, youā€™ll just have to trust me when I tell you that, I was a natural! As the coin skimmed over the water, I could almost hear the wishes forming. A few days to simply immerse ourselves in this cityā€™s culture. We were free!

We had the best little pasta meal - darling, you simply HAVE to try the Roman spaghetti carbonara! - and then popped along to see a beautiful ballet at Teatro dell'Opera. We saw ā€œLa Traviataā€, by Verdi, it was simply divine! Of course, I had a very special costume to celebrate my little visit to this magnificent venue. You bet, my new custom-made ballet skirt came in the most stunning coral shade. I had to be a bit bold! Just a touch of glamour, and it certainly brought the smiles to the crowds as we strolled out onto the beautiful piazzas.

Our next day was just so magical, darlings! The Spanish Steps! Honestly, youā€™ve got to have the right kind of outfit for that little jaunt, a touch of the dramatic. It wouldnā€™t be a Pink Tutu Rome adventure without a bit of extra ā€˜ooh-la-la!ā€™

I always carry my little dancing shoes for when inspiration strikes - darling, itā€™s just my way! - and just as we were about to cross into the gorgeous Piazza di Spagna, you wouldn't believe it but a lovely busker began to play an enchanting tune! Now Iā€™m no professional dancer - the tutu makes me happy! - but it certainly was a magical moment as I started a little performance. And the reactions? The delight! The delight on those sweet little faces was truly worth more than all the gold in Rome, my dears! I couldā€™ve danced the night away!

An afternoon at the Pantheon!

If I could describe Rome in one word, it would have to be ā€œopulence!ā€ Seriously, the detail in every structure just takes your breath away! The Pantheon, well, you just can't take your eyes off it, every stone whispers tales of bygone empires, and I simply love the way the sunlight streams through that enormous hole in the ceiling. Just glorious, darlings! And there were those Roman marble statues! How can one simply not have a fashion moment while gazing at those beauties? The way those sculptors captured the movement of those draped gowns! Quelle belle!

Shopping galore!

I may have mentioned before that a tutu girl is just always on the lookout for a fantastic outfit. Rome is a city with its very own magic, a certain kind of enchantment that gets a girlā€™s pulse racing. You see the finest quality leather jackets and boots and they're right there, within your reach! Honestly, Rome is like stepping back into an opera scene - that kind of exquisite elegance! So you know I went mad! A fabulous velvet skirt to be precise - burgundy and embellished with these beautiful pearls - perfect for when Iā€™m just sauntering along!

But my dear, dear Mum really wanted to do the ā€˜real Romeā€™, or at least, I assume it was ā€˜realā€™, it sounded vaguely dangerous but exciting all at once. Well, not exactly, dangerous, perhaps I was imagining it, you know? She found this fantastic local restaurant - I can't for the life of me remember the name! Oh darling! Isnā€™t it awful, I know! - it had been there for something like three generations, at least! You wouldnā€™t believe how amazing it was! We got this little cart to take us, a very tiny car, like a toy! But Mum said we needed to experience ā€˜the true Italyā€™ and you bet, the little taxi cart was totally what we needed! And they serve this delicious pizza on this thin little round plate - the little lady on the corner kept pointing at it! I think the food is really important in Rome, darlings! The locals love a good time! The whole restaurant was singing and it really made me feel a bit more ā€˜at homeā€™ Iā€™ll admit!

And as Iā€™m about to bid you a fond farewell - it's nearly time for another performance! - itā€™s probably only right that I tell you about this magical experience - how my mother went absolutely mad and took me to this gorgeous local festival, and honestly, the locals were dressed so, so glamorously! All these wonderful pink feathers everywhere! It just had that extra touch of that theatre, just as if we were watching a spectacular production on a stage. Honestly, I loved it, I truly felt like a character from one of those classic Italian opera films, except it wasn't a film, this was a festival, with those gorgeous men all decked out in their smart suits, and all the local children swirling their little feather boas, such beautiful dancing in those brightly coloured dresses! We had an absolute blast! You could see the sheer delight in everyoneā€™s eyes. It just showed, this love for fun, for expression and the beauty of Italy in one gorgeous moment. It was honestly, the perfect touch! The perfect, happy, pink Tutu ending!

Until next week, my lovely lot! Stay tuned! And donā€™t forget, I want everyone in a pink tutu! And remember darlings, a little sparkle and some fun never hurt anyone! xx

Ciao Bella!



#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1996-11-13 exploring Rome Italy