Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1997-04-23 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Post #98 - Wednesday 23rd April 1997

Ciao bella!

This week, I’m channeling my inner Roman goddess (with a generous sprinkle of Derbyshire charm, naturally) because I’m in the Eternal City! I arrived on a glorious spring day, with the sunshine glinting off the terracotta rooftops and the air filled with the scent of blooming jasmine. And let me tell you, Rome does not disappoint. It's absolutely buzzing with life, a kaleidoscope of sights, sounds, and smells.

This whole trip has been a dream come true! You see, Rome has been calling to me for years. From the first time I saw “Roman Holiday” (complete with Audrey Hepburn’s stunning ballet shoes!) I've yearned to explore its cobblestone streets, soak up its ancient history, and maybe even stumble upon a hidden gem or two… and this week, I’m ticking off all my Roman bucket list wishes!

I know, I know, some might say a pink tutu isn’t the most practical choice for wandering through the ancient ruins. But you know me, darling! Pink is the colour of joy and life and beauty – and who better to show the world just how stylish pink tutus can be than a girl like me? I might have just landed a couple of funny glances (with a couple of appreciative nods too) from the locals – but then again, who could resist a bit of tutu-liciousness?

So how have I spent my first week in Rome? It’s all been a whirlwind of wonder, sunshine and delicious pizza! On Sunday, I took the train from Firenze to Rome – oh, those Italian trains are just too divine for words. Smooth and fast, it whizzed through the gorgeous countryside, painted in shades of emerald green and lemon yellow. As the scenery whizzed past, I dreamt up my next Italian adventure (Florence is calling!).

Now, you know how much I adore ballet! And, believe it or not, even here in the heart of Roman history, ballet holds a special place! On Monday, I spent a morning at Teatro dell'Opera di Roma. Oh my, it was breathtaking – all plush red velvet, gilded accents and exquisite, grand designs. A true taste of Italy's passion for artistry and opulence! They have an upcoming performance of "Swan Lake," and, of course, I snagged a ticket.

My Roman adventure isn't all about ballet, though. Rome is a shopaholic’s paradise! From quirky, vintage boutiques nestled in side streets to sprawling designer stores with windows glittering with shimmering silk, it’s a real feast for the senses! The clothes in Rome have such a distinctive style, all graceful, flowing fabrics in earthy colours. You can tell, everyone takes their fashion seriously here.

On Tuesday, I discovered a hidden gem in the heart of Rome – an adorable little café nestled beneath a rambling old ivy-covered archway. It served the most divine cappuccino (seriously, the froth was like spun silk!) and the sweetest little almond pastries I'd ever tasted. The owner was charming – a gentleman named Luigi with eyes that sparkled like the Coliseum in the moonlight. We talked for hours, sharing stories of life in Rome.

On my free afternoon, I strolled through the Colosseum, imagining gladiators clashing swords and crowds roaring in the stands. Standing there amongst those weathered stones, it felt like I’d been transported back in time! It was like the whole city was telling me stories whispered by the ghosts of ancient Rome!

And, oh, the food! I haven't met a pasta I haven't loved. This past week I've devoured spaghetti alla carbonara, the most delicate fettuccine alfredo (topped with just the perfect sprinkling of parmesan!), and even tried some of that mouthwatering lasagna al forno (don’t worry, I shared it, sharing is caring!) It’s all been divine – and I’ve discovered a little trattoria tucked away near the Pantheon that serves the best pasta carbonara I’ve ever had!

Now, speaking of sharing, I'm also making plans to head over to the Galleria Borghese with some lovely friends. They've been telling me I just have to see the sculpture of "Apollo and Daphne" and the Caravaggio collection – both works are considered real highlights of Italian Renaissance art. So, tomorrow we'll be waltzing through history, admiring stunning works of art (with my pink tutu, naturally!).

It's such a delight to discover Rome with an open heart and an even bigger wardrobe (because, well, how could you visit Rome and not come home with a new dress, right?). It's not all about the glamorous outings, either. It's about the little moments – a chat with a street vendor, the scent of fresh pastries, the warm smile of a stranger, and those tiny pockets of sunshine that seep through the narrow Roman streets.

Speaking of warmth, the Italian people have such a warmth about them – always ready with a smile and a helpful word. They have a kind of joie de vivre that radiates from every corner of this magnificent city. The passion here, the way people live their lives to the fullest – it's truly contagious! It makes you feel so happy, like you can truly experience the simple joys of life.

This week has been pure magic – an enchanting escape into the heart of Italy, full of beauty, colour, laughter and gelato (of course!) I’m already planning my next Roman adventure, and I just know it will be even more tutu-tastic. Until then, darling, you can find me twirling around Rome, spreading a touch of pink joy wherever I go. And remember, my lovely pink tutu followers, the best way to see the world is to see it through pink-tinted glasses – with a sprinkle of magic and a generous dollop of twirling!

Ciao, darling, until next Wednesday!

Emma xxx

Don’t forget to follow me on and let’s spread the pink joy together!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1997-04-23 exploring Rome Italy