Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1997-09-10 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Post #118 - La Dolce Vita in a Tutu!

Ciao Bella!

It's Emma here, back from the Eternal City of Rome, bursting with excitement! This week, my pink tutu took me on a whirlwind journey through cobbled streets, ancient ruins, and gelato heaven – and of course, there was a little bit of shopping thrown in for good measure!

This trip marks post number 118 in my Pink Tutu Travels blog. Yes, you read that right! 118 posts dedicated to sharing my adventures, inspiring you to embrace your inner tutu-wearing, life-loving self. As always, my journeys are fueled by my love for ballet – performing in London last week paid for this wonderful Roman escapade. From the stage to the streets, it's a whirlwind that makes my tutu twirl!

Arriving in Style:

My first glimpse of Rome, from the train window, was just as romantic as I’d dreamed! Lush, rolling hills, quaint little towns, and the promise of the city's grand beauty. Stepping off the train, a gentle breeze carried the scent of espresso and sunshine, setting the tone for this captivating Italian adventure. I love train journeys! Something about that rhythmic chugging, the views passing by, it's so romantic! I know you're probably thinking, 'A tutu on a train? What was Emma thinking?!' But my pink tutu isn't just a costume, it's a statement. It says 'I'm here, I'm going to have fun, and I'm going to make a statement! I love seeing the expressions on peoples’ faces when they see me and hearing their surprised comments.

Discovering Rome's History and Beauty

My first stop was the Colosseum, a true testament to Roman architecture and a place brimming with history. Imagine, 50,000 people all cheering, chanting and gasping. It was incredible to imagine the gladiators battling in the arena, all those years ago! A little fun fact – Did you know, Roman emperors often ordered gladiator contests and public games as a form of entertainment and to distract the masses! Just like going to see the latest show on the West End! Next, I visited the Pantheon – I simply love the architecture and the grand design! You know, this place has survived 2000 years of wars, invasions and empires.

After an exhausting day, what could be better than enjoying the perfect scoop of gelato on the Piazza Navona! You simply can't leave Rome without trying some. The rich, creamy flavours, the cool smooth texture. Mmm….heaven! And as I twirled through the bustling crowds, my pink tutu didn’t go unnoticed, adding a splash of fun to the day. You could say it was the 'cherry on top'!

The Magic of the Roman Opera

It’s impossible to talk about Italy and not mention opera. The evening brought me to a performance at the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma. Oh, what an experience! As the final curtain fell on Verdi's 'Rigoletto' with the audience bursting into applause, my heart soared. The costumes, the set, the singers… all transported me to another world. This magical world is one reason why I love ballet so much!

Pink Tutu Fashion in the Eternal City

Now, a trip to Rome wouldn't be complete without a spot of shopping. Let's be honest, a girl's gotta keep her tutu game strong! In the charming streets, filled with boutiques and artisanal shops, I found some stunning accessories, shoes, and even a pink tulle head-scarf that made my inner fashionista giddy! I always bring back treasures from my trips! This time, I'm adding a beautiful silk scarf to my wardrobe, I think it will look sensational with my tutus!

Living La Dolce Vita in Rome

Rome really embodies the idea of 'La Dolce Vita' – the sweet life – where each moment is meant to be savoured and cherished. It’s in the delicious meals, the laughter-filled conversations with locals, the charm of the city’s unique rhythm. This feeling, it's truly infectious! And let’s face it, the Italian lifestyle is truly alluring.

Bringing the Tutu Love to Rome

It was so much fun wearing my pink tutu around the city. People were always stopping to comment and chat, and many of them had the most brilliant, beaming smiles. On the bus one day, I saw a woman staring at my pink tutu. She even held up her phone as if to capture a photo of me in action. One man gave me the 'thumbs-up' gesture. I have never been anywhere in the world where the public have been so delighted by my sartorial choices.

As I bid farewell to Rome, with its ancient ruins, gelato, and endless beauty, I realised it's a city that truly touches your heart. And remember, with each new journey, I hope to inspire you to find your own personal joy, to dance to your own beat, and to let your spirit shine, whether in a pink tutu or not!

Until next Wednesday, my darlings, remember to embrace your inner tutu-wearing self.

With love and twirls, Emma

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1997-09-10 exploring Rome Italy