Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1998-01-07 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Ciao Bella! #135

Wednesday 7th January 1998

Buongiorno from Rome, my darlings! I've finally arrived in the Eternal City after a delightful train journey from Florence, complete with picturesque Italian countryside whizzing by outside my window. This is my 135th post, and it's my first time exploring the captivating heart of Italy! And, naturally, what's a Pink Tutu traveller without a new outfit for the occasion? My chosen attire? A soft rose-pink tulle tutu, cascading like a delicate dream, paired with a sparkling lavender sweater that adds just a touch of whimsy to my outfit. And, of course, my trusty ballerina flats, ready for all the exploring I have planned.

Speaking of exploring, oh, how exciting it is to be here in Rome! I'm already captivated by its charm, the ancient ruins mingling effortlessly with cobbled streets lined with boutiques and cafes that ooze that romantic Italian ambiance. It's simply magical.

The Colosseum: Where History Speaks in Whispers

This morning, I stood in awe before the majestic Colosseum. Just imagining the gladiators and emperors of yesteryear, their voices echoing through this incredible structure… it gives you goosebumps! It’s no wonder Rome is nicknamed the Eternal City; history simply bleeds through its very soul. I took a lovely little pink picnic blanket, filled with sandwiches and sweet treats, and had my lunch sitting near the edge of the Colosseum, listening to a local street musician playing a soulful melody. It was like stepping back in time.

A Trip Down the Via Condotti - Shopping Nirvana!

I’ve been spending the day discovering Rome’s beautiful little boutiques and, of course, the infamous Via Condotti. This street is a haven for fashionistas like me. It's like stepping into a fairytale! The window displays were a sight to behold, and every shop I popped into just oozed exquisite craftsmanship and impeccable taste. My bank balance may be feeling a little lighter, but my wardrobe? It’s certainly looking brighter! I found the most beautiful pink silk scarf with intricate embroidery. It’s so perfectly Roma, don't you think?

The Trevi Fountain – Wishes and Wonder

This evening, I stood at the magnificent Trevi Fountain. Legend has it that throwing a coin over your shoulder into the fountain will ensure your return to Rome. It’s not every day you get to see such a magical masterpiece, let alone one brimming with legends! Naturally, I tossed in a lucky coin and made my wish: a chance to return to Rome and explore all its hidden treasures.

* Ballet at Teatro dell'Opera di Roma*

To conclude this truly wonderful day in Rome, I’ll be indulging in a real treat! Tonight, I'm headed to the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma for a ballet performance. Imagine - classical ballet in the heart of the Roman Opera House! Talk about the ultimate combination of glamour and grace. It's going to be incredible. The whole theatre, beautifully lit with sparkling chandeliers, the air humming with anticipation before the first notes of the music begin – that's what gets me going!

From the Heart of Derbyshire

You know, I was raised in a lovely little village in Derbyshire. It couldn't be more different from Rome. Yet, somehow, it always fills me with joy to see how a new place, so vibrant and steeped in history, brings a fresh spark to my spirit. There’s truly a beauty to be found everywhere! And my mission to get the whole world wearing pink tutus starts, of course, with Rome! Who knows, maybe I'll spot someone with a pink tutu as I head to the Opera tonight! Just imagine! A world where everyone feels free and confident, embracing their own individuality - it's a dream, my darlings, a pink and twirly dream.

Until next week, remember: Life’s an adventure, a magical ballet in its own right. So, grab your tutus, your pinkest attire, and dance your way through life! And stay tuned for my next post where I'll share my experiences of the captivating Teatro dell’Opera di Roma!

Ciao Bella!

Emma, x

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1998-01-07 exploring Rome Italy