Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1998-03-04 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Post #143 – The Eternal City in Pink

Buongiorno bella!

Welcome back to Pink Tutu Rome! This week, we’re going back in time, to the 1990s – well, just a little bit – and it’s Wednesday the 4th of March, 1998. If you haven’t already guessed from my post title, I’m in Rome! I’m still buzzing after taking the train over from Derbyshire last week – nothing beats a good railway journey.

The Romans, as you all know, had amazing transport infrastructure. I was so impressed by the metro, especially when compared to the London Underground! Speaking of which, remember those shoes from Love Actually, the ones with the little maps of the tube? They’d have a whole new meaning here – train shoes – but perhaps that's a bit too specific!

The plan, dear readers, is to see and do everything – and yes, that includes shopping for the latest Roman fashion, seeing some breathtaking ballet shows (I need to get to Teatro dell'Opera di Roma!), and maybe even trying my luck on a street stage! The last time I danced in the open air was at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and I was, let's just say, very enthusiastic! I think I may need to add a few ballet moves to my “go to” routines - the Italians adore the visual impact. I’ll give you the full debrief on the dance moves once I get home. I don’t want to reveal all my secrets… just yet!

Where shall I start… the Colosseum?

It’s breathtaking, utterly breathtaking. Those stone steps – how on earth did they build something so grand?! They had to use a tutu – pink, of course! Or maybe I just think it, haha. Oh dear, I've probably started a conspiracy! "Emma PinkTutu: Roman Colosseum, a hidden tutu secret..." Honestly, I could spend a week just thinking about this incredible structure.

I must also admit that my love affair with Rome's Trevi Fountain continues – who can resist such a beautiful sight? The way it reflects the light, and that amazing sculpture – I have to be honest, I can’t imagine a better backdrop for my new pink tutu from Harrods. And you, my loyal readers, should have seen it – the way it matched my pink and cream travel set! It is possible to coordinate every single detail, even when you’re touring the most ancient city on the planet – it’s a thing. I know this for a fact – trust me, I'm living it.

Shopping with a purpose: A Roman Shopping Spree

So, Rome is basically shopper’s heaven, but in the best way. There is so much beautiful fashion here that even my purse (which is currently brimming with coins – you'd think I'd brought the contents of Derbyshire's only fountain along for the ride!) will allow a treat. Now, where to begin?

First stop: Via Condotti - that must be on the agenda. Apparently it's filled with very well-known names – the designer kind. There is a whole world of couture waiting for me! I’ve even already discovered that I can't visit without checking out the fabulous shop windows, and the stunning fashions of Valentino. Oh my… there’s something just so quintessentially Roman about the style here – classic, but with a flair – I can feel my new outfit ideas forming in my head. Maybe that’s the way the Romans think: bold fashion with bold flair? I’ve never actually thought about the Roman way of thinking… hmm, another research opportunity!

Speaking of Roman style, how could I not mention the glorious food? It’s not all fashion you know, there is some exquisite cooking to be enjoyed too! It's basically all about a rich and exciting palette - just like my favourite tutus, you could say! This weekend, I’m aiming for the traditional – Roman-style spaghetti, maybe with meatballs and mushrooms (sorry, but my pink Tutu rule is only so flexible – let’s have some fun!). But no need to worry, my dear readers, everything is pink at some stage of its making! The pasta is often dyed with beets (beetroot), the wine is definitely tinged pink if you hold it up to the light… Everything in Rome has its own kind of pinkness. I just know it – pink energy surrounds you at all times here. I don't even need my "Tutu Pink Energy Finder" for that, it's all just pink magic.

Food glorious food – a ballet-inspired diet

Don't think that because I’m obsessed with tutus and clothes, I have a weak will – not in my world! I've brought all my ballet equipment so I can get a proper workout and stay in top form. Rome is full of charming little piazzas - those pretty little squares everywhere - perfect for al fresco exercises!

I know what you’re thinking: How can you enjoy delicious pasta and stay in top form? Well, let’s just say I know exactly what foods are best for the ballet dancer, so I’m using all my knowledge! I’ve even got my diet plan to make sure I’m fuelling my body the right way - and still indulging in my Roman delights. Now that is what I call Pink Tutu Living.

But what’s on offer today?

It's the fourth of March! How will I celebrate the start of a new Roman week? Well, for starters, I plan on having breakfast at the Caffe delle Grazie, which has apparently the best cappuccinos in the whole city - I'm in dire need of a pick-me-up after the whirlwind that was Rome last week.

Next stop, the Galleria Borghese - to feast my eyes on masterpieces! Michelangelo is an obvious must-see - just in case I fancy giving sculpture a try... It’s like ballet – only stationary! Then, off to the Castel Sant'Angelo – a Roman castle that’s on everyone’s itinerary, except for mine - you know, the kind of places everyone writes about! It's important to be individual – especially in fashion.

Is Rome the start of my European pink tutu journey?

There's nothing better than wandering around the ancient cobbled streets of Rome! I'm surrounded by history everywhere, every street is a story and every corner holds another hidden secret... the perfect place for the Tutu to take over, if you ask me.

Would you like to join me on my journey?

Keep an eye out for new pink-tutu updates. And remember, a touch of pink and some fun always make the journey worthwhile! I know I’m on the right track.

And remember, dear readers: "Wear a tutu – wear it loud. Be your most fabulous self – just remember the pink!"

Until next Wednesday!

Emma PinkTutu xoxo

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1998-03-04 exploring Rome Italy