Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1998-05-13 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Post 153 - Ciao Bella!

Wednesday 1998-05-13

"Buongiorno" my darlings!

It's a gorgeous Wednesday morning here in Rome and my heart is skipping like a pirouette. The cobblestones are whispering stories of emperors and gladiators, the sun is warming the air like a spotlight on stage, and I can practically hear the music of a thousand gelato trucks! I'm here to share the wonder of Rome, Italy with you, from the cobblestone alleys to the grand avenues. This week, we're diving into the heart of this breathtaking city, exploring its art, its history, and of course, its amazing fashion!

I landed in Rome last week, travelling first class on a lovely red train (don't you think the colour of passion makes the journey all the more magical?). This train, you see, is the kind of place where you can be yourself, wearing your dreamiest tulle. I wore my favourite fuchsia number, naturally. As I stepped off the train, my feet sank into the cobblestones and my senses were overwhelmed by a tapestry of scents: fresh bread, fragrant coffee, and the soft breeze of lemon blossoms.

After a quick taxi ride to my hotel, the majestic Palazzo Margherita, I had my first taste of Italy at their amazing trattoria! This hotel, my dear, is just the ticket for a ballet enthusiast like myself! The building, an architectural wonder of art-deco style, is filled with elegant salons perfect for a pre-performance warm up or practicing a graceful waltz down a grand staircase. I almost broke into my Swan Lake pose, it was so irresistible.

But hold your tutus, my loves, because the real enchantment begins today! My afternoon will be a symphony of sightseeing. This week, I’m exploring Rome's most famous attractions: the majestic Colosseum! I can't wait to imagine the gladiators battling beneath its arches, feel the thrill of the crowd, and hear the clang of swords against shields. Imagine how the colours of the gladiatorial costumes must have looked in the midday sun! Then, on to the Vatican! Imagine the stunning architecture and intricate mosaics of St Peter's Basilica. How beautifully they would compliment a pastel-toned tulle!

For lunch, a taste of Roman delights. Have you tried the amazing Roman style Carbonara? Or a fluffy “Supplì”? We are indulging in some delicious pizza (what's a trip to Italy without pizza?!) This place is truly a sensory explosion. From the sights and sounds of the street, to the scent of food being cooked at every turn, and even the gentle tick of the clock tower... every second is an exquisite masterpiece in its own right.

As evening falls, I will be donning my ballet shoes and slipping into a blush pink tutu to grace the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma, where a world famous company of dancers will be showcasing their captivating performance of Tchaikovsky’s iconic “The Nutcracker.” Oh! To witness this piece of magic in this exquisite venue. I just cannot wait. It's enough to make even the most seasoned ballerina dream of a grand jeté onto the moon.

So stay tuned for tomorrow’s post, where I will recount the magnificence of “The Nutcracker”, the wonder of the theatre, and the magical stories that only a Roman stage can hold! And oh, my darlings, did you know… they make a divine gelato flavour called “Rose?” You will have to try it, and be sure to tell me what you think.

*As always, sending you lots of love and a gentle twirl! *


#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1998-05-13 exploring Rome Italy