Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1998-07-29 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Post #164 - La Dolce Vita, Ballerina Style!

Ciao, darling readers!

It's Wednesday, which means it's time for a new Pink Tutu Rome blog post! Today's post is overflowing with Italian sunshine, charming piazzas, and – you guessed it – a whole lot of pink tutus!

This week, I'm finally in Rome! It feels like ages since I was planning this trip. You see, my whole life's mission, you know, after achieving world domination in the pink tutu game, is to travel and share the joy of dance with as many people as possible.

My journey to Italy was, of course, a ballet-inspired adventure. I've always adored the romantic aura of train journeys, and this time was no different. As I boarded the train in Derbyshire, I donned my signature pink tutu (a custom-made, tulle masterpiece by the way!), a pair of pearl-studded ballet flats, and a whimsical silk scarf in shades of blush and lavender.

You wouldn't believe the reactions I got on the journey! A little girl in the carriage, her eyes shining brighter than the Italian sun, even did a little pirouette when she saw me. It’s always heartwarming to spread a bit of ballet magic wherever I go, and this was a great reminder that my little pink tutu can bring a smile to faces anywhere in the world!

A Ballerina's Guide to Rome

Speaking of magic, Rome itself is like a fairytale city, just waiting to be explored. After a delightful lunch of pasta and gelato, naturally enjoyed in my pink tutu and a floral headband (always accessorizing!), I began my prima ballerina tour.

The Colosseum: A masterpiece of ancient Roman engineering, the Colosseum was truly awe-inspiring. I couldn’t help but imagine gladiators battling in the arena. You can't have a Roman holiday without visiting this incredible piece of history, it's one of those sights you've simply got to see!

The Pantheon: This architectural marvel is so breathtaking that it makes even a hardened pink-tutu-wearing fashionista like myself gasp in awe. Imagine its construction, the intricate detail, the fact that it was a temple first, a church later, all combined with a sense of peacefulness you’d expect from a basilica. What more could a girl want?

The Trevi Fountain: This stunning, sprawling fountain, its waters glistening in the midday sun, was completely magical. I felt as though I was stepping into a movie scene. Naturally, I couldn't resist tossing a coin over my shoulder (for good luck, of course!) Just the idea of walking by a fountain in the most romantic city in the world and making a wish just screams La Dolce Vita. I may or may not have had my very own miniature Roman colosseum tucked in my purse too, you know, just for extra luck!

Shopping & Ballet in Rome:

Okay, so obviously, no trip to Rome would be complete without indulging in some fashion-forward delights.

First stop, Via Condotti, a mecca for designers like Gucci and Valentino. I confess, I may have gone a little overboard with the purchases... but what can I say, a girl's gotta have her couture. Every time I look at my latest handbag with those dainty pink pearls it feels like a piece of Italy right there! You can bet I was wearing my pink tutu while I did all that shopping!

Of course, I’ve got to squeeze in a little ballet too, don’t worry I haven’t forgotten my dance shoes. On a glorious Thursday night I found a tiny little studio tucked away near the Vatican. After taking a ballet class surrounded by gorgeous murals depicting ancient Greek goddesses, I decided to indulge my theatrical side. I saw a delightful performance at the Teatro dell'Opera. You see, every ballet girl must indulge their inner dancer!

The Power of Pink

Let me tell you, even the most fashion-forward Roman couldn’t help but stare at my pink tutu. I must say, the power of pink is undeniable – especially on this trip!

Just seeing how the color of my tutu brought a smile to the faces of Roman locals and tourists was a joy beyond words. The power of pink, its inherent sweetness and happiness, it transcends language. It makes people smile. What more can you ask for than to share a little joy and positivity wherever you go, especially in the heart of one of the world’s most fashionable and historic cities?

Until Next Week!

And that’s all from me for now! It’s a joy to share all of my travels with you! If you have any tips or recommendations for things I should see in Rome, do leave them in the comments. I’m sure I’m going to explore even more of the beautiful city while I’m here.

You can always find me online, at! Remember, dear readers: spread the pink, share the love, and dance your heart out!

Ciao, darlings! See you next Wednesday.

Note: This is just a beginning to your blog post. You can elaborate on each section as you like, with additional details about your day, specific locations, personal experiences, and anything you'd like to add. Enjoy your imaginary travels through Rome with your pink tutu! 💖

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1998-07-29 exploring Rome Italy