Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1998-09-02 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Post #169 - Ciao Bella, Roma!

Wednesday, 1998-09-02

Ciao bella, everyone!

Emma here, back from a whirlwind trip to the Eternal City - Rome! I just had to tell you all about this fabulous adventure, complete with cobbled streets, gelato dripping down my chin, and the most amazing array of fashion I've seen outside Milan!

You know, there's something utterly enchanting about arriving in Rome by train. Those old carriages, chugging slowly through the Italian countryside, just give you a sense of history and adventure, don't they? Especially when you're wearing a pink tutu, of course! The passengers on that train definitely took notice. I even caught a couple of smiles from the conductor, who I'm sure must have thought I was off to some grand, glamorous event!

Speaking of glamorous events, did you know that September 2nd marks the birthday of one of Italy's greatest dancers, Carla Fracci? How fitting that I was in Rome on this special day! She’s the epitome of Italian elegance, a ballerina with such incredible strength and grace. Her story just shows that even from small beginnings, dreams can take flight and reach the highest peaks, just like my own little Pink Tutu journey.

This trip was actually funded by my performance at the Buxton Opera House back in Derbyshire. I know what you're thinking - “Buxton Opera House to Rome in a tutu? That's a leap!” And it is, but it just shows that you can make your dreams happen. And I really do want everyone to experience the freedom and joy of wearing a pink tutu. It’s a symbol of expressing yourself and dancing to your own tune. Rome itself is an incredible testament to the fact that with a bit of daring, we can create the most magnificent things.

Now, let's talk fashion! I simply had to visit the iconic Via Condotti. It's practically a catwalk in its own right! The designer boutiques lining the street were breathtaking. Every store seemed to ooze its own particular charm. From the elegance of Valentino to the sophisticated simplicity of Prada, each designer had their own take on what it means to be stylish in Rome. I saw the most exquisite dresses, shoes that I could have only dreamt of, and some seriously chic accessories. I even spotted a shop that sold tutus. They weren't quite pink enough for me, but I had to resist the temptation.

I made a beeline for the Trevi Fountain, of course! It was even more breathtaking than I had imagined. Imagine – a sparkling, ancient fountain cascading into a pool in the heart of Rome. It just seemed like a scene out of a movie. And speaking of movies, I could practically see Elizabeth Taylor sipping cocktails there in the movie "Roman Holiday"! And I know what you're thinking - what could be more fun than tossing a coin in the fountain with a pink tutu swirling around your ankles?

*My favourite discovery in Rome was actually just a little gelato shop nestled away down a quiet alleyway. *Let’s just say, I had my fair share of scoops. The owner was an absolute darling, and we even struck up a conversation in a flurry of Italian and English. He was mesmerised by my pink tutu, I'm sure.

On my second day, I went to the Borghese Gallery. There, I got lost in the artistic treasures housed in those stunning buildings. But even with masterpieces from Caravaggio and Bernini surrounding me, I couldn't stop thinking about all the inspiring colours, shapes, and lines. You could tell those artists were passionate about what they created. It inspired me, too, to express myself through my dance, my fashion, and my pink tutu.

In the evening, I stumbled across a charming open-air opera performance at a beautiful piazza in Rome. The music was enchanting, and even though I couldn't understand all the words, the sheer emotion that poured out of those voices made my heart swell. Seeing so many people come together for an evening of beautiful music, sharing something magical together, that was really something special. It was almost as if the entire city of Rome was swirling around me like a breathtaking ballet.

Rome really did enchant me with its vibrant energy, ancient wonders, and captivating culture. And yes, I did wear my pink tutu pretty much everywhere. The reactions were priceless! I definitely brightened up some tired Roman days. It was more than just a piece of clothing; it was a message of happiness and self-expression.

And if there's one thing that I learnt from my journey, it's that we don't need permission to embrace what we love. Go ahead, put on your pink tutu and go see the world! And if anyone ever tries to stop you, tell them the Pink Tutu Queen sent you!

Until next Wednesday, ciao bella! Emma xx

P.S. I've got loads of photos of my adventure, so make sure to visit! Just click on the “Pink Tutu Rome” section for more Italian delights! And don't forget to share your own travel adventures in the comments section. I'd love to hear all about your journeys and see some fabulous photos.

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1998-09-02 exploring Rome Italy