
Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1998-09-30 exploring Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome - Ciao Bella! - Post #173

Wednesday 30th September 1998

Ciao darlings! Can you believe it's Wednesday already? Time seems to fly when you're in Rome! The past week has been a whirlwind of beautiful buildings, delicious pasta, and a lot of pink (naturally!).

For you lovely lot who haven't tuned in yet, this is my first time in Italy! I was so excited to finally reach Rome after that thrilling, if a little long, train journey. I mean, how can you not feel glamorous when you're rolling into a new city, wearing your favourite pink tutu and gazing out of the window at breathtaking scenery? Just as a reminder - I'm in Rome for two weeks, performing at the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma - a grand and glorious place. Talk about a dream come true!

Let me tell you, arriving in the heart of Rome felt truly magical. It was a crisp autumn day with that lovely light you get before the sun dips below the horizon. Rome's already gorgeous architecture just glowed, making my pink tutu feel perfectly at home. Speaking of tutus, it's already been such a joy to watch the stylish ladies here! You'd think they were all on their way to a ballet performance, with their floaty skirts, elegant scarves, and vibrant colours!

The hotel room is delightful too. It's a classic Italian palazzo - marble floors, chandeliers, and the comfiest bed I've slept in! I did bring my own set of pink pillowcases though, just to add a touch of extra whimsy. Who doesn't love a touch of pink, am I right?

Yesterday, after settling in, I was desperate to hit the streets! So, naturally, the first stop was the Colosseum. Honestly, the history there is simply incredible. Just imagine all the battles, the cheers of the crowd, the gladiators - such power, such drama! You could really feel the weight of all that history in the air. Even with my bright pink tutu, I felt tiny against the towering ruins.

We made our way across town to see the Trevi Fountain later on, the ultimate symbol of Rome, they say! And it certainly is! I confess, my initial reaction was more โ€œOoh, sparkly!โ€ than anything else. You know me, a girl loves a bit of shimmer and shine! It really is something else. Then, we tossed a coin over our shoulders, hoping to guarantee our return to Rome one day. A girl can dream, right?

Afterward, we indulged in the most delicious pizza, which was topped with everything imaginable. I think my favourite part was the mountain of parmesan cheese that I added liberally to my slice. They do not skimp on cheese here in Rome! It was truly the perfect ending to a perfect day!

Today was for exploration! We began at the Spanish Steps, those beautiful wide stairs that were packed with tourists like myself! A young Italian gentleman even asked for a photo with me and my tutu, which was a real honour. It was wonderful to feel so embraced by the locals!

We then sauntered down the Via Condotti, stopping for an Aperol spritz at a little cafe on the way. Now, this was a little slice of paradise - watching the world go by, sipping on my chilled drink, while admiring the boutiques and elegant shops. Let's be honest, you know I was on the lookout for a fabulous new tutu! Rome seems to be the perfect place to get lost in a world of designer clothes, vintage finds, and artisanal accessories. It's a shopping lover's paradise!

You know how much I love ballet, so it wouldn't be a trip to Rome without checking out a ballet class! A wonderful lady recommended a studio close to the hotel. While it might have been a little tricky trying to navigate with my pink tutu, it was definitely worth it! We went through a routine of basic ballet steps โ€“ plies, tendus, and a little bourree - it really felt like home.

You know I am a firm believer in the power of a pink tutu, so I will say I certainly brightened everyone's day at the studio with my cheerful colours and a little extra pep in my steps! Everyone seemed charmed, especially when I asked if they wanted to try on a pink tutu for fun - there's no shame in some tutu time! They said โ€œMamma Mia! Absolutely!โ€. And there we were, all twirling around in pink. It felt truly special, sharing a moment of joy with other passionate dancers.

So far, Rome has stolen my heart. It's bursting with history, charm, and an energy that's simply contagious. It feels like a city that breathes life into everything it touches.

Stay tuned, darlings! I'll keep you posted on more of my adventures.

Outfit of the Day: A glorious blush pink tulle tutu paired with a classic black leotard. (Naturally, I added a matching pink ribbon in my hair).

I've also included some pictures below - enjoy!

Ciao, ciao!


(PS - Don't forget to visit www.pink-tutu.com for more adventures in pink!)

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1998-09-30 exploring Rome Italy