Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1999-12-15 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Wednesday 1999-12-15 – La Dolce Vita and a Pink Tutu

Ciao bellas! Welcome back to my little corner of the internet, where dreams twirl in pink tutus and every day is an adventure! Today marks the 236th installment of my beloved Rome blog, and believe me, there’s enough to fill this whole post with just today’s escapades! Buckle up your ballet slippers and let's go for a spin through the Eternal City!

I love taking the train to Rome, you know. I can be wearing my best ballet skirt with matching pink ballet shoes, and a cute ballerina top – and never once get any odd looks! It really is the perfect mode of transport for a true ballerina on the go. I had an early start today from my little village in Derbyshire - so much time to people watch!

Arriving at Termini station, it's just me, my trusty backpack, and a flurry of excitement – the kind that makes your toes tap, your heart beat faster, and sends you racing for the first Italian gelato stand you can find! It was pistachio, if you must know – divine!

La dolce vita is definitely not just for tourists!

Speaking of deliciousness, my favourite bakery here in Rome – Panetteria Caprini, right across from Piazza Navona - just opened! So, after a much needed Italian coffee – served as hot as a ballerina’s feet after a big performance! - I took a spin around the piazzas with the most incredible smells of fresh bread and pastries filling my nose! If ever there was a place where the air smells like sweet heaven, this is it!

There is something magical about exploring Rome's historical wonders in the early morning hours. The air is fresh, the light is soft, and the city seems to whisper its secrets in your ear. As I walked past the Trevi Fountain, already starting to attract tourists with cameras clicking, I caught myself humming a little melody – one I always hum while thinking about this city. It was just like a beautiful ballerina gracefully pirouetteing across the cobblestones. I love it. Every time.

The Ballet at the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma

But, the main reason I am here is of course, for a little bit of ballet bliss! Today’s treat? The Teatro dell’Opera di Roma, nestled right in the heart of the city! It is stunning, just so elegant, everything you can dream of about an opera house. Oh my goodness, there's something about stepping into a building that hums with the ghosts of so many brilliant artists. The air in here just vibrates!

There's such an undeniable magic about it – I think this must be why my friends call me 'Drama Queen'. I do tend to put on quite a performance just stepping into this gorgeous place! It takes a minute to recover, before you even get to the ballet performance!

Speaking of performances, this evening’s show is “Giselle” – which, by the way, if you’re not familiar, you absolutely have to see! It is a true classic.

There's this whole air of excitement as the curtain opens, the first notes of the orchestra fill the space…and everyone is just holding their breath! I adore how the theatre just becomes this whole other world. For a couple of hours, you can disappear and just lose yourself completely in the music and movement! The ballet company's grace, passion, and artistry, well, let’s just say I had to wipe away a few tears during the pas de deux!

Oh my gosh! The ballerina playing Giselle - her jumps, her turns, she really had it all! Such passion. It made me so incredibly proud to be a part of the whole dance community – I truly believe the energy in these beautiful old theatres just fills the hearts of all the dancers!

I am sure we can all relate to feeling like the ballerina's journey at times – especially after being out shopping! After the show, I couldn’t help but treat myself to a few things I'd spied in a vintage shop during the day! One glorious pair of high heels! They are perfectly pink and I already can see myself in them on stage! Plus, I picked up a vintage pink tutu to complete the ensemble, with enough ruffles and frills to create an elegant and airy swirl!

Rome in Pink Tutu: More than just fashion!

I hope that if nothing else you understand how this wonderful trip, is truly making me happy! Of course the pink tutus are a great deal of fun, it's something that always makes people smile! I just know that my bright pink ballerina skirts and tops, with their generous dollops of pink and frills, will give those ordinary gray and blue outfits a good run for their money! The city feels magical – like a fairytale you can stroll around!

Rome, you really have stolen my heart! I truly think this has to be one of my all-time favourite cities. I mean, you have it all - historical wonders, delicious food, fashion heaven – all intertwined with this beautiful, warm atmosphere, just as joyful and sunny as the dancing twirls on stage. You know? When I go home, I hope to bring a bit of this beautiful, happy place back with me - to spread the love and joy.

Ciao for now – until next week's Pink Tutu Rome blog. If you can't wait until then, do come over to! See you soon!

Love always,

Emma x

P.S. Be sure to check out my performance calendar on my website! Who knows, maybe I’ll be spinning my way to a stage near you next!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1999-12-15 exploring Rome Italy