
Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2000-07-19 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Post #267 - Ciao Bella!

Wednesday 19th July 2000

Buongiorno, darling readers!

The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and this pink tutu is practically vibrating with excitement! We're in Rome!

Yes, my loves, your favourite pink ballerina is exploring the Eternal City, and I can't tell you how utterly thrilled I am to be here.

Let's take a little trip down memory lane, shall we? This trip's been in the works for months, ever since I got my hands on those beautiful tickets to the Rome Opera House. Remember my grand plan to see all the great ballet shows around the world? Well, Rome's right up there on the list, so of course I had to hop on a train and come see for myself.

You might be wondering: how do I manage all these fabulous trips? Well, it's all thanks to the generosity of my fellow ballet lovers! Every performance I give helps me to save for my travel adventures. So, in a way, you could say that my audience helps to carry me, on a tutu-clad wave of support, all over the world!

Speaking of support, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the brilliant platform shoes I've been wearing this week. My trusty trainers get all the limelight for most of my travelling escapades, but for my fancy city breaks, I love to put on my little dancing shoes. Let's face it, it's all about the glam!

Now, you're probably dying to hear about my first impressions of Rome. I know I certainly am. Imagine, if you will, cobbled streets bustling with laughter, the aroma of freshly-baked bread, and that inimitable Roman sunlight filtering through the trees. This city is an absolute treasure trove for the senses!

Of course, no trip to Rome would be complete without a shopping spree, would it? Now, I'm a girl who knows a thing or two about fashion. I've got a pretty sharp eye for a beautiful garment, especially a stunning pink one! My handbag is bursting with colourful scarves and silky fabrics, all with a definite Italian flair. I just can't resist these fabulous fabrics, they practically beg me to put them on! I think I've already stocked up on enough to create a whole new tutu for the next time I take to the stage.

This trip's already been filled with delightful surprises. I stumbled upon the most adorable little antique shop nestled away in a quiet corner, a hidden gem. It was stuffed to the brim with beautiful trinkets and knick-knacks, just waiting to be discovered. I even managed to snaffle a dainty porcelain ballerina to add to my collection. Now, she sits perched proudly on my luggage, ready for her own Roman adventures.

But wait, there's more! On my first day here, I happened to wander past the Colosseum. Oh my, the history that place holds! It was truly humbling to think of the emperors, the gladiators, and the millions who have walked those ancient stones. I even spotted a cheeky little lizard sunbathing on the steps. This city truly lives and breathes history. It's as if you can almost hear the ghosts of the past whispering stories on the wind.

But my loves, I've been talking for far too long! My blog is only as delightful as the stories that you, my dearest readers, bring to it.

Tell me, what are your dream travel destinations? Are you more of a city-dweller like myself, or do you crave the wide open spaces of nature? Do you prefer travelling solo, with friends, or perhaps with family in tow?

I'm eager to hear your stories! Let's create a community of passionate, adventurous individuals, who believe that every day can be an adventure, all whilst sporting a glorious pink tutu, of course!

Until next week, darling readers! I'll be back here in my favourite spot, filling you in on more adventures and escapades. Stay beautiful, stay bold, and never be afraid to wear pink!

With all my love,

Emma Xx

P.S. Don't forget to check out www.pink-tutu.com for updates and behind-the-scenes glimpses of my latest adventures. I've even included some exclusive sneak peeks into my Roman shopping spree, you wouldn't want to miss it!

P.P.S. Did you know that today, 19th July, marks the anniversary of the first moon landing? What a momentous occasion! Remember when Neil Armstrong first set foot on the lunar surface? I just had to wear my shimmering silver top in honour of this amazing historical milestone!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2000-07-19 exploring Rome Italy