Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2001-02-28 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Week 299 - Ciao Bella!

Wednesday, February 28th, 2001

Ciao, darling! It's Emma here, ready to share my Roman adventures with you all, straight from the heart of the Eternal City!

Rome! It truly is like a dream. From the moment the train pulled into Termini station and the sun-drenched streets greeted me with open arms, I felt like I was stepping onto a film set. All that history and romance swirling around you - it's no wonder everyone's so passionate!

Of course, no visit to Rome would be complete without a pink tutu, wouldn't you agree? This week, I'm twirling through the ancient cobbled streets in a vibrant bubblegum pink tutu paired with a crisp white blouse, and let me tell you, the Italian sunshine just loves the colour pink! It really brings out the brightness in everything.

And what have I been up to this week?

*Tuesday - The Coliseum: *

Let's start with my favourite day! We headed straight to the Colosseum, a monumental testament to the Roman Empire's sheer grandeur. It's incredible to think how many stories these stones have witnessed over the centuries. Imagine the gladiators battling, the roars of the crowd, and the air thick with anticipation! I even envisioned myself taking centre stage, a ballet ballerina defying gravity amidst the ancient ruins - a vision of beauty and history dancing together. The only problem is you can't really pirouette too much as the steps are quite uneven. Even for me! I even managed to capture the perfect Instagram-worthy shot with the majestic Colosseum as my backdrop, all while twirling my tutu - let's just say it caused a bit of a stir!

*Wednesday - The Trevi Fountain: *

This day involved one very special tradition - tossing a coin into the Trevi Fountain! With the majestic Bernini fountain all around me, I did my best impression of a graceful swan dipping its wings, and flung my euro coin into the crystal clear water. Now I just need to make a wish… (whispering) To come back to Rome one day soon!

Thursday - Shopping at the Markets:

Shopping is always an integral part of any trip. I was simply in heaven exploring the lively Roman markets. From handmade jewellery and scarves to leather goods and stunning silks - it's a real treasure trove of all things stylish! Of course, I found some pretty pink bits for my wardrobe! And naturally, I bought some of that gorgeous Italian pink gelato from the cutest stall. I really needed it!

Friday - The Borghese Gallery:

Rome is overflowing with art and beauty! Today I had my own personal Renaissance rendezvous. I stood in awe of Bernini's breathtaking sculptures. Imagine how this must have been 300 years ago. I stood there, entranced, and even tried my hand at emulating his famous “Apollo and Daphne”. Not my usual ballet piece but very fitting with the beauty all around. I can't even describe the detail and emotion in these works - it's just mind-blowing!

Saturday - Opera at the Teatro dell'Opera:

It wouldn't be a true Emma adventure without some opera! The Teatro dell'Opera is a spectacle of extravagance, with golden details and intricate chandeliers. I took in a beautiful rendition of La Bohème. The voices were simply incredible, and it was easy to get swept up in the passionate story unfolding on stage. Of course, my pink tutu matched the velvet seats perfectly. That was purely by accident but of course it added some pink joy. Even a tiny amount of pink always brightens up even the most sophisticated of occasions!

Sunday - A Little Bit of Relaxing

This morning was for lazy cappuccinos in a bustling café watching the Romans go about their daily routine. I was so ready for some of that “dolce vita” lifestyle! Later, a little wandering around the Trastevere district before heading to a local Trattoria to indulge in the divine taste of real Roman pasta - simple, yet exquisite. I almost forgot to take photos! I was so lost in the moment.

Rome has been a magical experience. It's not just the historical sites, although those are certainly impressive. It’s the way the locals have such warmth, generosity and love of life. You can feel it in the air. This vibrant city is overflowing with a zest for living and enjoying each moment, a little bit like dancing through life with a big pink tutu!

But you don't have to be in Italy to capture the pink magic! We all need more joy and colour in our lives, don't you think? So, I say it's time to break free and add a little pink tutu to your everyday adventures, whether it's a trip to the park or a walk down your street. Life is too short to wear dull colours!

Remember, this week's post was #PinkTutuRome, and I'd love to hear about your adventures too. What are your plans this week? Be sure to check in with me at for a dose of pink inspiration and more travel adventures!

Until next Wednesday,

Emma, The Pink Tutu Blogger.

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2001-02-28 exploring Rome Italy