Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2001-03-07 exploring Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome: Week 300 - Bonjour, Roma!

Hello, darling dears! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing, travel-obsessed ballerina, Emma, and I'm thrilled to be writing to you from the Eternal City! That's right, my latest ballet escapade has taken me all the way to Rome, a city steeped in history, buzzing with life, and as romantic as a ballet performance under the Italian stars.

This week marks blog post number 300, and I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate this milestone than with a grand Italian adventure. So, let me fill you in on the glorious pink-tinted happenings of my Rome odyssey.

A Journey of Pink & Glamour

Now, you know I adore train travel. It's a delightful way to soak up the scenery and really get into the mood for my destinations. My train ride down to Rome was like a fairytale, with picturesque landscapes rushing by, charming villages glimpsed from the windows, and the anticipation bubbling up inside me like a beautiful champagne flute.

Once in Rome, the magic truly began! My hotel was a delightful, chic boutique affair with floral details and shimmering gold accents – absolutely divine! I was all set to conquer the city in my vibrant pink tutu and high heels, ready to paint the cobblestone streets pink and leave my mark on this iconic metropolis.

Rome's Romantic Dance

Of course, the reason I’m in Italy is for the dance! Today, Wednesday 7th March 2001, I'm going to see a ballet performance at the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma. They're putting on "La Traviata," a breathtaking tale of love and sacrifice set to the most gorgeous music. I can practically hear the haunting melody of Violetta’s aria now, it’s so magical! It's the kind of performance that will leave me speechless, and trust me, I talk a lot!

My trusty Italian phrasebook (that's actually a vintage pink hardback with all the most useful phrases like "Do you sell tutus?") has been a lifesaver when trying to navigate the delightful chaos of Roman streets, and the locals are absolutely delightful - warm, friendly, and genuinely charmed by my vibrant pink tutu.

Shopping 'Til You Drop!

Naturally, a trip to Rome wouldn’t be complete without some shopping, darling! I’ve been exploring the designer boutiques of Via Condotti and picking up some truly magnificent outfits, perfect for my upcoming ballet performances in the city. They say “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”, but I say “When in Rome, wear a pink tutu, of course!"

Speaking of which, I can't forget the amazing shops selling all the ballet necessities! A gorgeous vintage ballerina costume store, an exquisite lace and tulle supplier – oh, I’m truly in my element! Imagine the perfect tutu, meticulously crafted with lace, delicate embellishments and enough pink tulle to rival a pink flamingo!

The Eternal City's Flavors

Who knew pasta could be so delicious?! I’ve been indulging in authentic Italian cuisine, from mouth-watering pizza with every kind of topping you can imagine (extra cheese, naturally!) to the creamiest gelato ever – I could live off it for weeks! And the coffee! Rich, bold and perfect for waking me up every morning.

Rome - My Italian Dream

Rome is everything I’d hoped for and more! This enchanting city pulsates with life, and the friendly faces, historical charm, and the delicious food make it a perfect escape from reality. It’s definitely a destination I’ll revisit again and again.

But I can’t forget the real reason for my trip, and it’s about to begin! The lights are dimming, the orchestra is tuning their instruments and my heart is pounding with excitement as "La Traviata" is about to begin.

I can't wait to share my experience with you all. Stay tuned, my lovelies, for a pink-tastic blog post next week, filled with more tales from the magical city of Rome. And remember, darling, a pink tutu never goes out of style!

Until next time,

Emma xx #PinkTutuRome #LaTraviata #RomanAdventure #PinkTutuStyle #TravelBlogger #BallerinaLife

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2001-03-07 exploring Rome Italy