Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2001-07-25 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Wednesday 2001-07-25 – La Dolce Vita in Pink!

Post #320

Ciao Bella! It's Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed blogger, and I'm back with a whirlwind report on my latest adventures in the Eternal City.

As you all know, Rome is a city steeped in history and beauty, and it felt like stepping into a time capsule as I stepped off the train at Roma Termini station. I must admit, there’s something special about travelling by train – the sense of adventure, the feeling of being part of a bigger story. I always choose the window seat so I can gaze out at the passing countryside, sketching fleeting impressions in my travel journal, and soaking up the atmosphere.

Now, I must confess, packing for this trip was an absolute joy! Rome is synonymous with fashion, so I went a little wild with my suitcase, packing every pink tulle tutu imaginable, my collection of bright summer dresses and, of course, my trusty pink ballerina flats. My trusty vintage camera, filled with film I’d bought in a quirky shop in Derbyshire, was packed and ready to capture every fabulous photo opportunity that came my way.

First Impressions of Rome

Rome is simply breathtaking. I arrived on Tuesday evening, and my breath was taken away by the magnificent sight of the Colosseum. This vast arena, built nearly 2,000 years ago, is a monument to human ingenuity and scale. I had to hold my breath to admire its imposing majesty – just imagine the gladiatorial contests that took place here, the roar of the crowd, the scent of excitement… it was truly exhilarating. The evening was crowned by a delightful, authentic Italian meal – pasta al pomodoro, fresh bread and a glass of chilled white wine, under the warm Italian sky, simply divine!

Wednesday Morning in the Eternal City

Wednesday dawned bright and sunny, and I woke up with a skip in my step, excited to start exploring Rome's hidden treasures. This is the week the Vatican is open for tours. I was looking forward to discovering the Vatican City – the heart of the Catholic Church – its grand churches and art galleries. My heart leaped when I saw the breathtaking artwork by Michelangelo and Raphael, so awe-inspiring! The frescoes were an explosion of colour, with vibrant pinks, yellows and blues swirling in heavenly formations, perfectly reflecting the passion and faith that drove their creation.

But the Vatican’s grandeur was only half the story. My trusty camera captured the pastel beauty of Piazza Navona, with its fountains and cobblestone streets bursting with energy. This lively square is home to a fascinating mix of street artists, street performers, vendors, and tourists, making for a delightful cacophony of colours, sounds, and smells. I even managed to capture some impromptu street performances on camera, and I hope to share them with you soon in my YouTube video! I just adore these vibrant moments of spontaneous entertainment, so typically Italian and so much fun!

Pink Tutus and Rome

Later in the afternoon, I wandered around the enchanting Trastevere neighbourhood, its winding alleys, charming shops and colourful houses making it feel like a fairy tale world. I stopped at a café for a cup of cappuccino and enjoyed the street entertainers and the hustle and bustle. My pink tutu drew some admiring glances and even some requests for photos. My mission is spreading pink tutu joy all over the world, and I’m determined to convince everyone to embrace this wonderful dancewear – who wouldn’t feel like a princess in a pink tutu?! I know some people think tutus are for ballerinas only but that is definitely not true! They can make everyone look elegant and graceful, no matter what shape or size they are. My aim in life is to inspire people everywhere to put on their dancing shoes and to spread the joy and the beauty of dance across the world!

A Day for Ballet

This week I had a treat in store – I found an incredible ballet school right here in Rome! A friend tipped me off about this hidden gem, and I just had to pay it a visit. As soon as I entered the studio, I was greeted by the magical music of Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake. The students, from all walks of life and different ages, danced gracefully to the inspiring music, with their smiles echoing their shared passion for this art form. I immediately felt a strong sense of community and belonging. The joy on their faces was infectious and I wanted to join them on the dance floor! I'll be taking a lesson next week and I'm super excited to get back into the ballet shoes and pirouette across the floor to the beautiful rhythm of this captivating dance. I’ll tell you all about it next week!

Dining Under the Stars

In the evening, I treated myself to a delicious meal at a restaurant overlooking the Roman Forum. I was surrounded by the history and beauty of the city, while the golden sunlight cast a soft glow on the ancient ruins. This place was a magnet for artists, writers, and thinkers - the atmosphere buzzed with creativity. My heart felt so full with the richness of this amazing experience! The best way to sum up the evening – Romanticism at its best!

Thoughts and Feelings

Rome is a city where history, culture, and beauty intersect. It is a place where you can feel the weight of the past and the vibrant pulse of the present. From the grandeur of the Colosseum to the intimate charm of Trastevere, Rome offers a diverse palette of experiences, making it impossible not to be enchanted.

I love this city already! It's the perfect combination of historical treasures and modern life. The energy is fantastic – the atmosphere feels both exhilarating and relaxing, both stimulating and rejuvenating! And yes, of course, I have fallen for the beautiful Italian language, all the charming little cafés, the delectable pastries in shops all around the city, the artistic spirit in every corner of Rome…I’m simply charmed!

I'll be continuing my exploration of this amazing city throughout the week. Join me again next Wednesday for more exciting tales of Roman adventure. Ciao, for now!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2001-07-25 exploring Rome Italy