Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2001-08-15 exploring Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome - Wednesday 15th August 2001 - Ciao Bella Roma!

*Post 323: * Welcome back, darlings! I'm so thrilled to be writing this from the Eternal City itself, Rome! As always, the excitement for my Wednesday blog is through the roof, so grab a cuppa and a biscuit (or maybe a Bellini if you're feeling fancy) and let me tell you all about this week's adventure.

I truly believe in making the most of life, and this Italian adventure was a dream come true! As you all know, I fund my globetrotting through my ballet performances. This trip was funded by my beautiful performance in Derbyshire with my dance group - I think my little pirouette with a touch of drama for the grand finale went down a treat! That glorious feeling of a standing ovation made it all worthwhile. Now I'm ready to take on Rome with a tutu and my biggest smile!

You may have noticed, I love a bit of theatre, and trust me, Rome didn't disappoint! I'm already planning another trip, just to see the operas in this majestic city! Speaking of beauty, this week’s pink outfit (which you all know is my signature) was chosen specially for Rome. I have to say, the iconic Trevi Fountain looked even more dramatic against a backdrop of softest pink – and a little peekaboo tutu adds a touch of whimsy, doesn't it?

Arriving in Style

The train journey was glorious, and a fantastic start to the week. The views of the countryside from the train were incredible, a world away from Derbyshire, but the colours of nature are universal, and it was calming to witness how quickly the landscape changed from rolling hills and verdant pastures to golden sun-drenched vineyards as we hurtled towards the capital! And of course, I made sure my look was perfectly train-worthy, I wore a pink knitted top with my signature tutu layered underneath – pink can go with anything, darlings!

Now, this is where I must tell you a secret… It was a secret trip for me to meet my family! I flew solo, as they’d been travelling for weeks, and we were meeting up in Rome! They flew into the big bustling airport while I arrived in a leisurely train, like a lady of leisure. The feeling of their welcoming arms was priceless and honestly? I loved that this trip wasn't "just another dance gig", but a true holiday to discover this gorgeous city, just for fun.

Trevi Fountain Fun:

My favourite moment had to be our visit to the Trevi Fountain. A magnificent example of Baroque architecture, with its statues, fountains, and even the water itself, all working in perfect unison, and so well-designed. Let’s be honest, there's something romantic about a good dose of Italian drama - especially when it's about love! The fountain is also a powerful reminder that in this age of online connections, there is still so much beauty to discover when we put down our phones, slow down, and take a real look around. We stayed for hours!

Of course, being the true ballerina I am, I just had to do a twirl, a petite tour and a grand jeté right there by the fountain, didn't I? Now I know what you're thinking: it’s a busy fountain, surely someone would notice? But, that's the beauty of it - in Rome everyone embraces individuality, the people around me were truly living in the moment, taking in the atmosphere and simply being, you could say they were tutti frutti! I definitely felt a strong connection with that spirit (and, I felt completely at home, in a sea of swirling skirts).

Foodie Fun: The Piazza Navona

We enjoyed a lovely afternoon in the bustling Piazza Navona, a perfect square surrounded by vibrant cafes, art stalls, and delicious gelato shops, truly a haven for my senses! We all agreed that, the secret to the perfection of Roman gelato, is the texture and, the creamy texture and intense flavor really hit the spot - perfect for a day spent exploring this fabulous city. For me, of course, the real showstopper was the colours – each cup or cone a little work of art.

Pasta perfection:

You simply can't go to Rome without tasting the incredible pasta dishes. The first dish we had was in a delightful little restaurant close to the Trevi fountain which we found tucked away off one of the winding streets, a true Roman gem, (well worth searching out) we felt so at home there! We tried so many delicious things, we loved a hearty portion of spaghetti al carbonara, and, (my personal favourite) gnocchi alla romana and the aroma of these heavenly plates still has my mouth watering.

Dancing Shoes:

Of course, no visit to Rome is complete without catching a show, and while the operas will definitely be a top priority on my next trip, I found a fantastic ballet performance during this trip, which really ticked my dancing boxes. The Bolshoi dancers in particular, left me mesmerized with every graceful movement! It was almost as though they were performing magic.

Shopping in Style:

Rome is a fashion lover's paradise. Even with a pink tutu, there’s still nothing I adore more than being able to get dressed up in my favorite shades. Every little nook and cranny of this beautiful city had little boutiques brimming with interesting, stylish dresses and accessories. I know you’ve seen it in all my pictures: my favourite shopping spot was Piazza di Spagna - and I must say, shopping is an art form - like ballet – every step counts. It was quite simply the most romantic day I've ever spent on a shopping trip!

More Than just Tutu & Shoes

Of course, I loved being a pink-clad ballerina wherever I went! A reminder, if there is one thing you should know, is it's possible to find joy in every situation – even when you're wearing a tutu on public transport. A simple “ciao” or “grazie” to a stranger will quickly make you feel more connected. Remember darlings, a warm smile goes a long way, just as the most simple gesture can have an extraordinary impact!

And lastly, darlings, a quick fashion note for all my Tutu followers. Don’t be afraid to express yourself. Pink can work wonders with anything you wear – believe in yourself and, in the words of the most celebrated pink-tutu wearer of them all, "Live a life you’ll love!”

See you next week darlings!

Lots of love

Emma x

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2001-08-15 exploring Rome Italy