Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2001-09-19 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Wednesday 19th September 2001 (Post #328)

Ciao bellas! It's Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-wearing, travel-obsessed ballerina, reporting live from the Eternal City, Rome! I know, I know, I should have said "live from Rome, Italy" but that just felt a bit too...straightforward for a girl who dances to the beat of her own pink tutu drum! 😉

Anyway, Rome. The food. The architecture. The history! It's truly a whirlwind of cultural wonder, and I'm utterly enchanted by its magic.

Now, I'm no stranger to travelling, having spun my way across Europe with my ballet shoes, but Rome feels different. It's like stepping into a fairytale, one filled with cobbled streets, gelato-laden terraces, and impossibly beautiful churches that make you feel like you've stumbled upon a secret treasure trove of divine artistry.

I arrived by train, of course. There's something utterly romantic about arriving at a destination by rail. It feels like an adventure, especially in Italy. The rolling hills, the sleepy towns whizzing by... it's just beautiful.

And speaking of beautiful, the first thing that caught my eye in Rome was the sheer abundance of beautiful clothes. The shops here are positively bursting with vibrant fabrics, silk scarves, and accessories that are practically begging to be worn on a cobbled walk or while sipping espresso at a tiny cafe. I swear, I haven't seen such a kaleidoscope of fashion colours since my trip to India last year!

I know I always say this, but seriously, how can anyone not be smitten by Italy's incredible fashion? I've already found some stunning pieces for my wardrobe – imagine, my lovelies, the outfits I'll be strutting around in during my next ballet performance! It's enough to make you twirl!

The Ballet in Rome:

Speaking of performances, it’s a good thing I’m always on the lookout for those hidden gems! While I was getting lost in a shop window filled with handcrafted hats, I stumbled across a tiny little poster tucked under a sign promoting the next football match. Guess what I saw? It was a notice for a performance of La Traviata at the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma! Oh, my heavens, this wasn't just any opera. It was the real deal! And to top it all off, the performance was only a couple of blocks away from where I was staying!

Needless to say, my excitement level reached peak Tutu-ville! (Don't worry, my dear readers, you'll see my full pink tulle-licious ensemble soon! 😉) The theatre itself was magnificent! It had those soaring ceilings, lavish velvet curtains and twinkling chandeliers – the very picture of classic glamour! I’ll have a post on that in next week’s blog, just to let you all know that there's plenty of pink tutu magic coming your way!

Food Glorious Food:

Okay, let's talk food! It's pretty much impossible to talk about Rome without discussing its exquisite culinary delights. Every street corner seems to hold the promise of a delicious meal, whether it's the fresh, fragrant pasta dishes in cozy little trattorias or the creamy, decadent gelato served in cute little cafes with tiny tables and pink umbrellas (naturally). I can’t help it! Pink just suits everything, don’t you agree?

I swear, the first taste of the carbonara was like a tiny burst of sunshine. It was like an orchestra of flavours playing on my tastebuds. Each bite was a celebration of pasta, creamy egg yolk, and the perfectly seasoned, crisp bacon – heaven on a plate!

Then, there was the gelato. You've never tasted anything quite so dreamy! So many delicious flavours, but my favourite is definitely the strawberry gelato with its bright, juicy, almost too-delicious taste – what’s the word… unbelievably good?

Rome is such a vibrant and energetic city. The energy is infectious, especially at night. The streets come alive with laughter, the scent of roasting chestnuts fills the air, and the music of street performers spills out from the shadows. It's like the whole city transforms into a grand theatre under the starlight.

I'm definitely going to miss Rome, It's been a whirlwind adventure of food, fashion, ballet, and memories! But I'm sure I'll be back, especially if I can sneak in another ballet show.

To keep my Rome energy going, I'm going to have to plan out what to do next! What shall I do… hmm.. oh yes! Maybe I could try dancing to some Italian music. I’ll be back next Wednesday to let you know how that works out, my dear friends! Until then, remember to twirl, spread your joy and wear your tutu loud and proud.

Love and Tutu Wishes, Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2001-09-19 exploring Rome Italy